this image contains text
,jDPSs. ,l l.
,aNPSiSs. ,J,jDS
,dP ,l . ,sS5PYSs. ,gSPSs.
P,jD, Yb. S,S lSs S D.
.,l l. , s,sSSSl,sS5PSs, .
.lSs. S ,ll lll lSs. ll
l.SP 5 , ,l
Ss. --SsDP l ,sSS
SP impact ---,Jl. ,
productions brings you an SDjsS
: impact production. our entry in
the blender. blender 24. the
story of the japanese robots revolution against
-canada. especially winnipeg. ok, only winnipeg.
japan! canada!
vs. mn mn
::::::::::::::::,dP Yb,::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::,d. l .b,:::::::::::::::::
::::::::::::,dPY PYb,:::::::::::::::
::::::::::YPYjDPYGiPYP ::::::::::::
Ybnd l bndP
Y qyypqyyp P ,dP
,JP YbndP 7b.
7b. YP Yb.
Yb. YP Yb.
Yb. T ,dP
,dP ,jD4i,. ,dP
,dP ,dP.,members contributed,. Yb. lb.
lb. l l Yb.
Yb. ,di aneurysm - story, ascii ib. Yb.
Yb. ,: graphics all of the ascii . Yl
Yl i menace - flags. i ,dP
,dP ll ll ,dP
,dP . , ll
ll 7Ss.,sSP Yb.
Yb. ZZZ55i5ii:ii5i55ZZZ Yb.
Yb. Yb.
Yb. jAPAN vs. cANADA -- tHE cONSpIERICIEZ Yl Yb. ,dP
,dP it all started one sunny day in japan. the ,dP
,dP land of the rising sun had created a gigantic,dP
,dP robot that caused instantanous flooding to a ll
ll zone that was massive. japan had recently came Yb.
Yb. and made 3 thousand robots to cause flooding Yb.
Yb. to any zone that troubled them. ,dP
,dP JP
,JP meanwhile in canada.. . . 7b.
7b. secret agent aneurysm had just recently found Yb.
Yb. out the plot through spy net in the cia. he scremedYb.
Yb.oh my god.. japan will flood up all our asses ,dP
,dP and then they found a man named piyo,.. a jap ,dP
,dP anese guy who was like.. they have already set lb.
lb. out the robots to japan.. you will not.. surviveYb.
Yb. just at that moment piyo pulled out a semi automaYb.
Yb. tic and said ganbait! which meant like.. die Yl
Yl since aneurysm was fluent in over 6 million ,dP
,dP forms of language, he decided to shoot him ,dP
,dP 39 times in the head. ll
ll Yb.
Yb. meanwhile in japan.. Yb.
Yb. moby said the robot, which meant something Yb
Yb. like. its time for revenge. so they decided rathrYb Yb than flooding canada in a spot where they would,dP ,dPdefinatly win, they decided to hit winnipeg, ,dP
,dPwhere they were already facing flood damage ,dP
,dPbut they would attack the assiniboine river r ll
ll rather than the red river, and cause massive Yb.
Yb. flooding to the whole city. it was a challenge, Yb.
Yb. but they hoped they could win. they would call Yb Yb. this operation operation revolution. Y lLnpyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyqaJS SS
canada 3 hoursll
later. . SS
news guy winnipeg man. Sl
has just realized that japa,JS
n has just picked their ll
first target for world SSs.
domination. it has been already Sl
flood soaked for 3 months, but this,JP
is overwhealming. it seems as if..ll
oh no! its japans robots.. Yb.
.,ajDTTiTTDga,. SSs.
lTTTiiiiiTTTl ,JP
TTTiiiiiiiTTT ll
YTTTiiiiiiiTTT YL.
,JTTTiiiiiiTTTSs,. Sb.
lTTTiiiiiiiiTTTSs,. SL.
TTTiiiiiiTTTS SSs.. Sb.
lTTTiiiiTTTl b.
TTTi iTTT watering hose
yay. 3 minute shitty robot
news guy again. ..
the robots had just flooded the city of winnipeg, all over again! it seems all
of winnipegs effort has gone to waste.. its a sad sad day for winnipeg.. but
wait.. whats this.. its... mr. aneurysm pic previously used from blender23
,dl:,dL. io,..,oi io,..,oi
TP aneurysm
Tl lP spi
,adOObn. and
,dO Ob.
l l S S S S ascii artist
i i
l l
,dP Yb.
news guy yet again.
but oh no.. its the rest of the japanese strike team.. the operation revolution
strike team.. it seems that aneurysm has a plan.. what could it be? hes alreadyput one of the best spies in the world to rest.. what could his plan possibly beit seems that hes.. found a.. a.. a.. .. well, what has he found?
.,adOObn,. it seems that hes found an ant from outer
,dPdbYPdbY7b. space to help to get rid of the wretched robots
,dllggllgglb. from japan.
TP .,a@SS@an,.
Tl lP ,JL.
,adOObn. lP,J,JL,YbYl
,dO Ob. l lll,l lP
l l+-b db. YP .dl
gggg ll
i i SSSS
l l Yl lP
,dP Yb. l.,aOOn,.l
i will kill all YP
of yous robots.. ll
yew will not flood Sbao,.
mee! the revolution Sl
will be destroyed!
not the news guy/.
and then the ant ate all of the robots and restored peace to all of winnipeg
and all of canada and all of the world. the revolution was over. canada has
won once again. the flooding ended, and all of the city was not destroyed,
but poisened. the red river had every disease known to man, and some unknown,
and that alone poisened the city. but the city was destroyed.. and over the
city.. they built a japanese robot making plant! heh.
blah blah blah.
,aNPSiSs. ,J,jDS
,dP ,l . ,sS5PYSs. ,gSPSs.
P,jD, Yb. S,S lSs S D.
.,l l. , s,sSSSl,sS5PSs, .
.lSs. S ,ll lll lSs. ll
l.SP 5 , ,l
Ss. --SsDP l ,sSS
SP impact ---,Jl. ,
productions brings you an SDjsS
: impact production. our entry in
the blender. blender 24. the
story of the japanese robots revolution against
-canada. especially winnipeg. ok, only winnipeg.
japan! canada!
vs. mn mn
::::::::::::::::,dP Yb,::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::,d. l .b,:::::::::::::::::
::::::::::::,dPY PYb,:::::::::::::::
::::::::::YPYjDPYGiPYP ::::::::::::
Ybnd l bndP
Y qyypqyyp P ,dP
,JP YbndP 7b.
7b. YP Yb.
Yb. YP Yb.
Yb. T ,dP
,dP ,jD4i,. ,dP
,dP ,dP.,members contributed,. Yb. lb.
lb. l l Yb.
Yb. ,di aneurysm - story, ascii ib. Yb.
Yb. ,: graphics all of the ascii . Yl
Yl i menace - flags. i ,dP
,dP ll ll ,dP
,dP . , ll
ll 7Ss.,sSP Yb.
Yb. ZZZ55i5ii:ii5i55ZZZ Yb.
Yb. Yb.
Yb. jAPAN vs. cANADA -- tHE cONSpIERICIEZ Yl Yb. ,dP
,dP it all started one sunny day in japan. the ,dP
,dP land of the rising sun had created a gigantic,dP
,dP robot that caused instantanous flooding to a ll
ll zone that was massive. japan had recently came Yb.
Yb. and made 3 thousand robots to cause flooding Yb.
Yb. to any zone that troubled them. ,dP
,dP JP
,JP meanwhile in canada.. . . 7b.
7b. secret agent aneurysm had just recently found Yb.
Yb. out the plot through spy net in the cia. he scremedYb.
Yb.oh my god.. japan will flood up all our asses ,dP
,dP and then they found a man named piyo,.. a jap ,dP
,dP anese guy who was like.. they have already set lb.
lb. out the robots to japan.. you will not.. surviveYb.
Yb. just at that moment piyo pulled out a semi automaYb.
Yb. tic and said ganbait! which meant like.. die Yl
Yl since aneurysm was fluent in over 6 million ,dP
,dP forms of language, he decided to shoot him ,dP
,dP 39 times in the head. ll
ll Yb.
Yb. meanwhile in japan.. Yb.
Yb. moby said the robot, which meant something Yb
Yb. like. its time for revenge. so they decided rathrYb Yb than flooding canada in a spot where they would,dP ,dPdefinatly win, they decided to hit winnipeg, ,dP
,dPwhere they were already facing flood damage ,dP
,dPbut they would attack the assiniboine river r ll
ll rather than the red river, and cause massive Yb.
Yb. flooding to the whole city. it was a challenge, Yb.
Yb. but they hoped they could win. they would call Yb Yb. this operation operation revolution. Y lLnpyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyqaJS SS
canada 3 hoursll
later. . SS
news guy winnipeg man. Sl
has just realized that japa,JS
n has just picked their ll
first target for world SSs.
domination. it has been already Sl
flood soaked for 3 months, but this,JP
is overwhealming. it seems as if..ll
oh no! its japans robots.. Yb.
.,ajDTTiTTDga,. SSs.
lTTTiiiiiTTTl ,JP
TTTiiiiiiiTTT ll
YTTTiiiiiiiTTT YL.
,JTTTiiiiiiTTTSs,. Sb.
lTTTiiiiiiiiTTTSs,. SL.
TTTiiiiiiTTTS SSs.. Sb.
lTTTiiiiTTTl b.
TTTi iTTT watering hose
yay. 3 minute shitty robot
news guy again. ..
the robots had just flooded the city of winnipeg, all over again! it seems all
of winnipegs effort has gone to waste.. its a sad sad day for winnipeg.. but
wait.. whats this.. its... mr. aneurysm pic previously used from blender23
,dl:,dL. io,..,oi io,..,oi
TP aneurysm
Tl lP spi
,adOObn. and
,dO Ob.
l l S S S S ascii artist
i i
l l
,dP Yb.
news guy yet again.
but oh no.. its the rest of the japanese strike team.. the operation revolution
strike team.. it seems that aneurysm has a plan.. what could it be? hes alreadyput one of the best spies in the world to rest.. what could his plan possibly beit seems that hes.. found a.. a.. a.. .. well, what has he found?
.,adOObn,. it seems that hes found an ant from outer
,dPdbYPdbY7b. space to help to get rid of the wretched robots
,dllggllgglb. from japan.
TP .,a@SS@an,.
Tl lP ,JL.
,adOObn. lP,J,JL,YbYl
,dO Ob. l lll,l lP
l l+-b db. YP .dl
gggg ll
i i SSSS
l l Yl lP
,dP Yb. l.,aOOn,.l
i will kill all YP
of yous robots.. ll
yew will not flood Sbao,.
mee! the revolution Sl
will be destroyed!
not the news guy/.
and then the ant ate all of the robots and restored peace to all of winnipeg
and all of canada and all of the world. the revolution was over. canada has
won once again. the flooding ended, and all of the city was not destroyed,
but poisened. the red river had every disease known to man, and some unknown,
and that alone poisened the city. but the city was destroyed.. and over the
city.. they built a japanese robot making plant! heh.
blah blah blah.
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