this image contains text
total length: 75:52
1 civil war
2 14 years
3 yesterdays
4 knockin on heavens door
5 get in the ring
6 shotgun blues
7 breakdown
8 pretty tied up
9 locomotive
10 so fine
11 estranged
12 you could be mine
13 dont cry alt lyrics - still feel weird every time i hear it
14 my world - the worst gnr song ever.
the cover art for both use your illusion albums is a detail of raphaels
painting the school of athens the highligted figure, unlike many of those
in the painting, has not been identified with any particular philospher.
both covers are thr work of estonian american artist mark kostabi. the albums
liner notes hide the message fuck you st louis amongst the thank you notes,
a reference to the bands controversial performance near there at the
hollywood casino ampitheatre in july 1991.
use your illusion 2 is the fourth studio album by guns n roses, the album
was release on september 17, 1991 the same day as its counterpart use your
illusion 1, both of th ealbums were released in conjunction with the use your
illusion tour.
it was the last album to contain izzy stradlin on guitar and steven adler on
drums only civil war
- when i was 11 a friend took me to the cinemas to watch terminator 2.. i hadntseen terminator 1 initially, so you could imagine the confusion when i went homeand rented part 1 and watched it backwards, unknowingly ofcourse :
anyways, i remember hearing you could be mine in the scene where john connor wasfixing his motorbike in his driveway, and i was hooked immediately, the band
itself made a huge impact on me and my music influences.. infact it was
this band that made me want to pick up some drumsticks and drum away, this was
the second album i learned how to play drums on.
total length: 75:52
1 civil war
2 14 years
3 yesterdays
4 knockin on heavens door
5 get in the ring
6 shotgun blues
7 breakdown
8 pretty tied up
9 locomotive
10 so fine
11 estranged
12 you could be mine
13 dont cry alt lyrics - still feel weird every time i hear it
14 my world - the worst gnr song ever.
the cover art for both use your illusion albums is a detail of raphaels
painting the school of athens the highligted figure, unlike many of those
in the painting, has not been identified with any particular philospher.
both covers are thr work of estonian american artist mark kostabi. the albums
liner notes hide the message fuck you st louis amongst the thank you notes,
a reference to the bands controversial performance near there at the
hollywood casino ampitheatre in july 1991.
use your illusion 2 is the fourth studio album by guns n roses, the album
was release on september 17, 1991 the same day as its counterpart use your
illusion 1, both of th ealbums were released in conjunction with the use your
illusion tour.
it was the last album to contain izzy stradlin on guitar and steven adler on
drums only civil war
- when i was 11 a friend took me to the cinemas to watch terminator 2.. i hadntseen terminator 1 initially, so you could imagine the confusion when i went homeand rented part 1 and watched it backwards, unknowingly ofcourse :
anyways, i remember hearing you could be mine in the scene where john connor wasfixing his motorbike in his driveway, and i was hooked immediately, the band
itself made a huge impact on me and my music influences.. infact it was
this band that made me want to pick up some drumsticks and drum away, this was
the second album i learned how to play drums on.
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