this image contains text
-------------------------zuell II of Blocktronics presents--------------------
Hello! My name ZIIis Zeus II. Have you ever considered a nice ArseFace ANSi for your BBS? Many great SysOps have, but this is the first one ever made. If you would like to have it, you can put menu text here and it will be so so sexy. Say hi to me on Facebook if you want to use it. Hugz! /ZII
-----8---A set featuring Arseface, America, What Is That and Viking------------
-8---If You Are A Nice Person Maybe You Can Use Any Of These But Ask First-----
---8----------Especially If You Can Tell What The Above Thing Depicts----------
The end!
Fun Fact: Zuell II is what Filth called me in my first scene
appearance in the CiA 40 pack. I was Zuel II in the memberlist.
Hello! My name ZIIis Zeus II. Have you ever considered a nice ArseFace ANSi for your BBS? Many great SysOps have, but this is the first one ever made. If you would like to have it, you can put menu text here and it will be so so sexy. Say hi to me on Facebook if you want to use it. Hugz! /ZII
-----8---A set featuring Arseface, America, What Is That and Viking------------
-8---If You Are A Nice Person Maybe You Can Use Any Of These But Ask First-----
---8----------Especially If You Can Tell What The Above Thing Depicts----------
The end!
Fun Fact: Zuell II is what Filth called me in my first scene
appearance in the CiA 40 pack. I was Zuel II in the memberlist.
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