this image contains text
Bamboosh info
presented by
Pyx and Phobic..
Bamboosh March Pack
Welcome to the First Bambooshpack ! This is our first pack, the
first real release from us. This is meant to be
an art pack, you know, some ansis and
asciis, a little bit music and so on.
This is a no ACiD or iCE pack, for gods
sake, were not that big, so dont expect
too much. So this is just our having fun
making art! And I believe that is the
point of it. In other words, were not
here to make money on you or something
like that
Enjoy the pack then, hope youll find as
much fun in it as we had in making it :
Obtw: Clsing words are most importen
In alphabetical order, the members of
Bamboosh only count three persons.
That is not much at all, but we are
expanding very soon, be sure! Members
are, in alphabetical order, as follows:
handle age main task
Intellius 19 code
Phobic 17 ascii, music, sysop
Pyx 18 ansi, sysop
As I said earlier, the member list will expand some through the next
releases, to give the present members some relief so they dont
have to work their asses off.. It functions ok as it is now, but
we want to expand our group to get more releases done. I dont think
well send out an appform yet so that anyone can join the group, we
will invite people needed before we do that. So look out, it could
be you thats invited :
This months pack
Wow... its quite cool to get out your
own artpack after seeing all these
groups releasing stuff each month, and
now Ill tell you something about each
release. Now, if we start with the nfo
file, I can say that its written by
me, Pyx, and Ive also done all the
design, except for the first head under
the logo. Oh, yeah, Phobic helped me
out with that green dude to the left
here : Ok, lets start with my
releases. If we look at the BPC logo,
theres a GREAT deal to be said not..
Well, when I got in touch with BPC, I got to know Master Death pretty
soon, hes one of the seniors in BPC. He requested the logo, so I
drew it, because he was a really nice, cool guy. So thats about it
with that logo. I personally think it was OK, a cool font and so, and
I think he liked it too. So judge for yourself : obtw: logo is signed
WoLf, which is my former alias.
If we move on to the next logo, that
was a request from Gravedigger, to
his board Utopia. He is also a
friend of mine, so that was
also no problem. I think he
liked the logo, and I was
rather happy with the logo
myself, nice shading and nice
colors. Take a look at it yourself.
Lets look at the next pic... The NFT
piccy! Wow! My first king-sized ansi
I also handdraw that little fella first, no
big deal really. My second king-sized ansi was my
first big ansi for Bamboosh. Ive called it Beautiful or
something like that The ansi is not to beautiful as you may see,
as the ansi is far to small to be really detailed and such, but I will
do that some other time. My next-to-last production this month, is
the logo I drew for Jedis board The Labyrinth. Like all the others I
draw logos for, I concider him my friend, so that logo was no problem
designing either. The last, and final release from me is the Digital
Motion logo. It was drawn to Rexazys board. So that is my productions
for this month! Hope you have
enjoyed them as much as I enjoyed
making them :
Oh, do you see the eye to the left
here? I also drew some other eyes,
She Knows, also included here.
And so to Phobics releases..!
According to Phobic, there is
nothing big to say about his
This is my first eye ever! Thanks to releases, but as always he
MisFit iCE/Apathy for helping out! presents a great deal of
work, with some real asciis.
Especially notice the
Bamboosh logo.
Finally, we come to the work from Intellius this month. He drew a
sort of ascii/ansi styled picture, inspired by a picture he drew in
the 9th grade on his typewriter! : The eyes are a bit different,
with some minor changes from the original. The poem at the side of
the picture was written when he listened to Nick Caves
Murder Ballads. I told him the poem was weird and he agrees to
that, because he doesnt want to copy anyones style.
Dist sites
boardname position number sysop
Radical Dreams World HQ +47 55.124.205
Optical Illusion Memberboard +47 55.122.892
Swiss HQ +41
Were currently looking for foreign dist sites, no more dists
in Norway...
Contacting us
You can contact us at any of our boards, and you can get in touch
with us through email. This may seem very funny, but I have
LOST Phobics email, my emailhost went down two days before this
party, and Intellius doesnt have an emailadress i think But!
it will ofcourse be changed until next time.
Closing words
I know, I know, this has been a VERY subjective nfo-file. But that
will totally change in the next pack, where we will have two nfos. This nfo is just made like this to give you a picture of how we do things and shit. Obtw: Ive also included some small shit Ive drawn during this party.
Bye for now then! See you next month, I promise well do better
- pyx / bamboosh at the gathering 1996
Bamboosh info
presented by
Pyx and Phobic..
Bamboosh March Pack
Welcome to the First Bambooshpack ! This is our first pack, the
first real release from us. This is meant to be
an art pack, you know, some ansis and
asciis, a little bit music and so on.
This is a no ACiD or iCE pack, for gods
sake, were not that big, so dont expect
too much. So this is just our having fun
making art! And I believe that is the
point of it. In other words, were not
here to make money on you or something
like that
Enjoy the pack then, hope youll find as
much fun in it as we had in making it :
Obtw: Clsing words are most importen
In alphabetical order, the members of
Bamboosh only count three persons.
That is not much at all, but we are
expanding very soon, be sure! Members
are, in alphabetical order, as follows:
handle age main task
Intellius 19 code
Phobic 17 ascii, music, sysop
Pyx 18 ansi, sysop
As I said earlier, the member list will expand some through the next
releases, to give the present members some relief so they dont
have to work their asses off.. It functions ok as it is now, but
we want to expand our group to get more releases done. I dont think
well send out an appform yet so that anyone can join the group, we
will invite people needed before we do that. So look out, it could
be you thats invited :
This months pack
Wow... its quite cool to get out your
own artpack after seeing all these
groups releasing stuff each month, and
now Ill tell you something about each
release. Now, if we start with the nfo
file, I can say that its written by
me, Pyx, and Ive also done all the
design, except for the first head under
the logo. Oh, yeah, Phobic helped me
out with that green dude to the left
here : Ok, lets start with my
releases. If we look at the BPC logo,
theres a GREAT deal to be said not..
Well, when I got in touch with BPC, I got to know Master Death pretty
soon, hes one of the seniors in BPC. He requested the logo, so I
drew it, because he was a really nice, cool guy. So thats about it
with that logo. I personally think it was OK, a cool font and so, and
I think he liked it too. So judge for yourself : obtw: logo is signed
WoLf, which is my former alias.
If we move on to the next logo, that
was a request from Gravedigger, to
his board Utopia. He is also a
friend of mine, so that was
also no problem. I think he
liked the logo, and I was
rather happy with the logo
myself, nice shading and nice
colors. Take a look at it yourself.
Lets look at the next pic... The NFT
piccy! Wow! My first king-sized ansi
I also handdraw that little fella first, no
big deal really. My second king-sized ansi was my
first big ansi for Bamboosh. Ive called it Beautiful or
something like that The ansi is not to beautiful as you may see,
as the ansi is far to small to be really detailed and such, but I will
do that some other time. My next-to-last production this month, is
the logo I drew for Jedis board The Labyrinth. Like all the others I
draw logos for, I concider him my friend, so that logo was no problem
designing either. The last, and final release from me is the Digital
Motion logo. It was drawn to Rexazys board. So that is my productions
for this month! Hope you have
enjoyed them as much as I enjoyed
making them :
Oh, do you see the eye to the left
here? I also drew some other eyes,
She Knows, also included here.
And so to Phobics releases..!
According to Phobic, there is
nothing big to say about his
This is my first eye ever! Thanks to releases, but as always he
MisFit iCE/Apathy for helping out! presents a great deal of
work, with some real asciis.
Especially notice the
Bamboosh logo.
Finally, we come to the work from Intellius this month. He drew a
sort of ascii/ansi styled picture, inspired by a picture he drew in
the 9th grade on his typewriter! : The eyes are a bit different,
with some minor changes from the original. The poem at the side of
the picture was written when he listened to Nick Caves
Murder Ballads. I told him the poem was weird and he agrees to
that, because he doesnt want to copy anyones style.
Dist sites
boardname position number sysop
Radical Dreams World HQ +47 55.124.205
Optical Illusion Memberboard +47 55.122.892
Swiss HQ +41
Were currently looking for foreign dist sites, no more dists
in Norway...
Contacting us
You can contact us at any of our boards, and you can get in touch
with us through email. This may seem very funny, but I have
LOST Phobics email, my emailhost went down two days before this
party, and Intellius doesnt have an emailadress i think But!
it will ofcourse be changed until next time.
Closing words
I know, I know, this has been a VERY subjective nfo-file. But that
will totally change in the next pack, where we will have two nfos. This nfo is just made like this to give you a picture of how we do things and shit. Obtw: Ive also included some small shit Ive drawn during this party.
Bye for now then! See you next month, I promise well do better
- pyx / bamboosh at the gathering 1996
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