this image contains text
if you would like an ansi from me, please
contact m
e through CiPnet or call blurred vision
at 414.835.2285.. set prices are not charged for
uests, but if you want to slip a little
in, all proceeds will go to registering m
version of the draw.. HHHAHAHA
greetz: d
ark wing ftj, widow maker vor,
tron cia, abomination alive,
mr. corruption fury/ftj/relic,
wiz cia, slapshot, hammer, MrE cia, l
exicon devil dfs/phalcon/skizm
blurr of CiA presents:
genetic malfunction
hidden greets go out to all
of those l
unatics at SHIVER
g e n e t i c m a l f u n c
t i o n
4 1 4 . 4 7 6 . 9 7 7
8 sysop: sca
ndal fury/relic/fat co-sy
sop: deathmonger fury running
: vision/2 o.85c at 14.4 v32bis F
URY member board XGA distro site RELiC mem
ber board FAT member board RAiN distro sit
e FEDS distro site ProphecyNet world headq
uarters UHFnet GeneratioNet
ansi, demos, music and vision/2 support
no warez no lamers no nup
ansi by blurr
contact m
e through CiPnet or call blurred vision
at 414.835.2285.. set prices are not charged for
uests, but if you want to slip a little
in, all proceeds will go to registering m
version of the draw.. HHHAHAHA
greetz: d
ark wing ftj, widow maker vor,
tron cia, abomination alive,
mr. corruption fury/ftj/relic,
wiz cia, slapshot, hammer, MrE cia, l
exicon devil dfs/phalcon/skizm
blurr of CiA presents:
genetic malfunction
hidden greets go out to all
of those l
unatics at SHIVER
g e n e t i c m a l f u n c
t i o n
4 1 4 . 4 7 6 . 9 7 7
8 sysop: sca
ndal fury/relic/fat co-sy
sop: deathmonger fury running
: vision/2 o.85c at 14.4 v32bis F
URY member board XGA distro site RELiC mem
ber board FAT member board RAiN distro sit
e FEDS distro site ProphecyNet world headq
uarters UHFnet GeneratioNet
ansi, demos, music and vision/2 support
no warez no lamers no nup
ansi by blurr
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