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another remix of an old ass jack phlash ascii. unlike the last few of these i
dont really hate the original. also unlike the last few instead of a real remix this one is more of a straight re-imagining. dedicated to micah! 3
--- original from my tenth cia colly in cia pack 50, 1997.
/ / , / jp
- -- k r a c k e d . c o m -- -
--- second attempt, 2014.
k r a c k e d . c o m
. / ... ---- . .........---// / ....----jp!
--- second attempt, 2014, with color!
k r a c k e d . c o m
. / ... ---- . .........---// / ....----jp!
dont really hate the original. also unlike the last few instead of a real remix this one is more of a straight re-imagining. dedicated to micah! 3
--- original from my tenth cia colly in cia pack 50, 1997.
/ / , / jp
- -- k r a c k e d . c o m -- -
--- second attempt, 2014.
k r a c k e d . c o m
. / ... ---- . .........---// / ....----jp!
--- second attempt, 2014, with color!
k r a c k e d . c o m
. / ... ---- . .........---// / ....----jp!
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