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f i l
b l o c k t r o n i c s
Dark Illustrated
Digital Artists of a Rare Kind
est. 1994
The 4th Disciple, Acidic Soap, Agent 77, Alairin Faehan, Alex Hertzog
Alla Xul, The Anarchist, Argon, Armageddon Donut, Arzach, Atom, Atomic-
Corruptor, Bare Bonez, Big Boy, Bizzarro, Black Dust, Black Ire, Black Widow
Bloodshed, Burnout, Carnifex, Catch22, Champion, Cheevy, The Chef, Chemical-
Warfare, Chris Lee, Corinthian, Clark, Cosmic Catalyst, Cybershock, Cyber-
Wolf, Cyber X, Critical Illusion, Daddy Mac, The Dark Agressor, Dark Lord
The Dark Side, Darkmoon, David Tyn, Deaccession, Death Angel, Death Karnage
Death Star, Deeply Disturbed, deftDelia, Desalvo Extender, Digital Riddle
Dilithium, Dirge, Discofunk 1974, Dr. Seuss, Dracula, Done Fly, Drs, Earth-
quake, Egoteq, Eiht Ball, Einstein, Elastic, Eliminster, The Enigma, Enraged-
Avenger, Entropy, Epitaph, Epidemic, Epoxy, Essential Obscenity, Eternal-
Vigilance, Evil Current, Evil Genius, Evil Misfit, Facade, Extricate, Fire-
stone, Fluor, Free Fall, Frixion, Garroter, Gchild, Genocide, The Godfearing-
Athiest, Golgotha, Grail, Grave Robber, The Green Hornet, Grindstone
Hannibal the Cannibal, Hektic, Hells Fury, The Hemp Hoodlum, Hennifer
Hitek, Holister, Holocaust, Hudson Hawk, The Immortal, Incievable Technology
Inertia, Infoe, Internal, Invincible Dawn, Jeepee, Jekyll, Josh Miller
Killchild, Kitiara, Kleenex, The Klown, Kyliveym, Lacunus, Laserlore
Liquid Malt, Liquid Motion, Lord Reaper, Luminous, The Mad Hacker, Magnetic-
Rage, Maelstrom, Mage, Marko, Massive, Master of Darkness, Maxx, Megaman
Metal Skin, Mimes, Mist of Death, Moby, Moleql, Moomin13, Morbid Fixation
Mordenkainen, Morphine, Morkai, Mr Maytag, Myth, Narcosis, Nav Dhillon
Neon Horse, Neuropsychosis, The Night Angel, Night Blade, Night Hawk, Night-
Night Stalker, Nihilist, nOah, Nootropic, Offspring, Oxygene, Pariah
Phaeton, Phantax, Phantom Lord, Polarity, Pooky, Predator, Preying Menace
Primus, Prison Breaker, The Prodigy, Psycho Smasher, Purple Dye, Putrid
Carcass, Pyrochemist, Pyrxis, Raffaello, Rainmaker, Raize, Ravage Bias, Red
Red Dwarf, RedRum, Replay, The Retarded Warrior, Rif-Raf, RipTide, Rituial-
Slaying, Rubidium Bromide, Runamok, Rusted, Samurai, Scimitar Wraith, Scru-
pulous, Seraphim, Shadow Hawk, Shadow Hunter, Shamanize, Sheng Long, Shrike
Shock Wave, Shrapnel, The Silent Killer, Silica Avatar, Silicon Graphics
Silver Sable, Silver Spy, Skypager!, Spaceman Spiff, Spawn, Spear, Spirit of-
Illusion, Stardust, STiLE, Stone, Stone The Crow, Sudden Impact, Sun Lord
Tank Girl, Tarot, Techbit, Technifix, Telsa, TGFA, Thermal Image, Trash
Trauma, Tribal Fish, Tribal Siege, Tribe, Twilight Serenity, Undead Corpse
Undertaker, UNkNOWN ARtISt, Unsane Velocity, Vector Helix, Veediot, Velkro
Village Idiot, Viral Overlord, Vital Substance, Vulcan, Warpus, WatOr
WayneKerr, Winter, Wolf, X-Ray, Xryrus, Xypher Matryx, Yggdrasil, Zarkon.
this goes out to the OG of ascii: blackjack
f i l
b l o c k t r o n i c s
Dark Illustrated
Digital Artists of a Rare Kind
est. 1994
The 4th Disciple, Acidic Soap, Agent 77, Alairin Faehan, Alex Hertzog
Alla Xul, The Anarchist, Argon, Armageddon Donut, Arzach, Atom, Atomic-
Corruptor, Bare Bonez, Big Boy, Bizzarro, Black Dust, Black Ire, Black Widow
Bloodshed, Burnout, Carnifex, Catch22, Champion, Cheevy, The Chef, Chemical-
Warfare, Chris Lee, Corinthian, Clark, Cosmic Catalyst, Cybershock, Cyber-
Wolf, Cyber X, Critical Illusion, Daddy Mac, The Dark Agressor, Dark Lord
The Dark Side, Darkmoon, David Tyn, Deaccession, Death Angel, Death Karnage
Death Star, Deeply Disturbed, deftDelia, Desalvo Extender, Digital Riddle
Dilithium, Dirge, Discofunk 1974, Dr. Seuss, Dracula, Done Fly, Drs, Earth-
quake, Egoteq, Eiht Ball, Einstein, Elastic, Eliminster, The Enigma, Enraged-
Avenger, Entropy, Epitaph, Epidemic, Epoxy, Essential Obscenity, Eternal-
Vigilance, Evil Current, Evil Genius, Evil Misfit, Facade, Extricate, Fire-
stone, Fluor, Free Fall, Frixion, Garroter, Gchild, Genocide, The Godfearing-
Athiest, Golgotha, Grail, Grave Robber, The Green Hornet, Grindstone
Hannibal the Cannibal, Hektic, Hells Fury, The Hemp Hoodlum, Hennifer
Hitek, Holister, Holocaust, Hudson Hawk, The Immortal, Incievable Technology
Inertia, Infoe, Internal, Invincible Dawn, Jeepee, Jekyll, Josh Miller
Killchild, Kitiara, Kleenex, The Klown, Kyliveym, Lacunus, Laserlore
Liquid Malt, Liquid Motion, Lord Reaper, Luminous, The Mad Hacker, Magnetic-
Rage, Maelstrom, Mage, Marko, Massive, Master of Darkness, Maxx, Megaman
Metal Skin, Mimes, Mist of Death, Moby, Moleql, Moomin13, Morbid Fixation
Mordenkainen, Morphine, Morkai, Mr Maytag, Myth, Narcosis, Nav Dhillon
Neon Horse, Neuropsychosis, The Night Angel, Night Blade, Night Hawk, Night-
Night Stalker, Nihilist, nOah, Nootropic, Offspring, Oxygene, Pariah
Phaeton, Phantax, Phantom Lord, Polarity, Pooky, Predator, Preying Menace
Primus, Prison Breaker, The Prodigy, Psycho Smasher, Purple Dye, Putrid
Carcass, Pyrochemist, Pyrxis, Raffaello, Rainmaker, Raize, Ravage Bias, Red
Red Dwarf, RedRum, Replay, The Retarded Warrior, Rif-Raf, RipTide, Rituial-
Slaying, Rubidium Bromide, Runamok, Rusted, Samurai, Scimitar Wraith, Scru-
pulous, Seraphim, Shadow Hawk, Shadow Hunter, Shamanize, Sheng Long, Shrike
Shock Wave, Shrapnel, The Silent Killer, Silica Avatar, Silicon Graphics
Silver Sable, Silver Spy, Skypager!, Spaceman Spiff, Spawn, Spear, Spirit of-
Illusion, Stardust, STiLE, Stone, Stone The Crow, Sudden Impact, Sun Lord
Tank Girl, Tarot, Techbit, Technifix, Telsa, TGFA, Thermal Image, Trash
Trauma, Tribal Fish, Tribal Siege, Tribe, Twilight Serenity, Undead Corpse
Undertaker, UNkNOWN ARtISt, Unsane Velocity, Vector Helix, Veediot, Velkro
Village Idiot, Viral Overlord, Vital Substance, Vulcan, Warpus, WatOr
WayneKerr, Winter, Wolf, X-Ray, Xryrus, Xypher Matryx, Yggdrasil, Zarkon.
this goes out to the OG of ascii: blackjack
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