this image contains text
1 BADLANDS.EXEThe Badlands Wire Tap Wire Tap/Morbid
2 CHAOS93 .EXECHAOS Logo Fallen Angel Wire Tap
3 FA-ID1 .EXEInfinite Darkness Fallen Angel Morbid/Wire Tap
4 FA-TRACE.EXETRACE Fallen Angel Morbid
5 FA-TTC .EXETerrorist Training CampFallen Angel Wire Tap
6 TDR2 .EXEThe Dark Realm Tech iCE Wire Tap
7 TIASIN .EXETiA SiNNeR Wire Tap/Fallen AngelWire Tap
8 WM-KHT .EXEKrypto Hacking Team Wire Tap Wire Tap/Morbid
A word from the coordinator...
Greetings from the CHAOS VGA Department. Everythings going pretty
well here. Were finally starting to produce regularly Yay!.
In this first edition of Total CHAOS, I chose to include those VGAs
that I feel show what were capable of. I omitted some early stuff, that,
compared with our most recent work, looks, frankly, pretty shitty. Morbid and
Wire Tap are constantly coming up with newer, faster, more... asthetically
pleasing ways of doing things.
We actually have three coders, and I feel the matter of Bloodbane, the
coder who isnt there, is worth a little discussion. BB has managed to run up
about a six-hundred dollar debt to his parents, and until he pays them back,
he is totally grounded from even communicating with the outside world. The
only way we know this, is that his parents forgot to take the phone with them
once when they left the house, and he called me. This is bad, because hes a
decent coder, but were doing our best to get him back. Donations will be
Think our artists suck...? Think you can do better...? Well, you
-cant- beat us... so join us! We have a slight lack of artists as you may
have noticed. And that goes for you budding young coders too... we can
always use a fresh perspective.
If youre interested in applying to CHAOS, the two best places to
apply are The Insane Asylum and Kryogenic Stasis. However, Weve got some
fine couriers, so applying on any HQ or site is fine too itll just take a
little longer. If you cant do that either, post about your interest on a
net. FelonyNet and CCi are the two well definitely see it on.
Dont hesitate to apply, the least I can do is tell you what to work
on, and to try again in another month.
Well, it seems Ive run out of things to talk about... Enjoy the
loaders... and keep your eyes peeled for our next edition of Total CHAOS!
-Fallen Angel CHAOS VGA Coordinator
1 BADLANDS.EXEThe Badlands Wire Tap Wire Tap/Morbid
2 CHAOS93 .EXECHAOS Logo Fallen Angel Wire Tap
3 FA-ID1 .EXEInfinite Darkness Fallen Angel Morbid/Wire Tap
4 FA-TRACE.EXETRACE Fallen Angel Morbid
5 FA-TTC .EXETerrorist Training CampFallen Angel Wire Tap
6 TDR2 .EXEThe Dark Realm Tech iCE Wire Tap
7 TIASIN .EXETiA SiNNeR Wire Tap/Fallen AngelWire Tap
8 WM-KHT .EXEKrypto Hacking Team Wire Tap Wire Tap/Morbid
A word from the coordinator...
Greetings from the CHAOS VGA Department. Everythings going pretty
well here. Were finally starting to produce regularly Yay!.
In this first edition of Total CHAOS, I chose to include those VGAs
that I feel show what were capable of. I omitted some early stuff, that,
compared with our most recent work, looks, frankly, pretty shitty. Morbid and
Wire Tap are constantly coming up with newer, faster, more... asthetically
pleasing ways of doing things.
We actually have three coders, and I feel the matter of Bloodbane, the
coder who isnt there, is worth a little discussion. BB has managed to run up
about a six-hundred dollar debt to his parents, and until he pays them back,
he is totally grounded from even communicating with the outside world. The
only way we know this, is that his parents forgot to take the phone with them
once when they left the house, and he called me. This is bad, because hes a
decent coder, but were doing our best to get him back. Donations will be
Think our artists suck...? Think you can do better...? Well, you
-cant- beat us... so join us! We have a slight lack of artists as you may
have noticed. And that goes for you budding young coders too... we can
always use a fresh perspective.
If youre interested in applying to CHAOS, the two best places to
apply are The Insane Asylum and Kryogenic Stasis. However, Weve got some
fine couriers, so applying on any HQ or site is fine too itll just take a
little longer. If you cant do that either, post about your interest on a
net. FelonyNet and CCi are the two well definitely see it on.
Dont hesitate to apply, the least I can do is tell you what to work
on, and to try again in another month.
Well, it seems Ive run out of things to talk about... Enjoy the
loaders... and keep your eyes peeled for our next edition of Total CHAOS!
-Fallen Angel CHAOS VGA Coordinator
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