this image contains text
:.*jXSXj*. breed / july 1999
7**7/. 4.ztXXtz.7.
lY / YXSXj*.
7**77* ts4k
l7 ./,..,z .l Y
l*jXSXj*. b.,l
:**7/.:i :
:ll: /*,.4kl
lyyyyyy .XSXj*
l .,zt l :
: ,s*jXSXj*. l
:.jXSXj7**7 l
Y , llyyyyyy .*jXSX:
, , .d7*/l
7.*XX l
*Y . :
7*L :l :
4b.: ll - deviant / undr
omg its alive..eeeeeeeehhhhhh
of course i am talking about breed :. strange things happened. i didnt
think people drew that much summertime but obviously i was wrong since
almost everyone submitted for breed03. i also had some visions regarding
breeds future. i always wanted to combine different mediums like art/music
and code to make somthing different, more interactive than just looking at
art, so therefore i started up a tracking division. i also invited some
trackers along to start out with. lets welcome deeno, larrit and pike to
the breed community. another hirez artist came along to, say hellu to
pandemonia. kicked from inactivity was gwydian, meguz and menticide. if
you guys feel like drawing again please notify me via email or via irc.
we got our own irc channel too, breed on efnet. thanks to black jack for
supplying us with a bot. the website http://breed.linuxgods.com is still
under construction, we didnt get our thumbs out of our a*s last month so
hm.. expect it too be up soon :, and oh yeah: mad props to kuma for the
sketch i started out with in und-mystique.jpg and for the help with breed.
thats all for this month. enjoy the pack!
undertaker / breed founder
:.*jXSXj*. breed / july 1999
7**7/. 4.ztXXtz.7.
lY / YXSXj*.
7**77* ts4k
l7 ./,..,z .l Y
l*jXSXj*. b.,l
:**7/.:i :
:ll: /*,.4kl
lyyyyyy .XSXj*
l .,zt l :
: ,s*jXSXj*. l
:.jXSXj7**7 l
Y , llyyyyyy .*jXSX:
, , .d7*/l
7.*XX l
*Y . :
7*L :l :
4b.: ll - deviant / undr
omg its alive..eeeeeeeehhhhhh
of course i am talking about breed :. strange things happened. i didnt
think people drew that much summertime but obviously i was wrong since
almost everyone submitted for breed03. i also had some visions regarding
breeds future. i always wanted to combine different mediums like art/music
and code to make somthing different, more interactive than just looking at
art, so therefore i started up a tracking division. i also invited some
trackers along to start out with. lets welcome deeno, larrit and pike to
the breed community. another hirez artist came along to, say hellu to
pandemonia. kicked from inactivity was gwydian, meguz and menticide. if
you guys feel like drawing again please notify me via email or via irc.
we got our own irc channel too, breed on efnet. thanks to black jack for
supplying us with a bot. the website http://breed.linuxgods.com is still
under construction, we didnt get our thumbs out of our a*s last month so
hm.. expect it too be up soon :, and oh yeah: mad props to kuma for the
sketch i started out with in und-mystique.jpg and for the help with breed.
thats all for this month. enjoy the pack!
undertaker / breed founder
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