this image contains text
C H A O S A N S i
1 BB-ASY .CHSThe Asylum Bloodbane
2 BB-CHAO2.CHSCHAOS Logo Bloodbane
3 BB-CHAO4.CHSCHAOS Logo Bloodbane
4 BB-COPB .CHSThe Caves of Peanut ButterBloodbane
5 BB-KHT .CHSKHT Logo Bloodbane
6 BB-NIRV .CHSNirvana Lyrics Bloodbane
7 BB-TIA .CHSThe Insane Asylum Bloodbane
8 DJ-CAIN1.CHSCains World Dr. Jekyl
9 DJ-UNDER.CHSThe UnderWorld Dr. Jekyl
10FA-BL1 .CHSThe BadLands Fallen Angel
11FA-CHAO2.CHSCHAOS Logo Fallen Angel
12FA-DEIC1.CHSDEiCiDE Fallen Angel
13FA-LSD2 .CHSLost Souls Domain 2 Fallen Angel
14FA-PDX .CHSPaRiDoX Logo Fallen Angel
15FA-PDX2 .CHSPaRiDoX Logo Fallen Angel
16FA-TDC2 .CHSThe Dark Carnival Fallen Angel
17FA-TIA1 .CHSThe Insane Asylum Fallen Angel
18FA-TOB1 .CHSThe OutBack Fallen Angel
19KN-KRYO .CHSKryogenic Stasis Kryon
20KR-BADL1.CHSThe BadLands King Ram
21KR-DAM1 .CHSDamage, Inc. King Ram
22KR-WHIP1.CHSWhipLash King Ram
23MI-CCI1 .CHSCCi Malicious Insanity
24MI-CHS1 .CHSCHAOS Logo Malicious Insanity
25MI-JUV1A.CHSJuvenocracy Malicious Insanity
26MI-JUV2 .CHSJuvenocracy Malicious Insanity
27MI-NIN1 .CHSnine inch nails Logo Malicious Insanity
28MI-PH1 .CHSPhone Henge Malicious Insanity
29MIPM-TTC.CHSTerrorist Training Camp Malicious Insanity/PiroManiak
30MI-TDR1 .CHSThe Dark Realm Malicious Insanity
31MI-TIA1 .CHSThe Insane Asylum Malicious Insanity
32MI-WEB1 .CHSThe Web Malicious Insanity
33MT-TNK .CHStHiNK Minor Threat
34MT-TSG .CHSThe Sixth Generation Minor Threat
35PM-ADREN.CHSAdrenalin Logo PiroManiak
36PMBB-KHT.CHSKHT PiroManiak/Bloodbane
37PM-CHS1 .CHSCHAOS Logo PiroManiak
38PM-CHS2 .CHSCHAOS Logo PiroManiak
39PM-OUTBK.CHSThe OutBack PiroManiak
40PM-OUTB2.CHSThe OutBack PiroManiak
41PM-PDX .CHSPaRiDoX Ad PiroManiak
42PM-PENT .CHSThe Pentium PiroManiak
44PM-TTC .CHSTerrorist Training Camp PiroManiak
45SC-ANAL1.CHSThe Analog Silent Cry
46SC-CHS1 .CHSCHAOS Logo Silent Cry
47SC-MA1 .CHSMetal Addiction Silent Cry
48SC-TWF1 .CHSThe Wild Faiths Silent Cry
49ZT-DEV .CHSA State of Devolution Z-Trasher
A word from the coordinator...
This is the compilation of the best ansis CHAOS has produced. Some of
these ansis are outdated, but have been included becuase CHAOS has never
released a pack before. CHAOS is a small group presided over by Wire Tap and
Malicious Insanity. A month ago CHAOS was lacking in all divisions, and
basically, aside from a few works here and there, was dead. A few artists
hadnt been heard from in quite a while and others just dropped everything.
This is where I joined. All of a sudden, CHAOS turned around producing 3 VGAs
and around 10 ansis in about 3 weeks. A small amount for some, but this was
tremendous work for such a small group. This has caused CHAOS to release a
collection of art. We also picked up a few new people and dropped the non-
producing ones. CHAOS is now back and we are looking for Artists, Couriers,
and Distribution Sites. Applications will be available at all decent boards.
We appreciate Adrenalin Magazine for recognizing CHAOS.
The following are the ANSi Artists of CHAOS:
Bloodbane Dr. Jekyl Fallen Angel Kryon King Ram Malicious Insanity
Minor Threat PiroManiak
-PiroManiak CHAOS ANSi Coordinator
C H A O S A N S i
1 BB-ASY .CHSThe Asylum Bloodbane
2 BB-CHAO2.CHSCHAOS Logo Bloodbane
3 BB-CHAO4.CHSCHAOS Logo Bloodbane
4 BB-COPB .CHSThe Caves of Peanut ButterBloodbane
5 BB-KHT .CHSKHT Logo Bloodbane
6 BB-NIRV .CHSNirvana Lyrics Bloodbane
7 BB-TIA .CHSThe Insane Asylum Bloodbane
8 DJ-CAIN1.CHSCains World Dr. Jekyl
9 DJ-UNDER.CHSThe UnderWorld Dr. Jekyl
10FA-BL1 .CHSThe BadLands Fallen Angel
11FA-CHAO2.CHSCHAOS Logo Fallen Angel
12FA-DEIC1.CHSDEiCiDE Fallen Angel
13FA-LSD2 .CHSLost Souls Domain 2 Fallen Angel
14FA-PDX .CHSPaRiDoX Logo Fallen Angel
15FA-PDX2 .CHSPaRiDoX Logo Fallen Angel
16FA-TDC2 .CHSThe Dark Carnival Fallen Angel
17FA-TIA1 .CHSThe Insane Asylum Fallen Angel
18FA-TOB1 .CHSThe OutBack Fallen Angel
19KN-KRYO .CHSKryogenic Stasis Kryon
20KR-BADL1.CHSThe BadLands King Ram
21KR-DAM1 .CHSDamage, Inc. King Ram
22KR-WHIP1.CHSWhipLash King Ram
23MI-CCI1 .CHSCCi Malicious Insanity
24MI-CHS1 .CHSCHAOS Logo Malicious Insanity
25MI-JUV1A.CHSJuvenocracy Malicious Insanity
26MI-JUV2 .CHSJuvenocracy Malicious Insanity
27MI-NIN1 .CHSnine inch nails Logo Malicious Insanity
28MI-PH1 .CHSPhone Henge Malicious Insanity
29MIPM-TTC.CHSTerrorist Training Camp Malicious Insanity/PiroManiak
30MI-TDR1 .CHSThe Dark Realm Malicious Insanity
31MI-TIA1 .CHSThe Insane Asylum Malicious Insanity
32MI-WEB1 .CHSThe Web Malicious Insanity
33MT-TNK .CHStHiNK Minor Threat
34MT-TSG .CHSThe Sixth Generation Minor Threat
35PM-ADREN.CHSAdrenalin Logo PiroManiak
36PMBB-KHT.CHSKHT PiroManiak/Bloodbane
37PM-CHS1 .CHSCHAOS Logo PiroManiak
38PM-CHS2 .CHSCHAOS Logo PiroManiak
39PM-OUTBK.CHSThe OutBack PiroManiak
40PM-OUTB2.CHSThe OutBack PiroManiak
41PM-PDX .CHSPaRiDoX Ad PiroManiak
42PM-PENT .CHSThe Pentium PiroManiak
44PM-TTC .CHSTerrorist Training Camp PiroManiak
45SC-ANAL1.CHSThe Analog Silent Cry
46SC-CHS1 .CHSCHAOS Logo Silent Cry
47SC-MA1 .CHSMetal Addiction Silent Cry
48SC-TWF1 .CHSThe Wild Faiths Silent Cry
49ZT-DEV .CHSA State of Devolution Z-Trasher
A word from the coordinator...
This is the compilation of the best ansis CHAOS has produced. Some of
these ansis are outdated, but have been included becuase CHAOS has never
released a pack before. CHAOS is a small group presided over by Wire Tap and
Malicious Insanity. A month ago CHAOS was lacking in all divisions, and
basically, aside from a few works here and there, was dead. A few artists
hadnt been heard from in quite a while and others just dropped everything.
This is where I joined. All of a sudden, CHAOS turned around producing 3 VGAs
and around 10 ansis in about 3 weeks. A small amount for some, but this was
tremendous work for such a small group. This has caused CHAOS to release a
collection of art. We also picked up a few new people and dropped the non-
producing ones. CHAOS is now back and we are looking for Artists, Couriers,
and Distribution Sites. Applications will be available at all decent boards.
We appreciate Adrenalin Magazine for recognizing CHAOS.
The following are the ANSi Artists of CHAOS:
Bloodbane Dr. Jekyl Fallen Angel Kryon King Ram Malicious Insanity
Minor Threat PiroManiak
-PiroManiak CHAOS ANSi Coordinator
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