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un well, being that this is blurs first release, i suppose everyones
going to want to know why this group was formed and what we plan on
accomplishing. first of all, blur was created from a spur of the
moment idea. one day, after doing some ansis, i just decided that
i should get a couple of other guys and form what we now know as
blur of course the name went through its phases.... blur was
not created to try to compare to the great acid, ice, or odium
i had to stick that in there, but to give all us doods something
to do...and hey, its a good way to practice! hopefully, other
people will see this group as a great way to show off THEIR
talents...hint:apply now... as for the months to come, only
time will tell...
deux since ive only been around for not even a year, i am introducing
myself, mr.sandman, as the blur founder. ive been bbsing for a
while, then i took a 3 year break, then i came back about a year
ago. i remained inconspicuous to the art scene until just last
summer where i released a few obv mods for a group called fear.
after this i took a couple of months vacation from the computer.
i just recently came back and joined odium as a literature
memberhopefully lord jazz will see my debut in ansi pics.... and
now, here i am. the next member helping to get this pack out is
cerebus. he currently does ascii for odium, and i think hes one
of the better artists. hes also working on other mediums, good
luck with your rips and shit! he has also released an obv menu
set this month that i think kicks some ass! his new founded
talents will serve the group well. another member added is
prestige, a very cool ansi fontist. I believe he is also working
on doing asciis. he does have talent and is working on doing some
pics for this first pack. hes also the art coordinator of
fearor did you quit?. his contributions are also a good
addition to blur. and another member joins us with his talents
in many areas. exulted brings his ansi, asciivery cool, rips,
mods, and lits to help out the group. just another great addition.
also joining the group is a new comer, cynical. although he is
fairly new to the scene, he has some potential with his ascii.
just take a look at his work in this pack, its not bad for a new
bee. finally, last but not least, alias pending. although he is
also new to the scene, he is a very talented coder. he currently
codes in basic, visual basic, C and C++. alias pending is
significant for his experience and determination. he helped
cerebus and i with the coding of the blur application generator,
which i must say, was done pretty quick and looks pretty good. his
experience with coding will help blur in a great way.
trois the next thing i need to point out is that we have been keeping
this group underground for a few months, that is the reason for the
shortage of members for our premier pack. we all decided that wed
go ahead and release one pack before asking others to join blur.
after all, i think its only logical to show others what blur is
capable of, that way otherslike yourself will know what were all
about ahead of time.
quatre if you decide that you want to become part of the blur team,
please feel free to run the blur application generator
blur-app.exe which is included in this pack. the application is
pretty straight forward, just follow the directions and such and
you should have no problems. now that this first pack is out, we
are definately looking for new members specializing in any or all
mediums. we currently have NO couriers and NO musicians, and no
one who knows anything about telecom. so if youd like to apply
for either of the above and/or as a modder, then run the app and
apply as other. artists and coders apply as applicable. once
youve completed the application, a file will be created.
depending on what youre applying for, the name of the files
created are BLURART.TXT, BLURCODE.TXT, and BLUROTHR.TXT. then all
you need to do is include in a zipped file, the above text files
and atleast 3 different samples of your work for each position
applying for of course couriers and telecom need not do this.
the zipped file should be named xx-BLUR.ZIP, with xx being your
2 letter abreviation. for example, my abreviation is ms, so
the zipped file that ill want to create will be named MS-BLUR.ZIP.
upload your zipped file to stone chapel at +1-408-453-3114 or if
you can find me anywhere else. you will receive a reply in a week
or two.
cinq well this looks like the end now...id just like to thank all the
current members of blur for doing a great job. this pack came out
better than as anticipated...especially since this is blurs first
collection. hope everyone is as pleased with it as i am...latez.
-blur founder, odium member
un well, being that this is blurs first release, i suppose everyones
going to want to know why this group was formed and what we plan on
accomplishing. first of all, blur was created from a spur of the
moment idea. one day, after doing some ansis, i just decided that
i should get a couple of other guys and form what we now know as
blur of course the name went through its phases.... blur was
not created to try to compare to the great acid, ice, or odium
i had to stick that in there, but to give all us doods something
to do...and hey, its a good way to practice! hopefully, other
people will see this group as a great way to show off THEIR
talents...hint:apply now... as for the months to come, only
time will tell...
deux since ive only been around for not even a year, i am introducing
myself, mr.sandman, as the blur founder. ive been bbsing for a
while, then i took a 3 year break, then i came back about a year
ago. i remained inconspicuous to the art scene until just last
summer where i released a few obv mods for a group called fear.
after this i took a couple of months vacation from the computer.
i just recently came back and joined odium as a literature
memberhopefully lord jazz will see my debut in ansi pics.... and
now, here i am. the next member helping to get this pack out is
cerebus. he currently does ascii for odium, and i think hes one
of the better artists. hes also working on other mediums, good
luck with your rips and shit! he has also released an obv menu
set this month that i think kicks some ass! his new founded
talents will serve the group well. another member added is
prestige, a very cool ansi fontist. I believe he is also working
on doing asciis. he does have talent and is working on doing some
pics for this first pack. hes also the art coordinator of
fearor did you quit?. his contributions are also a good
addition to blur. and another member joins us with his talents
in many areas. exulted brings his ansi, asciivery cool, rips,
mods, and lits to help out the group. just another great addition.
also joining the group is a new comer, cynical. although he is
fairly new to the scene, he has some potential with his ascii.
just take a look at his work in this pack, its not bad for a new
bee. finally, last but not least, alias pending. although he is
also new to the scene, he is a very talented coder. he currently
codes in basic, visual basic, C and C++. alias pending is
significant for his experience and determination. he helped
cerebus and i with the coding of the blur application generator,
which i must say, was done pretty quick and looks pretty good. his
experience with coding will help blur in a great way.
trois the next thing i need to point out is that we have been keeping
this group underground for a few months, that is the reason for the
shortage of members for our premier pack. we all decided that wed
go ahead and release one pack before asking others to join blur.
after all, i think its only logical to show others what blur is
capable of, that way otherslike yourself will know what were all
about ahead of time.
quatre if you decide that you want to become part of the blur team,
please feel free to run the blur application generator
blur-app.exe which is included in this pack. the application is
pretty straight forward, just follow the directions and such and
you should have no problems. now that this first pack is out, we
are definately looking for new members specializing in any or all
mediums. we currently have NO couriers and NO musicians, and no
one who knows anything about telecom. so if youd like to apply
for either of the above and/or as a modder, then run the app and
apply as other. artists and coders apply as applicable. once
youve completed the application, a file will be created.
depending on what youre applying for, the name of the files
created are BLURART.TXT, BLURCODE.TXT, and BLUROTHR.TXT. then all
you need to do is include in a zipped file, the above text files
and atleast 3 different samples of your work for each position
applying for of course couriers and telecom need not do this.
the zipped file should be named xx-BLUR.ZIP, with xx being your
2 letter abreviation. for example, my abreviation is ms, so
the zipped file that ill want to create will be named MS-BLUR.ZIP.
upload your zipped file to stone chapel at +1-408-453-3114 or if
you can find me anywhere else. you will receive a reply in a week
or two.
cinq well this looks like the end now...id just like to thank all the
current members of blur for doing a great job. this pack came out
better than as anticipated...especially since this is blurs first
collection. hope everyone is as pleased with it as i am...latez.
-blur founder, odium member
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