this image contains text
,,,gggg 77 ::77g gg ,,,
* * y
, ,5
yyy y
yyy 77** ******77
7* *7
,,yy44 b r e a k t e n 44yy,,
:-+- I had some serious doubts if wed make it to B 10!!! :
-+- This is something special as some of you have already -
pointed out in various forums, its a rarity that
an ascii group makes it to their 10th release these -
-+- days nevermind how long it took. -+-
- Since this is a special pack, Ive asked a few people -+-
: if theyd like to send over stuff, so special thanks :
k,: to Boheme, Lordnikon, and ACK for visiting! :-,k
*7iy,, ,,yi7*
,,y For this celebratory pack, we have bunch 44y,,
-+- of stuff from old geezers of the ascii scene like
:- jack phlash and k1. The pack was supposed to be -:
-+- released in July, then postponed to August and now -+-
- out on 10/10. Looking at the content, it was totally - :
- worth delaying. Dunno, maybe the time for monthly or - l
bimonthly packs is gone. ,
-+- :-d
- Greets to our friends in impure, galza, style,
:- dEZIGN, mistigris and blocktronics! ,,,
:-+- ,iix,
k,: Yours, H7 . ,l i !
: *7iy,, . yy,, ,
: yy,y,,- , Q ,i
: , 56 c o n t r i b u t o r s . + ,
: ,di, , y, ,,d
47 y5q
,, 47- Some minor changes here! Ive taken the liberty
i, -+- of kicking out Ansichrist though. No contribs, no -
5l - nothing for years. Hasta luego. Oh, Mypal Goo +-
, l -+- joined. Welcome!
i,,-+- founder Knockturnal ........ k1 -
founder Spear .............. 34
k, ops H7 ................. h7 -+-
iy, - - l
-+- Ack * .............. Ack - :
-+- aesthetic .......... 43
- asphyx ............. asx -
k , binary walker ...... bw -
44y,, li, Boheme * ........... bhe - l
,,xi44447 ,y cleaner ............ cl! :
7 ,y7 delicious .......... del l :
ddkk, 7 f0st ............... fs! ,yl
di, 7 haliphax ........... hx - i,
il * guest irokos ............. iks -+-
7 star jack phlash ........ jp!
k, ,. + new konami ............. ko :
l member Lordnikon * ........ ldn
7 l: ,, Mypal Goo + ........ goo ---:
. :. 4k, retribution ........ ret
:l : . skope .............. sk
, : : 7 senser ............. sns
:i : ,::: the creep fever .... tcf :
:l: : : zefyros ............ zfr : :
: - ..: :,k
l -+- .. ,,i7*
l : m e m b e r b o a r d s 44y,,
l telnet:// :
distortion jp! ............... d1st.org
haciend h7 ............. haciend.bbs.fi -: l
- 79 columns hx .......... oddnetwork.org l .
l . , , ,7
iy,, 7,d
l : i r c y,
: - yy i,
- ,y7 break // EFNet i
.yi i
7 . w e b l
7 . :4
:: http://breakascii.org , 4
4 :: apply@breakascii.org .iy,
y :: ,
k, :. ,y 4
, . ,,yi7
,,diy,, , ,,,dd 7 H7
++++ yy ,,,, 7?+++
* * y
, ,5
yyy y
yyy 77** ******77
7* *7
,,yy44 b r e a k t e n 44yy,,
:-+- I had some serious doubts if wed make it to B 10!!! :
-+- This is something special as some of you have already -
pointed out in various forums, its a rarity that
an ascii group makes it to their 10th release these -
-+- days nevermind how long it took. -+-
- Since this is a special pack, Ive asked a few people -+-
: if theyd like to send over stuff, so special thanks :
k,: to Boheme, Lordnikon, and ACK for visiting! :-,k
*7iy,, ,,yi7*
,,y For this celebratory pack, we have bunch 44y,,
-+- of stuff from old geezers of the ascii scene like
:- jack phlash and k1. The pack was supposed to be -:
-+- released in July, then postponed to August and now -+-
- out on 10/10. Looking at the content, it was totally - :
- worth delaying. Dunno, maybe the time for monthly or - l
bimonthly packs is gone. ,
-+- :-d
- Greets to our friends in impure, galza, style,
:- dEZIGN, mistigris and blocktronics! ,,,
:-+- ,iix,
k,: Yours, H7 . ,l i !
: *7iy,, . yy,, ,
: yy,y,,- , Q ,i
: , 56 c o n t r i b u t o r s . + ,
: ,di, , y, ,,d
47 y5q
,, 47- Some minor changes here! Ive taken the liberty
i, -+- of kicking out Ansichrist though. No contribs, no -
5l - nothing for years. Hasta luego. Oh, Mypal Goo +-
, l -+- joined. Welcome!
i,,-+- founder Knockturnal ........ k1 -
founder Spear .............. 34
k, ops H7 ................. h7 -+-
iy, - - l
-+- Ack * .............. Ack - :
-+- aesthetic .......... 43
- asphyx ............. asx -
k , binary walker ...... bw -
44y,, li, Boheme * ........... bhe - l
,,xi44447 ,y cleaner ............ cl! :
7 ,y7 delicious .......... del l :
ddkk, 7 f0st ............... fs! ,yl
di, 7 haliphax ........... hx - i,
il * guest irokos ............. iks -+-
7 star jack phlash ........ jp!
k, ,. + new konami ............. ko :
l member Lordnikon * ........ ldn
7 l: ,, Mypal Goo + ........ goo ---:
. :. 4k, retribution ........ ret
:l : . skope .............. sk
, : : 7 senser ............. sns
:i : ,::: the creep fever .... tcf :
:l: : : zefyros ............ zfr : :
: - ..: :,k
l -+- .. ,,i7*
l : m e m b e r b o a r d s 44y,,
l telnet:// :
distortion jp! ............... d1st.org
haciend h7 ............. haciend.bbs.fi -: l
- 79 columns hx .......... oddnetwork.org l .
l . , , ,7
iy,, 7,d
l : i r c y,
: - yy i,
- ,y7 break // EFNet i
.yi i
7 . w e b l
7 . :4
:: http://breakascii.org , 4
4 :: apply@breakascii.org .iy,
y :: ,
k, :. ,y 4
, . ,,yi7
,,diy,, , ,,,dd 7 H7
++++ yy ,,,, 7?+++
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