this image contains text
Hello and welcome to Black Maidens 7th guest, er, Acquisition! The thing thatstrikes you first, I assume, is that there is no more Insomnia. Well, youreright: Black Maiden is back! And at its best, let me assure. With this seventhpack we celebrate the beginning of a new year, and we guarantee something:Black Maiden will never ever going to be let down again! We began about 9 yearsago, worked hard, and established us in the scene over a year ago, with therelease of our first art-pack which is still floating around.
We will continue to release our packs bi-monthly, as we did last year. Normally there will be two packs available - one containing the whole art, and one which just carries the ansis and asciis. As such, ansi-purists and LD callers : have no excuse for not getting the pack. Well, again, it has been great fun working on this pack, and I hope that you will enjoy it. The members, the senior ones as well as the newcomers, have gone to great pain to produce what you see now. The release has been slightly delayed because of some lack of time, at least as far as I am concerned. Please tr8note that our packs wont ever lose quality because of lack of time. Instead, they will be delayed :. Trate wonders why the heck Last but not least, thanks to Trate fbk for his cute logo I put this inalso included in the pack. I decided to inlcude him as guest star hope you dont mind :.
And now for something completely different...
So Black Maiden is solo again? Yup. The reasons for this are multiple. As youknow we did a fusion with Phat and released a pack under the Insomnia-label, aswe wouldnt come to an arrangement on which of the two group-names to keep.Already the fact of losing the name Black Maiden forever left me with an uncannyfeeling in my stomach. I finally agreed, in order to form a big group that couldcompete in the international scene.
Upon compiling the pack, we were in quite a fuss. Organization lacked totally.Finally, I managed to gather all the stuff but not before spending many hourson it. Well, to be honest, I was a little bit disappointed of some works, andfurthermore the feeling inside my stomach grew and grew steadily. Eventually Icould not bear it anymore, I would not be at ease letting BM die. I reflectedagain on the subject and came to the conclusion that I could not stay inInsomnia. Though it would have become a great group, the ideal, which BlackMaiden stands for, would have gotten lost. So I decided to quit, and revive BM.Whole Insomnia was split up again, so look forward to new great packs from BlackMaiden as well as Phat!
There has been a number of changes in the memberlist since the Insomnia pack.
Tricycle has left Black Maiden for Phat, a phat group from Germany :. We wish him good luck!
To compensate the loss, we gained Avenger, an uprising artist, in the ansi and ascii section. He seems to avg be a workaholic, if you look at the amount of work presented by him for this pack. The picture on the left is from one of his bbs menus, and was carelessly ripped out of it by me to put it here :-. Unfortunately this newspaper doesnt support colour Avenger stranded on Earth just in so a bit of the pics spice might get time for the Black Maiden pack lost, but you can behold it in all its beauty in Avengers Menu cluster.
Thats about it for the changes in the memberlist. The old crew is still atits complete, and as always, we are still looking for talented people! Dontfear to apply. Believe me, once you have seen our new application generator,you cannot but fill out the form! :
Ok, let me introduce myself to ya. Im 18 years old, born on 3.2.78.
Ive started scene back in 1991 as Nuke, of course as an artist. That was on the c64. Ive got many contacts, and Ive learned that scene means friendship special greetings to TTS and Luka.
Ive joined several groups, and they released fine things. To see your graphics in a cool demo made me proud, and Ive learned that scene means honor.
Soon I was voted as one of the top 20 graphicians, and Ive learned that scene means fame.
Ive quit scene in 1993. By that Ive learned that scene means tons of work, if you let it come to it.
In 1995 Ive rejoined scene again, on pc. Quickly there was friendship again, quickly honor.
But now, Ive learned that friendship means much more than being active, and that you have no stress at all.
Im glad to call myself a scener, Im proud that I may release my works under the Black Maiden label, an experienced group and a very nice family.
I like to thank all members that theyve picked me up that friendly.
Portrait, Kyp
As usual, we include some written art in our pack. I am against a .LIT sectionbecause if you are engaged in such a thing, you are literally forced to writesomething, in which case the works become conveyer-belt productions. The samegoes for ANSi of course, but if you feel like drawing you can do it, and lookif you have produced something valuable, but writings require much more timeto be elaborated in order to deserve the name Literature. But after all, themain reason why we dont release packs every month, like most groups do, is thatwe simply dont want our creations to look rushed, or to lack quality.
Here is something I wrote on January, the first....
Time was not right. Not at all. Lifting high up in the cloud-saturated sky,hung a mighty devastating force, shining for some, burdening for others.
I was one of those whose fate was dim, who were chosen to carry it all,to be the pillar. I knew it from the very beginning, I believe. Such as theluring light at near death, was it teasing me, perhaps playing with me, andcontinuously driving stakes through my bleeding heart.
Am I to suffer eternally?
Emprisoned in that primitive means of communication called body, I reachedout my arms carefully, not sure whether I would get hold of it.
I touched it. The touch filled me, flooded me. With things that carry thingswhich one does not want it to carry. But they seem a substantial part of it,no matter how hard I try. Deep, deep inside, where blue black magma meltswith burning ice, and birds sing the song of past souls to enlighten the daysto come if chosen right, where lurid light splashes in a cracky thunder andopens gaps to hidden treasures, revealing parts of it all, hiding fire, rubyfire, like ruby lips. There, in the middle of that place is it to be carried.
I carried and carry it.
Venomous roses are parts of it, as are fading treasures, moments of lightoverwhelmed by sudden darkness - lasting darkness that is. I wish I couldsleep. Dream a last time of it. Let my mind sort it all out and then let mysoul come to rest for I cannot bear it any longer.
I bet I will though.
Why? Why has it to be that way? Why is that barrier, that invincible wallthat renders the key to my chains unpalpable? Tell me!
- ssssshhh! -
Some last points. Ill keep this space to put all the things I forgot before.First of all, you ask me why trcs picture is in the pack if he left? Well,Tricycle painted the vga while he was still in BM, and so he wanted it to bereleased under the Black Maiden Label. Very correct on his behalf.
Then, we included the fabulous BloodView in our pack. We did this under fullconsentment on the part of Blood. We would like to further the renown of thisprogram - it contains the fastest softcrolling routines I have ever seen on my386dx40! Well, yes I still use that machine. Why? I cant afford buying a newone. Hey, Im starving for my art! :
That should be most of it now. Oh, maybe one little thing... rumours go aroundthat the group Black Maiden will release an e-mag soon, based upon the art-scene. Hey, that would be us! Now, Im curious myself. Look forward to it! Itwill feature a nicely coded interface by CoKe!
For the hell of it, go and behold our art now!
Black Maiden has gained a new member in its 3D VGA Section. Scavenger joins usand promises some great graphics for the next pack.
A special Thanks to Jey/Blood for his efforts on BloodView, and for workinginto the night to finish the special Black Maiden Edition!
The E-mag thing is quite sure now. We are looking for an adequate name. Pleasemail us any cute suggestions fraenk@ravnet.sub.org. Use this address too forcomments.
Under my sadistic reign, it was not possible for BkC to finish the applicationgenerator 100. He told me itd be full of bugs. Well, it seems alright for me,so again, Im putting it in. Now, if somethings wrong with it, its my fault,BkC didnt want to release it, but Im never listening :.
Hello and welcome to Black Maidens 7th guest, er, Acquisition! The thing thatstrikes you first, I assume, is that there is no more Insomnia. Well, youreright: Black Maiden is back! And at its best, let me assure. With this seventhpack we celebrate the beginning of a new year, and we guarantee something:Black Maiden will never ever going to be let down again! We began about 9 yearsago, worked hard, and established us in the scene over a year ago, with therelease of our first art-pack which is still floating around.
We will continue to release our packs bi-monthly, as we did last year. Normally there will be two packs available - one containing the whole art, and one which just carries the ansis and asciis. As such, ansi-purists and LD callers : have no excuse for not getting the pack. Well, again, it has been great fun working on this pack, and I hope that you will enjoy it. The members, the senior ones as well as the newcomers, have gone to great pain to produce what you see now. The release has been slightly delayed because of some lack of time, at least as far as I am concerned. Please tr8note that our packs wont ever lose quality because of lack of time. Instead, they will be delayed :. Trate wonders why the heck Last but not least, thanks to Trate fbk for his cute logo I put this inalso included in the pack. I decided to inlcude him as guest star hope you dont mind :.
And now for something completely different...
So Black Maiden is solo again? Yup. The reasons for this are multiple. As youknow we did a fusion with Phat and released a pack under the Insomnia-label, aswe wouldnt come to an arrangement on which of the two group-names to keep.Already the fact of losing the name Black Maiden forever left me with an uncannyfeeling in my stomach. I finally agreed, in order to form a big group that couldcompete in the international scene.
Upon compiling the pack, we were in quite a fuss. Organization lacked totally.Finally, I managed to gather all the stuff but not before spending many hourson it. Well, to be honest, I was a little bit disappointed of some works, andfurthermore the feeling inside my stomach grew and grew steadily. Eventually Icould not bear it anymore, I would not be at ease letting BM die. I reflectedagain on the subject and came to the conclusion that I could not stay inInsomnia. Though it would have become a great group, the ideal, which BlackMaiden stands for, would have gotten lost. So I decided to quit, and revive BM.Whole Insomnia was split up again, so look forward to new great packs from BlackMaiden as well as Phat!
There has been a number of changes in the memberlist since the Insomnia pack.
Tricycle has left Black Maiden for Phat, a phat group from Germany :. We wish him good luck!
To compensate the loss, we gained Avenger, an uprising artist, in the ansi and ascii section. He seems to avg be a workaholic, if you look at the amount of work presented by him for this pack. The picture on the left is from one of his bbs menus, and was carelessly ripped out of it by me to put it here :-. Unfortunately this newspaper doesnt support colour Avenger stranded on Earth just in so a bit of the pics spice might get time for the Black Maiden pack lost, but you can behold it in all its beauty in Avengers Menu cluster.
Thats about it for the changes in the memberlist. The old crew is still atits complete, and as always, we are still looking for talented people! Dontfear to apply. Believe me, once you have seen our new application generator,you cannot but fill out the form! :
Ok, let me introduce myself to ya. Im 18 years old, born on 3.2.78.
Ive started scene back in 1991 as Nuke, of course as an artist. That was on the c64. Ive got many contacts, and Ive learned that scene means friendship special greetings to TTS and Luka.
Ive joined several groups, and they released fine things. To see your graphics in a cool demo made me proud, and Ive learned that scene means honor.
Soon I was voted as one of the top 20 graphicians, and Ive learned that scene means fame.
Ive quit scene in 1993. By that Ive learned that scene means tons of work, if you let it come to it.
In 1995 Ive rejoined scene again, on pc. Quickly there was friendship again, quickly honor.
But now, Ive learned that friendship means much more than being active, and that you have no stress at all.
Im glad to call myself a scener, Im proud that I may release my works under the Black Maiden label, an experienced group and a very nice family.
I like to thank all members that theyve picked me up that friendly.
Portrait, Kyp
As usual, we include some written art in our pack. I am against a .LIT sectionbecause if you are engaged in such a thing, you are literally forced to writesomething, in which case the works become conveyer-belt productions. The samegoes for ANSi of course, but if you feel like drawing you can do it, and lookif you have produced something valuable, but writings require much more timeto be elaborated in order to deserve the name Literature. But after all, themain reason why we dont release packs every month, like most groups do, is thatwe simply dont want our creations to look rushed, or to lack quality.
Here is something I wrote on January, the first....
Time was not right. Not at all. Lifting high up in the cloud-saturated sky,hung a mighty devastating force, shining for some, burdening for others.
I was one of those whose fate was dim, who were chosen to carry it all,to be the pillar. I knew it from the very beginning, I believe. Such as theluring light at near death, was it teasing me, perhaps playing with me, andcontinuously driving stakes through my bleeding heart.
Am I to suffer eternally?
Emprisoned in that primitive means of communication called body, I reachedout my arms carefully, not sure whether I would get hold of it.
I touched it. The touch filled me, flooded me. With things that carry thingswhich one does not want it to carry. But they seem a substantial part of it,no matter how hard I try. Deep, deep inside, where blue black magma meltswith burning ice, and birds sing the song of past souls to enlighten the daysto come if chosen right, where lurid light splashes in a cracky thunder andopens gaps to hidden treasures, revealing parts of it all, hiding fire, rubyfire, like ruby lips. There, in the middle of that place is it to be carried.
I carried and carry it.
Venomous roses are parts of it, as are fading treasures, moments of lightoverwhelmed by sudden darkness - lasting darkness that is. I wish I couldsleep. Dream a last time of it. Let my mind sort it all out and then let mysoul come to rest for I cannot bear it any longer.
I bet I will though.
Why? Why has it to be that way? Why is that barrier, that invincible wallthat renders the key to my chains unpalpable? Tell me!
- ssssshhh! -
Some last points. Ill keep this space to put all the things I forgot before.First of all, you ask me why trcs picture is in the pack if he left? Well,Tricycle painted the vga while he was still in BM, and so he wanted it to bereleased under the Black Maiden Label. Very correct on his behalf.
Then, we included the fabulous BloodView in our pack. We did this under fullconsentment on the part of Blood. We would like to further the renown of thisprogram - it contains the fastest softcrolling routines I have ever seen on my386dx40! Well, yes I still use that machine. Why? I cant afford buying a newone. Hey, Im starving for my art! :
That should be most of it now. Oh, maybe one little thing... rumours go aroundthat the group Black Maiden will release an e-mag soon, based upon the art-scene. Hey, that would be us! Now, Im curious myself. Look forward to it! Itwill feature a nicely coded interface by CoKe!
For the hell of it, go and behold our art now!
Black Maiden has gained a new member in its 3D VGA Section. Scavenger joins usand promises some great graphics for the next pack.
A special Thanks to Jey/Blood for his efforts on BloodView, and for workinginto the night to finish the special Black Maiden Edition!
The E-mag thing is quite sure now. We are looking for an adequate name. Pleasemail us any cute suggestions fraenk@ravnet.sub.org. Use this address too forcomments.
Under my sadistic reign, it was not possible for BkC to finish the applicationgenerator 100. He told me itd be full of bugs. Well, it seems alright for me,so again, Im putting it in. Now, if somethings wrong with it, its my fault,BkC didnt want to release it, but Im never listening :.
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