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Users Guide to FANGS
Since not everyone has writen any code and couldnt give a rats ass
as to what a word is in computer architecture as long as they can escape
from reality with the latest warez or leach and get some work done at the same
tyme, or whatever I wrote this. This is a quick explaination of why I
deviated from SAUCE and why ANSi fans should manage their stuff with FANGS.
The one thing that really annoyed me about SAUCE is that it scans to the
end of every file in a directory to look for SAUCE descriptions. Especialy
since I have directories with 100s of ANSis, and sometimes Ive had to
travel through directories with a lot of files. ACiDViEW ends up wasting a
ton of time chipping away at the hard drive on fools errands. There had to
be a better way, so I invented FANGS and added some other stuff while I was
at it.
FANGS most atractive feature is its ability to tag files as having a
FANGS extension in the directory to elimiate just about all wastefull drive
grinding. FANGS other major atribute is its flexable and efficent
comment system. It allows lines of up to 8O charactors long and has an
efficent system for adding color codes. FANGS comments are more colorful,
and SAUCE records converted to FANGS will have less bytes taken up by the
comment area. There are several other minor differaces, including better use
of the 128K record and support for extended background colors aka iCE COLOR,
however the difference is clear. I hope that delevelopers will chose the
better format. PRiNCE of THiEVES and myself will do our best to provde you
with conversion management utilities.
C-ya Laid Her,
Since not everyone has writen any code and couldnt give a rats ass
as to what a word is in computer architecture as long as they can escape
from reality with the latest warez or leach and get some work done at the same
tyme, or whatever I wrote this. This is a quick explaination of why I
deviated from SAUCE and why ANSi fans should manage their stuff with FANGS.
The one thing that really annoyed me about SAUCE is that it scans to the
end of every file in a directory to look for SAUCE descriptions. Especialy
since I have directories with 100s of ANSis, and sometimes Ive had to
travel through directories with a lot of files. ACiDViEW ends up wasting a
ton of time chipping away at the hard drive on fools errands. There had to
be a better way, so I invented FANGS and added some other stuff while I was
at it.
FANGS most atractive feature is its ability to tag files as having a
FANGS extension in the directory to elimiate just about all wastefull drive
grinding. FANGS other major atribute is its flexable and efficent
comment system. It allows lines of up to 8O charactors long and has an
efficent system for adding color codes. FANGS comments are more colorful,
and SAUCE records converted to FANGS will have less bytes taken up by the
comment area. There are several other minor differaces, including better use
of the 128K record and support for extended background colors aka iCE COLOR,
however the difference is clear. I hope that delevelopers will chose the
better format. PRiNCE of THiEVES and myself will do our best to provde you
with conversion management utilities.
C-ya Laid Her,
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