this image contains text
: pAZ! : :
Yep. I guess that I should write some info here, eh.. Well, I dont have any
time to make anykind of cool infofile.. If someone is intrested, I just
want to tell that this *MIGHT* be our last ansi pack, which is released under
name of ByteGarden. Who cares?
pS. if you want to contact me, or Joykiller.. Leave us mail in CyberSpace.
cyberspace -- +358-84-767583
pS52. Happy nEW yEAR, kids!
Yep. I guess that I should write some info here, eh.. Well, I dont have any
time to make anykind of cool infofile.. If someone is intrested, I just
want to tell that this *MIGHT* be our last ansi pack, which is released under
name of ByteGarden. Who cares?
pS. if you want to contact me, or Joykiller.. Leave us mail in CyberSpace.
cyberspace -- +358-84-767583
pS52. Happy nEW yEAR, kids!
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