this image contains text
begin rodent colly
nn! xx/xx/96
crisis v0.3 gamma sponsored in
this is for crisis a tg hack by df!rune part by neo negro
A xx/xx/96
nn! diSc xx/xx RELEASE
text goes here. you can move the
decomposition! bottom two lines up if necessary.
nn! nn
this diz soulz at zer0
has blisters
empty space .. not no more. e
mpty space .. not no more. em
pty space .. not no more. emp
ty space .. not no more. empt
y space .. not no more. empty
space .. not no more. empty
space .. not no more. empty s
pace .. not no more. empty sp
halluci-nation ace .. not no more. nuff said
growing every month
empty space .. not no more. e
mpty space .. not no more. em
pty space .. not no more. emp
ty space .. not no more. empt
y space .. not no more. empty
space .. not no more. empty
nn space .. not no more. empty s
pace .. not no more. empty sp
ace .. not no more. nuff said
the big fluffy blade pack!
released april xx, 1996. phear us.
end rodent colly
this beautiful, ugly, horrific piece of wonderfilled shit was made by neo negro
. to request your very own black diz, email me at infinity@elobservador.com. b
lade is better than you.
nn! xx/xx/96
crisis v0.3 gamma sponsored in
this is for crisis a tg hack by df!rune part by neo negro
A xx/xx/96
nn! diSc xx/xx RELEASE
text goes here. you can move the
decomposition! bottom two lines up if necessary.
nn! nn
this diz soulz at zer0
has blisters
empty space .. not no more. e
mpty space .. not no more. em
pty space .. not no more. emp
ty space .. not no more. empt
y space .. not no more. empty
space .. not no more. empty
space .. not no more. empty s
pace .. not no more. empty sp
halluci-nation ace .. not no more. nuff said
growing every month
empty space .. not no more. e
mpty space .. not no more. em
pty space .. not no more. emp
ty space .. not no more. empt
y space .. not no more. empty
space .. not no more. empty
nn space .. not no more. empty s
pace .. not no more. empty sp
ace .. not no more. nuff said
the big fluffy blade pack!
released april xx, 1996. phear us.
end rodent colly
this beautiful, ugly, horrific piece of wonderfilled shit was made by neo negro
. to request your very own black diz, email me at infinity@elobservador.com. b
lade is better than you.
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