this image contains text
five colors: yellow, black and red and green and purple.
yyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyy h4.
: : : : : : L :
: :: :: : : ,, 7
l : : : .: jL 7
xxlQllxxx F : : F :
mmmlTTT t : QQlyyyyy q
futureworld amusement company would like to thank you for viewing this ascii, and to remind you to please go fuck yourself. have a nice day
yyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyy h4.
: : : : : : L :
: :: :: : : ,, 7
l : : : .: jL 7
xxlQllxxx F : : F :
mmmlTTT t : QQlyyyyy q
futureworld amusement company would like to thank you for viewing this ascii, and to remind you to please go fuck yourself. have a nice day
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