this image contains text
...... ..d
.d@**@SS@@SS@ss/ . .Vb. .db.
d 7 .d bs .d
.,sS .dP. . .d
i .dV .d .d
: db.
. . .d P
b ./ .b. .P
s. .* b,. .v
***** **@P i
t c f . DP
Blocktronics 4: Sixteen Colors
June 26th, 2013
I have numbered my contributions to the artpack. I attempted
to put them in to some sort of order where you can take time
viewing them and experience the diversity between styles, also,
pics or fonts.
I recommend you use PabloDraw 2.0.8 to view the artpack.
We are drawing in Windows now and it might seem blasphemous
but with a constant VGA preview window available it is a factor
and is taken into account during production. You should also
view ANSis with both views available at the same time.
For my drawing iParent I used blinking colors, if youre
viewing with the new Pablo 3.1.2 ensure you have ice colors off
so the blinks will work. Its basically not even worth looking
at without them because thats not how it was intended.
Thank you for taking time to read this and to be interested
in the work of others. Like Filth said, you are here, you
are reading this, it means something, this is for you.
I hope you enjoy the artwork and the time we spent
creating pieces in a medium that people considered to be
dead or dying 17 years ago.
LUCIANO - Enzo, thanks for holding things together, bringing us
back. Youve always been motivational and energetic.
Stay cool. I will see you in Brazil.
MISFIT - You are one of those oldschool guys that I didnt
know back in the 90s but I have the utmost respect
for. I have been searching 16C for Misfit ANSis and
digging through Apathy packs for a loooong time!
BW - Florian, I dont know where you came from but its
great to be in a group with you in 2013. Youre doing
some excellent things with ANSi! You make Gladiator yet?
H7 - Greets ANTii ANSi. Keep up the great work!
CHRISTIAN - I didnt know you back in the day but have always
had respect. You are not just the ACiD leader
and coordinator but youre a textmode WARRIOR.
MONGI - Nice to see you back Mongi.
BIZ - Doing some outstanding work again BIZ, Im happy to
see that youre active and kicking ass.
TXT - A true ANSi legend, I feel like well be here together
in 2050 Keith if I dont die from liver disease. Keith,
Im sorry you got sandwiched between LD and myself in
this artpack. ROFL, Youre good in the middle.
RET - Great to see you back in action ret!
SMOKE - Hey guy, nice to see you again.
UNGENANNT - Please, tell me what this name means. Im guessing
a combination of wife and kids names.
TNA - Cant wait to see what youre coming up with Alexandre.
Youre one of my ANSi heroes. I dont have many.
ANTII KOLSI - NS, Youre one of my ANSi heroes, I never really
told you how much I loved your art years ago but
I want you to know how badass you are and keep it
up so I have something to look at. Also, please
sew something for me. Art trade.
ETO - Curtis, thank you for your dedication to this stuff.
I dont know if you realize this or not but without your
work us artists would be suffering in a minimized DOS
BOX and I doubt wed be nearly as active. You have made
a massive impact.
BRIAN CASSIDY - TNA Sauce Editor!, one of the first sceners
I got to know in 1996. How you doin?
AES - Hey Rippa, whens the next Polyester release?
BYM - I am going to take you up on that beer someday. Soon.
My world travels begin in 2014.
SEPH - I feel like youre my brother but I cant really figure
out why. Maybe your father would be more accurate. Your
mom poked me on Facebook the other day and I didnt know
if I should poke her back because the last time I did you
were born.
HAWK - Ive known you for a long ass time, like Curtis, Doug,
Christian, Brian, you contribute in a lot of ways that
arent always glorified but I recognize it, keep it up.
HAL - Youre another one of the legendary oldschool artists
whos work surpasses the trial of time. There are less
than five artists whos work I refer to when looking for
ideas and you are one of them. You may think that ANSi
has no place these days but no form of art really does.
Its all about creative release and personal challenge.
Zii - Joel, when can I expect the next radical smallscale.
N4 - Sodium, a true artist, always creative, non conformist.
Bless us with moar ANSIs!
JASON HYDE - Nice to see you again Card!
CRYO - Nice to see you back in action Cryo. I never had a chance
to talk to you before but I have always enjoyed your work.
KNOC - K1, keep up the good work k1, Im glad to be releasing
along side you in 2013.
SPEAR - How about them Orangemen? Mark, I think weve been in
all of the same groups throughout the years but you
dont have Vii under your belt and thats the most
prestigious group of all.
MAYTAG - Hey man! Welcome back! Looking forward to art!
MATT YEE - TS from Teklordz was an artistic legend to me, like
Michaelangelo, or DaVinci. I never knew you so to
me you may as well have been one of them. It is very
cool to get the chance to know one of my ANSi heroes
but it freaks me out because youre basically a
AVG You are gay but gay is cool nowadays. But you arent cool.
Figure that one out. Hold on, Franka is at the door.
...... ..d
.d@**@SS@@SS@ss/ . .Vb. .db.
d 7 .d bs .d
.,sS .dP. . .d
i .dV .d .d
: db.
. . .d P
b ./ .b. .P
s. .* b,. .v
***** **@P i
t c f . DP
Blocktronics 4: Sixteen Colors
June 26th, 2013
I have numbered my contributions to the artpack. I attempted
to put them in to some sort of order where you can take time
viewing them and experience the diversity between styles, also,
pics or fonts.
I recommend you use PabloDraw 2.0.8 to view the artpack.
We are drawing in Windows now and it might seem blasphemous
but with a constant VGA preview window available it is a factor
and is taken into account during production. You should also
view ANSis with both views available at the same time.
For my drawing iParent I used blinking colors, if youre
viewing with the new Pablo 3.1.2 ensure you have ice colors off
so the blinks will work. Its basically not even worth looking
at without them because thats not how it was intended.
Thank you for taking time to read this and to be interested
in the work of others. Like Filth said, you are here, you
are reading this, it means something, this is for you.
I hope you enjoy the artwork and the time we spent
creating pieces in a medium that people considered to be
dead or dying 17 years ago.
LUCIANO - Enzo, thanks for holding things together, bringing us
back. Youve always been motivational and energetic.
Stay cool. I will see you in Brazil.
MISFIT - You are one of those oldschool guys that I didnt
know back in the 90s but I have the utmost respect
for. I have been searching 16C for Misfit ANSis and
digging through Apathy packs for a loooong time!
BW - Florian, I dont know where you came from but its
great to be in a group with you in 2013. Youre doing
some excellent things with ANSi! You make Gladiator yet?
H7 - Greets ANTii ANSi. Keep up the great work!
CHRISTIAN - I didnt know you back in the day but have always
had respect. You are not just the ACiD leader
and coordinator but youre a textmode WARRIOR.
MONGI - Nice to see you back Mongi.
BIZ - Doing some outstanding work again BIZ, Im happy to
see that youre active and kicking ass.
TXT - A true ANSi legend, I feel like well be here together
in 2050 Keith if I dont die from liver disease. Keith,
Im sorry you got sandwiched between LD and myself in
this artpack. ROFL, Youre good in the middle.
RET - Great to see you back in action ret!
SMOKE - Hey guy, nice to see you again.
UNGENANNT - Please, tell me what this name means. Im guessing
a combination of wife and kids names.
TNA - Cant wait to see what youre coming up with Alexandre.
Youre one of my ANSi heroes. I dont have many.
ANTII KOLSI - NS, Youre one of my ANSi heroes, I never really
told you how much I loved your art years ago but
I want you to know how badass you are and keep it
up so I have something to look at. Also, please
sew something for me. Art trade.
ETO - Curtis, thank you for your dedication to this stuff.
I dont know if you realize this or not but without your
work us artists would be suffering in a minimized DOS
BOX and I doubt wed be nearly as active. You have made
a massive impact.
BRIAN CASSIDY - TNA Sauce Editor!, one of the first sceners
I got to know in 1996. How you doin?
AES - Hey Rippa, whens the next Polyester release?
BYM - I am going to take you up on that beer someday. Soon.
My world travels begin in 2014.
SEPH - I feel like youre my brother but I cant really figure
out why. Maybe your father would be more accurate. Your
mom poked me on Facebook the other day and I didnt know
if I should poke her back because the last time I did you
were born.
HAWK - Ive known you for a long ass time, like Curtis, Doug,
Christian, Brian, you contribute in a lot of ways that
arent always glorified but I recognize it, keep it up.
HAL - Youre another one of the legendary oldschool artists
whos work surpasses the trial of time. There are less
than five artists whos work I refer to when looking for
ideas and you are one of them. You may think that ANSi
has no place these days but no form of art really does.
Its all about creative release and personal challenge.
Zii - Joel, when can I expect the next radical smallscale.
N4 - Sodium, a true artist, always creative, non conformist.
Bless us with moar ANSIs!
JASON HYDE - Nice to see you again Card!
CRYO - Nice to see you back in action Cryo. I never had a chance
to talk to you before but I have always enjoyed your work.
KNOC - K1, keep up the good work k1, Im glad to be releasing
along side you in 2013.
SPEAR - How about them Orangemen? Mark, I think weve been in
all of the same groups throughout the years but you
dont have Vii under your belt and thats the most
prestigious group of all.
MAYTAG - Hey man! Welcome back! Looking forward to art!
MATT YEE - TS from Teklordz was an artistic legend to me, like
Michaelangelo, or DaVinci. I never knew you so to
me you may as well have been one of them. It is very
cool to get the chance to know one of my ANSi heroes
but it freaks me out because youre basically a
AVG You are gay but gay is cool nowadays. But you arent cool.
Figure that one out. Hold on, Franka is at the door.
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