this image contains text
ansi - napalm
rule! -fil
- cia
conspiracy 42 - with work from 1/97
2/97 -
- nA
Welcome to conspiracy number 42! napalm here, f
irst off id like
to apologize for the pack being a little later than u
sual due to
the fact that ive been real busy, that i went snowboarding
vermont without releasing it first.. too bad! Here it
is now!
Ill make everything real short this month so i dont hol
d things
up even longer than i have to.. and now its: Member Infor
joining up or just saying hi this month are: PhonyEye
joins the
ansi and ascii teams, ascii also welcomes Baphomet an
d Plastic
not plastique!. Murcurochrome joins up the
VGA department,
Outraider of shade drops in for a little guest ansi a
some names were removed from the member list due to lack of c
contact or productivity over the last three-four months.
cia has a brand spankin new department! w
e warmly welcome the
new Animation department, headed up by VGA head,
Telstar. So
far the Animation department only has two artists, but it wil
grow in the future as more and more people find a creative
outlet for their animated releases. The first release
, an 11
meg VGA MPEG animation created by Telstar is available on our
web sites animation department page which can be reached at:
ia/dept/anim since the site is still
under construction it may or may not yet be accessable for yo
to download, keep checking in! be sure to keep an eye ou
t for
information and releases for this upcoming animated project
..speaking of the web site, it is almost ready t
o go public as
we prepare and test all the files, links, etc.. many of the
sections are close to initial completion and are almost ready
for you to check out! dont be suprised if you get a few un-fo
URLs or invalid links for a few weeks as we continue to add,
move and change the many pages that are available. the cia pa
of the site should be operational within a few days!
check us out @
no! dont go.. thats just japanese for five, stay and che
ck out:
napalms music pick o the month: vandals aga
in! no, not really,
despite filths bribes the music pick is: Taking the Rou
gh With
the Smooch - by Huggy Bear music pick of the mo
nth associated
concepts, ideas or publications are registered trademarks
copyrighted by cia productions, 1993-1997 may not be borrow
stolen, re-used, or modified by any other groups in any ot
way, shape or form without the express written consent of nap
and the entire cia productions staff, US patent pending 37337
Random crap we say every month:
a. just to set things straight.. there are NO c
ia distro sites, so
puleeeeeeze dont ask for one, and for goodness sake, dont cl
to be one.. only Hqs and member boards exis
t, see 0297memb.cia
b. applications: applications for agent posi
tions in ansi, ascii,
code, rip, vga, lit and music departments are currently be
accepted.. If you want to be part of cia please create a
with a few samples of your work best and worst
and include a
text file with your first name, phone number and email addr
so that we may get back to you. send the zip either to the
site, a cia bulletin board, or to another cia member who
get your application to either napalm, bchrome, mmouse, shr
empty, telstar, or telstar : please make sure your applicat
gets to the appropriate department head for review. see cont
information in the member list for information on reaching c
thats all im going to say this month, sorry its not as f
un as
last month, ill make it up to you next month, i promise! late
and enjoy the pack this month!
- napalm
ansi - napalm
rule! -fil
- cia
conspiracy 42 - with work from 1/97
2/97 -
- nA
Welcome to conspiracy number 42! napalm here, f
irst off id like
to apologize for the pack being a little later than u
sual due to
the fact that ive been real busy, that i went snowboarding
vermont without releasing it first.. too bad! Here it
is now!
Ill make everything real short this month so i dont hol
d things
up even longer than i have to.. and now its: Member Infor
joining up or just saying hi this month are: PhonyEye
joins the
ansi and ascii teams, ascii also welcomes Baphomet an
d Plastic
not plastique!. Murcurochrome joins up the
VGA department,
Outraider of shade drops in for a little guest ansi a
some names were removed from the member list due to lack of c
contact or productivity over the last three-four months.
cia has a brand spankin new department! w
e warmly welcome the
new Animation department, headed up by VGA head,
Telstar. So
far the Animation department only has two artists, but it wil
grow in the future as more and more people find a creative
outlet for their animated releases. The first release
, an 11
meg VGA MPEG animation created by Telstar is available on our
web sites animation department page which can be reached at:
ia/dept/anim since the site is still
under construction it may or may not yet be accessable for yo
to download, keep checking in! be sure to keep an eye ou
t for
information and releases for this upcoming animated project
..speaking of the web site, it is almost ready t
o go public as
we prepare and test all the files, links, etc.. many of the
sections are close to initial completion and are almost ready
for you to check out! dont be suprised if you get a few un-fo
URLs or invalid links for a few weeks as we continue to add,
move and change the many pages that are available. the cia pa
of the site should be operational within a few days!
check us out @
no! dont go.. thats just japanese for five, stay and che
ck out:
napalms music pick o the month: vandals aga
in! no, not really,
despite filths bribes the music pick is: Taking the Rou
gh With
the Smooch - by Huggy Bear music pick of the mo
nth associated
concepts, ideas or publications are registered trademarks
copyrighted by cia productions, 1993-1997 may not be borrow
stolen, re-used, or modified by any other groups in any ot
way, shape or form without the express written consent of nap
and the entire cia productions staff, US patent pending 37337
Random crap we say every month:
a. just to set things straight.. there are NO c
ia distro sites, so
puleeeeeeze dont ask for one, and for goodness sake, dont cl
to be one.. only Hqs and member boards exis
t, see 0297memb.cia
b. applications: applications for agent posi
tions in ansi, ascii,
code, rip, vga, lit and music departments are currently be
accepted.. If you want to be part of cia please create a
with a few samples of your work best and worst
and include a
text file with your first name, phone number and email addr
so that we may get back to you. send the zip either to the
site, a cia bulletin board, or to another cia member who
get your application to either napalm, bchrome, mmouse, shr
empty, telstar, or telstar : please make sure your applicat
gets to the appropriate department head for review. see cont
information in the member list for information on reaching c
thats all im going to say this month, sorry its not as f
un as
last month, ill make it up to you next month, i promise! late
and enjoy the pack this month!
- napalm
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