this image contains text
blister app
ly form
handle: ...............................
affils: ...............................
-mail: ........................................
real first name: .
boardname if any:
boardnumber: ................
the real stuff:
what job are you applying for?
. writer writes ar
ticles, collects news, interviews, ...
. artist official blister artist
editor collects/writes articles, looks aroun
d for members . ot
her: .................................
how mu
ch articles/art can you contribute a month?
describe why you are app
lying for blister! short!
* do NOTapply as a dist
site, for the moment we are not taking
any sites!
* send this application to cow@
infoboard.be, or upload it with p
rivate attributes on zone-x +32-16-720218.
blister apply form
blister app
ly form
handle: ...............................
affils: ...............................
-mail: ........................................
real first name: .
boardname if any:
boardnumber: ................
the real stuff:
what job are you applying for?
. writer writes ar
ticles, collects news, interviews, ...
. artist official blister artist
editor collects/writes articles, looks aroun
d for members . ot
her: .................................
how mu
ch articles/art can you contribute a month?
describe why you are app
lying for blister! short!
* do NOTapply as a dist
site, for the moment we are not taking
any sites!
* send this application to cow@
infoboard.be, or upload it with p
rivate attributes on zone-x +32-16-720218.
blister apply form
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