this image contains text
take your pick! no clever name can contain the inte
nsity of
what you are about to witness! our spoken words are
no match
for the visual conversation you are about to have wi
th your
computer. give your brain and your heart a night of
f out on
the town! let them re-embrace themselves as virgin
my name is filth. until recently, i was an ansi art
ist back
when the united states had a president whos biggest
lie was
where he liked to keep his cigars. but this journ
ey starts
at a time before that. at time where, well, i dont
know too
much because kids are dumb, and i was a kid before t
hat. but
during that time something grand started to take pla
ce. the
first link in a chain reaction was reacting to a sim
ple tech-
nology at a simple time. once again man has found a
new way
of taking old, yet significant, accomplishments and
them into the first step into the evolution of our k
ind. he
found a brand new way to communicate. a new way for
our pal
John Everyman to reach out. from smoke signals, to
beeps, to
the screeching sounds of invisible words and ideas g
oing back
and forth. John Everyman had a new wheel: the modem
. in tho...-
... ahahaha, so thats when i said yo, spielber
just use a guitar string to make the water ripple
in the cup! i guess you could say i s
olved his
Jurassic Problem! so back to the blocktronics
trip thing. i thought itd be fun to do a sort o
timeline mash-up of all the acid packs.
now let me tell you about the time that i had to
convince stephen to change the name of his
personal film Schindlers List. originally, he
wanted to call it Schindlers List! but i said
that the ! might make it seem...
... with no refund. and so, RealDolls replaced the
grainy escape of amature porn.
moving along. the following five pieces you are abo
ut to see
came about months ago when i had a temporary loss of
access for about a week and a half. because of my p
assion for
the craft of ansi art, i couldnt give my usual 110
having an onslaught of references to reference when
original works. well, thats an absolute straight u
p lie. i
couldnt get into drawing mode because i wasnt able
to stream
bootlegged movies, and download scores of .mp3s to
listen to.
oddly enough, it sparked a somewhat old feeling i ha
d back in
the day from time to time when i used borrowed int
accounts that would come and go. unable to draw fro
m inspir-
ation stolen from various images, i decided to go an
d down-
load all the ansi induced ACiD packs for a different
kind of
inspiration from stolen wifi onto my .mp3 player.
thats where the idea came from. sitting in front o
f my
computer, rendered useless with no internet, sifting
years of ansi art created from the spark that starte
d it all,
it bombarded me with thoughts and memories from twen
ty years
ago uncanny-ago. when you see a great ansi random
ly, its
great. five minutes later youre doing something el
se, and
forget about it. when you see a seemingly endless l
ine of
great works of ansi, those thought stick with you.
to be perfectly honest, back in the late 90s i was
one of those
bitter ansi artists haphazardly complaining about th
e lack of
ansi coming from the ACiD team. when it came time t
o do away
with the ACiD ansi division, i pissed and moaned eve
n more. im
sure i had a lot of rambling about my thoughts on Ra
D Man and
his decision to focus on other ACiD divisions that w
ere actually
active. i guess in those days i didnt really think
much outside
of the box. i didnt really look at the bigger pic
ture of things
when i would babble on about the vga scene not bei
ng cool.
of course, when i left the ansi scene and shipped of
to college,
i majored in computer animation which revolves aroun
d pretty much
everything ACiD was doing as a reflection of the tim
im assuming Rad Man had a very difficult time cutti
ng the ansi
division out. i also have a feeling that he had man
y conversations
and discussions with other ACiD members about doing
so. the
thoughts and comments people made afterwards about t
his decision
most likely became quite a pain in the ass for Raddo
and the
rest of the ACiD crew who, by their own right, were
still focusing
on keeping art alive. just in a different manner.
when all
they wanted to do was keep going.
its the end of 2013. this blocktronics pack will n
o doubt have
a mix of all kinds of wonders. in true fashion, i
m writing
the bulk of this about twelve hours before release.
a lot of
great things have happened in the ansi sc
ene since i came back
after a fourteen year break. no, no, not me comin
g back and
writing spraling intros and such. but accomplishmen
ts as a whole,
accomplishments from all of us.
and up in the mix with all of this excitement, is th
e man respon-
sible starting it up so long ago - Rad Man aka: Ch
ristian Wirth.
i hope you enjoy me taking credit for the multitude
of work done
by others. if theres one thing that i hope to acco
mplish by
doing this, itd be to make the spark of creative id
eas to sink
in and turn that spark into action. a showcase to e
ither get
oldschoolies back into the swing, or newschoolies a
peek into
where greatness of anonymous friends came together t
o make some-
thing out of nothing and to share it with everyone.
send good vibes to Rad Man for seeing the bigger pic
ture when
a lot of us in those days were more concerned about
irc channels
and complaining.
amd equally good vibes to all the artists within the
se pieces.
my apologies if i made any of their artwork look str
ange from
doing this. and my thanks to these artists, and all
the artists
of these times for making those times significant al
l these
years later.
k-radly yours,
filth aka: joshua hillyard / pittsburgh, pa / nov
ember 2013
artistic freedoms and artistic limitations:
as i stated earlier, this is pretty much a cut a
nd paste job. however,
i didnt just take various square sizes and throw them
together. well,
maybe sometimes. 100 acid packs, roll with me on tha
t what i wanted
to do is take certain images, or PARTS of images that
would stand out
when thrown into the mix. so maybe it would be an ent
ire head, or
maybe just the eye. i wanted to maintain somewhat of
a cohesive flow when
trying to mix a lot of images together. i have also
taken images and
rotated them vertically and/or horizontally.
HOWEVER, aside from continuing black outlines around s
hapes, letters, etc.,
one thing i DID NOT do is alter a single block to fit
anywhere. no colors
were changed, and no outlines were changed to look lik
e something else.
everything you see aside from the above methods of ax
is changes and out-
lines is the exact way the original artist had placed
them. manipulating
pieces here and there would totally defeat the purpose
of what i set out
to do.
well, with the exception of one thing:
1. human error - theres a lot going on with this.
by a lot, i mean
fifty lines may contain five or six different sectio
ns of artwork.
because of this, and the set of sixteen colors, ther
e were times when
id place multiple images together that would have t
he same color.
given the format of this medium, it would get compli
cated trying to
differentiate where one image ended, and the other s
tarted. this
wasnt TOO common, but i did come across it from tim
e to time. in
the event when that would happen, i would erase/add
a few blocks ONLY
to continue an outline, or to define an original sha
specific artwork, artists, art-whatevers or personal
taste didnt have
much pull when it came to deciding on what to use or
what not to use when
selecting the pieces of pieces for these pieces. i c
ould have filled
about half of this project using solely lord jazz art
which wouldnt be
a crime to look at but that defeats the collective p
urpose of what im
trying to do. i could have filled hundreds of lines
with entire somms
ansis again, not a crime to look at but again, defe
ating the purpose.
this was meant to be more of a timeline displaying th
e entire run of the
acid inquisition ansi wise from begining to end. a
reflection of certian
times of those ten years. the range of style, techni
que, new ideas both
good and bad, and a generalized attitude of what was
going on at certain
times throughout the run.
b - gl
l - iron man
o - grimm
c - slum dweller
k - fusion
t - jed
r - lordjazz
o - radman
n - sparr
i - crewl blade
C - darkforce
s - cool t
a - cleaner
c - avg
i - knockturnal
d - smoke
t - mattmathew
r - h7
i - enzo avg
p - fever
! - zerovision
take your pick! no clever name can contain the inte
nsity of
what you are about to witness! our spoken words are
no match
for the visual conversation you are about to have wi
th your
computer. give your brain and your heart a night of
f out on
the town! let them re-embrace themselves as virgin
my name is filth. until recently, i was an ansi art
ist back
when the united states had a president whos biggest
lie was
where he liked to keep his cigars. but this journ
ey starts
at a time before that. at time where, well, i dont
know too
much because kids are dumb, and i was a kid before t
hat. but
during that time something grand started to take pla
ce. the
first link in a chain reaction was reacting to a sim
ple tech-
nology at a simple time. once again man has found a
new way
of taking old, yet significant, accomplishments and
them into the first step into the evolution of our k
ind. he
found a brand new way to communicate. a new way for
our pal
John Everyman to reach out. from smoke signals, to
beeps, to
the screeching sounds of invisible words and ideas g
oing back
and forth. John Everyman had a new wheel: the modem
. in tho...-
... ahahaha, so thats when i said yo, spielber
just use a guitar string to make the water ripple
in the cup! i guess you could say i s
olved his
Jurassic Problem! so back to the blocktronics
trip thing. i thought itd be fun to do a sort o
timeline mash-up of all the acid packs.
now let me tell you about the time that i had to
convince stephen to change the name of his
personal film Schindlers List. originally, he
wanted to call it Schindlers List! but i said
that the ! might make it seem...
... with no refund. and so, RealDolls replaced the
grainy escape of amature porn.
moving along. the following five pieces you are abo
ut to see
came about months ago when i had a temporary loss of
access for about a week and a half. because of my p
assion for
the craft of ansi art, i couldnt give my usual 110
having an onslaught of references to reference when
original works. well, thats an absolute straight u
p lie. i
couldnt get into drawing mode because i wasnt able
to stream
bootlegged movies, and download scores of .mp3s to
listen to.
oddly enough, it sparked a somewhat old feeling i ha
d back in
the day from time to time when i used borrowed int
accounts that would come and go. unable to draw fro
m inspir-
ation stolen from various images, i decided to go an
d down-
load all the ansi induced ACiD packs for a different
kind of
inspiration from stolen wifi onto my .mp3 player.
thats where the idea came from. sitting in front o
f my
computer, rendered useless with no internet, sifting
years of ansi art created from the spark that starte
d it all,
it bombarded me with thoughts and memories from twen
ty years
ago uncanny-ago. when you see a great ansi random
ly, its
great. five minutes later youre doing something el
se, and
forget about it. when you see a seemingly endless l
ine of
great works of ansi, those thought stick with you.
to be perfectly honest, back in the late 90s i was
one of those
bitter ansi artists haphazardly complaining about th
e lack of
ansi coming from the ACiD team. when it came time t
o do away
with the ACiD ansi division, i pissed and moaned eve
n more. im
sure i had a lot of rambling about my thoughts on Ra
D Man and
his decision to focus on other ACiD divisions that w
ere actually
active. i guess in those days i didnt really think
much outside
of the box. i didnt really look at the bigger pic
ture of things
when i would babble on about the vga scene not bei
ng cool.
of course, when i left the ansi scene and shipped of
to college,
i majored in computer animation which revolves aroun
d pretty much
everything ACiD was doing as a reflection of the tim
im assuming Rad Man had a very difficult time cutti
ng the ansi
division out. i also have a feeling that he had man
y conversations
and discussions with other ACiD members about doing
so. the
thoughts and comments people made afterwards about t
his decision
most likely became quite a pain in the ass for Raddo
and the
rest of the ACiD crew who, by their own right, were
still focusing
on keeping art alive. just in a different manner.
when all
they wanted to do was keep going.
its the end of 2013. this blocktronics pack will n
o doubt have
a mix of all kinds of wonders. in true fashion, i
m writing
the bulk of this about twelve hours before release.
a lot of
great things have happened in the ansi sc
ene since i came back
after a fourteen year break. no, no, not me comin
g back and
writing spraling intros and such. but accomplishmen
ts as a whole,
accomplishments from all of us.
and up in the mix with all of this excitement, is th
e man respon-
sible starting it up so long ago - Rad Man aka: Ch
ristian Wirth.
i hope you enjoy me taking credit for the multitude
of work done
by others. if theres one thing that i hope to acco
mplish by
doing this, itd be to make the spark of creative id
eas to sink
in and turn that spark into action. a showcase to e
ither get
oldschoolies back into the swing, or newschoolies a
peek into
where greatness of anonymous friends came together t
o make some-
thing out of nothing and to share it with everyone.
send good vibes to Rad Man for seeing the bigger pic
ture when
a lot of us in those days were more concerned about
irc channels
and complaining.
amd equally good vibes to all the artists within the
se pieces.
my apologies if i made any of their artwork look str
ange from
doing this. and my thanks to these artists, and all
the artists
of these times for making those times significant al
l these
years later.
k-radly yours,
filth aka: joshua hillyard / pittsburgh, pa / nov
ember 2013
artistic freedoms and artistic limitations:
as i stated earlier, this is pretty much a cut a
nd paste job. however,
i didnt just take various square sizes and throw them
together. well,
maybe sometimes. 100 acid packs, roll with me on tha
t what i wanted
to do is take certain images, or PARTS of images that
would stand out
when thrown into the mix. so maybe it would be an ent
ire head, or
maybe just the eye. i wanted to maintain somewhat of
a cohesive flow when
trying to mix a lot of images together. i have also
taken images and
rotated them vertically and/or horizontally.
HOWEVER, aside from continuing black outlines around s
hapes, letters, etc.,
one thing i DID NOT do is alter a single block to fit
anywhere. no colors
were changed, and no outlines were changed to look lik
e something else.
everything you see aside from the above methods of ax
is changes and out-
lines is the exact way the original artist had placed
them. manipulating
pieces here and there would totally defeat the purpose
of what i set out
to do.
well, with the exception of one thing:
1. human error - theres a lot going on with this.
by a lot, i mean
fifty lines may contain five or six different sectio
ns of artwork.
because of this, and the set of sixteen colors, ther
e were times when
id place multiple images together that would have t
he same color.
given the format of this medium, it would get compli
cated trying to
differentiate where one image ended, and the other s
tarted. this
wasnt TOO common, but i did come across it from tim
e to time. in
the event when that would happen, i would erase/add
a few blocks ONLY
to continue an outline, or to define an original sha
specific artwork, artists, art-whatevers or personal
taste didnt have
much pull when it came to deciding on what to use or
what not to use when
selecting the pieces of pieces for these pieces. i c
ould have filled
about half of this project using solely lord jazz art
which wouldnt be
a crime to look at but that defeats the collective p
urpose of what im
trying to do. i could have filled hundreds of lines
with entire somms
ansis again, not a crime to look at but again, defe
ating the purpose.
this was meant to be more of a timeline displaying th
e entire run of the
acid inquisition ansi wise from begining to end. a
reflection of certian
times of those ten years. the range of style, techni
que, new ideas both
good and bad, and a generalized attitude of what was
going on at certain
times throughout the run.
b - gl
l - iron man
o - grimm
c - slum dweller
k - fusion
t - jed
r - lordjazz
o - radman
n - sparr
i - crewl blade
C - darkforce
s - cool t
a - cleaner
c - avg
i - knockturnal
d - smoke
t - mattmathew
r - h7
i - enzo avg
p - fever
! - zerovision
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