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Editor : Anton The Pimp BLuNT Prez
Greetings BLuNTeD ones! This news file is for informing the BLuNT members and
distribution sites of upcoming news in the BLuNTeD Community. Just recently we
decided that BLuNT deserved a nationwide network. So me and Cthulhu formed the
network of BLuNT, HeMPNeT! any BLuNT Distribution site should pick up HeMPNeT
if netmail is on your system. If not, try to get a front end mailer working on
your BBS. You can get all the information for HeMPNeT from the BLuNT WHQ
Antons Co.3o4.346.2932. If you are not a BLuNT Distro and wish to carry this
network, contact me at the BLuNT WHQ, we should be able to arrange it. We have
worked really hard to get this pack out.. so Id like to give a few shout-outs
UNKNOWN COMiC - Thanks man... those new ansis kick mucho ass
Tempus Thales - Outta the scene.. crispy and clean
Quazar - Youd better put up a board or somethin!
Black Knight - Let me on those nets ya got up there!
RaD MaN - You STiLL dont know who I am!
LiQUiD - Better come back soon you K-Rad ANSi d00d!
The Conquistador - Hey, wanna rename all my ansis for me!?
The Crack Addict - Call my board you James Vaughan you@!
Editor : Anton The Pimp BLuNT Prez
Greetings BLuNTeD ones! This news file is for informing the BLuNT members and
distribution sites of upcoming news in the BLuNTeD Community. Just recently we
decided that BLuNT deserved a nationwide network. So me and Cthulhu formed the
network of BLuNT, HeMPNeT! any BLuNT Distribution site should pick up HeMPNeT
if netmail is on your system. If not, try to get a front end mailer working on
your BBS. You can get all the information for HeMPNeT from the BLuNT WHQ
Antons Co.3o4.346.2932. If you are not a BLuNT Distro and wish to carry this
network, contact me at the BLuNT WHQ, we should be able to arrange it. We have
worked really hard to get this pack out.. so Id like to give a few shout-outs
UNKNOWN COMiC - Thanks man... those new ansis kick mucho ass
Tempus Thales - Outta the scene.. crispy and clean
Quazar - Youd better put up a board or somethin!
Black Knight - Let me on those nets ya got up there!
RaD MaN - You STiLL dont know who I am!
LiQUiD - Better come back soon you K-Rad ANSi d00d!
The Conquistador - Hey, wanna rename all my ansis for me!?
The Crack Addict - Call my board you James Vaughan you@!
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