this image contains text
cia conspiracy 47 - 6/7-97
hello again everyone, welcome to cias 47
th pack release for the
month of june and begining of july 1997.. happy 4th of j
uly to
everyone living in the past, happy er.. eh to all you can
well do it next time! to all you limeys out there..
enjoy 47!
whitetrash appears to be dying. slowly, and i think
it sucks :
cia memb
er info
new members this month: blackdawn returns to ascii,
along with
new ascii members shrimp, imani, kres
ile, deadpool, stalker and
smoke.. on that note I finally put mHZ b
ack on the member list
enzo, chronicc, ellis dee bi
zzarro join ansi, the wizard joins
the web team, and colornox is now known as compacted s
we say goodbye to some inactive members including f
rancis seven,
uS and frostbyte
cia news
www.creators.org has gotten a new loo
k! we continue to update
the main page and will soon be updating all the cia info
- also
be on the look out for a cia contest coming soon! remembe
r, the
creators caf is open so please stop by and post some mes
just point it to www.creators.org
and choose the creators caf.
the 50th edition of the cia conspiracy will be com
ing out in the
first week of september, 1997. all former cia
members and anyone
else who is just a cia fan is invited to make some
cia-50 promo
artwork for release in the big 5-0h. you can help make cia
s 50
the biggest and baddest art pack release
EVER! you could even
WIN some cool stuff, keep an eye on the web site
for updates on
50 and official contest information!
the merc
ury front
mmHg millimetres of mercury is cia
s multimedia development
team. the team is in charge of programming cia applica
tions such
as wiretap, ciadraw and many other thing
s. mmHg is currently
looking for quality musicians, if you think yo
u have what it
takes then e-mail patch with two examples of
your work in a
standard format such as S3M or IT: mercury@i
nterware.net . For
general questions or other application information please
mercury@cia-art.org . Upc
oming projects will be publicized soon
so look forward to hearing from us soon!
Sincerely, Patch Burning Chrome
Department Coordinators
misc oth
er info
napalms music pick o the month: Janes Addiction,
Janes Addiction
original XXX record
Thats enough of my boring blabber for this month, chec
k the web
for important updates throughout the month! later all
-napalm cia president
hello again everyone, welcome to cias 47
th pack release for the
month of june and begining of july 1997.. happy 4th of j
uly to
everyone living in the past, happy er.. eh to all you can
well do it next time! to all you limeys out there..
enjoy 47!
whitetrash appears to be dying. slowly, and i think
it sucks :
cia memb
er info
new members this month: blackdawn returns to ascii,
along with
new ascii members shrimp, imani, kres
ile, deadpool, stalker and
smoke.. on that note I finally put mHZ b
ack on the member list
enzo, chronicc, ellis dee bi
zzarro join ansi, the wizard joins
the web team, and colornox is now known as compacted s
we say goodbye to some inactive members including f
rancis seven,
uS and frostbyte
cia news
www.creators.org has gotten a new loo
k! we continue to update
the main page and will soon be updating all the cia info
- also
be on the look out for a cia contest coming soon! remembe
r, the
creators caf is open so please stop by and post some mes
just point it to www.creators.org
and choose the creators caf.
the 50th edition of the cia conspiracy will be com
ing out in the
first week of september, 1997. all former cia
members and anyone
else who is just a cia fan is invited to make some
cia-50 promo
artwork for release in the big 5-0h. you can help make cia
s 50
the biggest and baddest art pack release
EVER! you could even
WIN some cool stuff, keep an eye on the web site
for updates on
50 and official contest information!
the merc
ury front
mmHg millimetres of mercury is cia
s multimedia development
team. the team is in charge of programming cia applica
tions such
as wiretap, ciadraw and many other thing
s. mmHg is currently
looking for quality musicians, if you think yo
u have what it
takes then e-mail patch with two examples of
your work in a
standard format such as S3M or IT: mercury@i
nterware.net . For
general questions or other application information please
mercury@cia-art.org . Upc
oming projects will be publicized soon
so look forward to hearing from us soon!
Sincerely, Patch Burning Chrome
Department Coordinators
misc oth
er info
napalms music pick o the month: Janes Addiction,
Janes Addiction
original XXX record
Thats enough of my boring blabber for this month, chec
k the web
for important updates throughout the month! later all
-napalm cia president
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