this image contains text
creators of intense art november 1994 ag
ent listing
Founder Trident
Senior Agents Napalm S
udden Death The Wizard
Public Relations blurr
Lit Co-ordinators Frost Byte
Mister E.
Music Co-ordinators Beaner C
erebral Neurosis
Canadian Co-ordinator Pestilence
Courier Co-ordinator Tron
Senior Courier Targa Phantom
Internet Advisor Suicidal Tendencies
Site Co-ordinator Dr. Piracy
ansi agents
Adrock Actraiser
Archaeik Asylum
Blaque Fang Bloodshot bl
urr Cybersource
CryonDairy Product Dash
Demon Death
Digital Assassin Dillinger Fl
Frost Byte The Fugitive Grim H
umor Hades
Lithium Mandor Maximum Overdos
e Minuteman
Napalm Prozac Psi-Stalker
Raven Ripclaw
Scarlet Knight Sir Death Skitz
o Spoonman
Stone Vyper Sudden Death Tron
Vapor Wiz Wolverine X
rip agents
Cain Farmicus Twitch
vga agents
Belial Carrion Drakk
hen Kid Turbo
Minuteman Napalm Que
stor Raden Spanky
Stone Vyper Storm Blade T
elstar Vision
literature agents
Archmage The Crow Dalam
ar the Dark Frost Byte
image Jack of Shadows
Lifetime Lord Steward
Lord ValgamonMister E.
Mogel Psychoskylark
coding agents
Cain Chaos Crimson O
verlord Cyberscape
Dark Avenger Dark Jester
Dark Matter
Dark Spyre Flaming Phoenix Gr
im Humor
Night Stalker Ice Breaker Jim
Bean Ledger
Raden Tron
music agents
Beaner Carrion Cereb
ral Neurosis
Doomsday Quarex Sc
ascii agents
Archaeik blurr Carrio
n Coruption Flagg
K-Spiff Napalm
Pliny Stenden
telecom agents
Stoner Zodiac
Aarzak Aggressor Arm
ageddon Fire Shadow
ill treatment Kreiger
Mirage Polymer Man
QuadzillaSoul Taker
Stoner Targa Phantom
Thor Zodiac
all members appearing in white are current active mem
all members appearing in grey are new to the member l
ist this month
..if your name doesnt appear on this list, and you
feel it should, please leave a message on the VMB at
creators of intense art november 1994 ag
ent listing
Founder Trident
Senior Agents Napalm S
udden Death The Wizard
Public Relations blurr
Lit Co-ordinators Frost Byte
Mister E.
Music Co-ordinators Beaner C
erebral Neurosis
Canadian Co-ordinator Pestilence
Courier Co-ordinator Tron
Senior Courier Targa Phantom
Internet Advisor Suicidal Tendencies
Site Co-ordinator Dr. Piracy
ansi agents
Adrock Actraiser
Archaeik Asylum
Blaque Fang Bloodshot bl
urr Cybersource
CryonDairy Product Dash
Demon Death
Digital Assassin Dillinger Fl
Frost Byte The Fugitive Grim H
umor Hades
Lithium Mandor Maximum Overdos
e Minuteman
Napalm Prozac Psi-Stalker
Raven Ripclaw
Scarlet Knight Sir Death Skitz
o Spoonman
Stone Vyper Sudden Death Tron
Vapor Wiz Wolverine X
rip agents
Cain Farmicus Twitch
vga agents
Belial Carrion Drakk
hen Kid Turbo
Minuteman Napalm Que
stor Raden Spanky
Stone Vyper Storm Blade T
elstar Vision
literature agents
Archmage The Crow Dalam
ar the Dark Frost Byte
image Jack of Shadows
Lifetime Lord Steward
Lord ValgamonMister E.
Mogel Psychoskylark
coding agents
Cain Chaos Crimson O
verlord Cyberscape
Dark Avenger Dark Jester
Dark Matter
Dark Spyre Flaming Phoenix Gr
im Humor
Night Stalker Ice Breaker Jim
Bean Ledger
Raden Tron
music agents
Beaner Carrion Cereb
ral Neurosis
Doomsday Quarex Sc
ascii agents
Archaeik blurr Carrio
n Coruption Flagg
K-Spiff Napalm
Pliny Stenden
telecom agents
Stoner Zodiac
Aarzak Aggressor Arm
ageddon Fire Shadow
ill treatment Kreiger
Mirage Polymer Man
QuadzillaSoul Taker
Stoner Targa Phantom
Thor Zodiac
all members appearing in white are current active mem
all members appearing in grey are new to the member l
ist this month
..if your name doesnt appear on this list, and you
feel it should, please leave a message on the VMB at
log in to add a comment.