this image contains text
Greetings and welcome once again to another fine CNC presentation.
Before I begin I would like to make a quick apology all all our Dist sites...
Sorry guys about the constant Delays but I had allot of serious personal as
well as internal problems...but that now is all fixed so there will be no
further delays of any kind. At least I pray...
Anyhow I hope you enjoy this months presentation. It is quite good
considering the small amount of members that CANCER now posesses. At least
that is my opinion. I will let u judge for yourselves. Were down to something
like 10 full ansi artists, 4 vga artists, 3 musicians and 3 coders. All
the dead weight has been dropped, and I am glad that this has occured.
We also dropped the lit dept and were not accepting any lit artists unless
they show considerable skill...so the possibility still remains, however
it is unlikely. Quite a bit of talent is still awaiting acceptence so
we will most likely double in size shortly. We are still far from what groups
like ACiD, iCE, and UNiON have in terms of mmbers, yet we plan to produce
quality, ORIGINAL artwork for the masses. Remember its quality not quantity!
In case you are not familiar with CANCER Ill take a moment to explain...
the group. If u know some of our policies u can skip this part. CANCER
is yet another ART group like so many before yet we are somewhat different.
The Key term when discussing CANCER is ART Not REPLICA...U will never
see a CANCER ansi from an IMAGE comic, or any other comic for that matter.
We release ART Portfolios, not comic books which groups like UNiON tm seem
to produce. WE strive for ORIGINALITY, and we absolutely dont do SPAWN tm,
WILDCATS tm, CYBERFOREtm, ar anything from any other cheesy comic book.
Personally I do not enjoy seeing the same picture in ANSI format that I have
previously seen in the comic book store, or 10 different versions of the same
comic character. It gets old, and it is all fake...monkey see monkey do..
Therefore CANCER artists are real artists not people who can forge Jim Lees
comics to perfection. I know that Im probably pissing into someones pond
but that is how I feel about what is happening in the scene. So each month
u the viewers can open a doorway into a fresh new reality. U will actually
see work that has never been done before...WHoa theres a first...
Secondly CANCER does not deal with the bullshit politics that seem to
encircle each major art group. For instance Im not going to sit around
and tell u who joined this month, who quit and who changed his/her handle,
and who pissed on whoses dog. I dont think that internal affairs is what u
want to read about. We also dont do the petty squabbles that seem to be going
off and on...I dont care who is the best group, and who has better coders etc,
I just care about sharing my artwork, and pleasing the audience with the
results of my effort...the Cancer monthly pack.
Third due to the fact that we produce ORIGINAL work yes that would be the
the stuff from your own head... we avoid most of the crap that many groups
have to put up with. Like the incident with that loozer from UNiON tm
who copied that iCE tm ansi and then had to go on and explain that he
didnt..preaty pathetic eh?..I shit u not...he even went as far as to scan
the original comic. In CANCER that would never happen for comic books are
not allowed. CANCER work takes talent..ITS all hard work. I dont feel sorry
for idiots like that, because if they did something original for a change
they wouldnt have to put up with shit like that. Sorry that Im kinda going
off an a tangent but I had to get that out. And we dont pull shit like
MIIS does...U will never see a CANCER member rip anything and if he does
and I have missed it and it ended up in the pack..and later I learn about it,
He IS HISTORY..No apoligoes, no speeches, no bullshit...just GONE!
Fourth CANCER has an open ended design..Members can do what they please,
and they can switch fields. For example ansi artists can do music, or vga or
code or whatever. This allows each person to explore his/her many potentials,
and makes the work a little less boring.
Lastly CANCER is foremost an ART group dedicated to producing quality
ORIGINAL work. Were just a bunch of guys and gals who like to show the
world what they can accomplish, a bunch of furry little friends who wanna
reach out and touch someone. Were demolishing the competition, and we plan
to stay at the top. I hope I dont sound too arrogant or egoistical..that
is not my intention. If I did then I apologise. I have no desire to sound like
some stuck up asshole,...
Thank u for your time.....
Inside the pack there is an ansi by HANZO the Fiend called HTF-CODR.
I advise that if u plan to view it in vga u use the Newest version
of ACiDVIEW tm. The ansi is like 1300+ lines completely original, and
around 250+k. The only program it will run on in 320x200 vga mode or higher is
ACiDVIEW and only on the new one. On everything else it chokes...so we
didnt even bother to iclude our cheesy viewer. yes its cheesy we still
lack the coders to create a masterpiece.
Welp thats about it...oh one other thing...If U are an artist, and u feel
that your current situation is a little watered down...then I advise that
you give us a try. If you feel like u can do original work, and you
enjoy what you do then I urge you to fill out an application and join
today. Fill out an app and send it to Powerslave 2, or Castle OF darkness..
Log on under cancer, password cancer, DOB: 00/00/00.
If you have any comments, complaints, or just want to say hello..drop by
Castle Of Darkness and leave me some email. I am a bit hard to find... IF I
offended anyone in any way and you want to lynch me take a number chummer :.
Sincerely Dr. Jekyll Dj of CANCER INC. CNC INC.
CORPSE ARTIST, ARIES co founder...
That remainds me if ure into the DEMO scene join ARIES a rising force
in music and code founded
by Blonde Hak Her
Leave email to BLONDE on any quality board in 909...
Greets go out to:
LORD JAZZ: will miss u Chris, Ill have to drop by and say hellooo in
San Diego...Im still trying to get Sandra Bullock to jump out
of the cake for u when u leave but its not easy.: .
REAPER WILDWOOD: HOw u hanging my friend...yeah yeah I know my modem bloes
LORD KRAVEN: Thanx for all the help: Its good to know that there are
still really cool people out there, and Im glad to be
friends with them...
SHIZNIT: Awesome work this month my friend...u have a sweet style
Blonde Hak Her: Shit dude, I still want Kelly and am still waiting for u
to bring her over. Whats going on?..she should be here giving
me bloe jobs by now..ure not doing your duty..if not for me
do it for your country,,,..hahaha yeah right.,,
SOUNDWAVE of APEX REv..: dude I saw your STAR Brigade mod..that is sweet. I
just wanted to let u know that its awesome...
Before I begin I would like to make a quick apology all all our Dist sites...
Sorry guys about the constant Delays but I had allot of serious personal as
well as internal problems...but that now is all fixed so there will be no
further delays of any kind. At least I pray...
Anyhow I hope you enjoy this months presentation. It is quite good
considering the small amount of members that CANCER now posesses. At least
that is my opinion. I will let u judge for yourselves. Were down to something
like 10 full ansi artists, 4 vga artists, 3 musicians and 3 coders. All
the dead weight has been dropped, and I am glad that this has occured.
We also dropped the lit dept and were not accepting any lit artists unless
they show considerable skill...so the possibility still remains, however
it is unlikely. Quite a bit of talent is still awaiting acceptence so
we will most likely double in size shortly. We are still far from what groups
like ACiD, iCE, and UNiON have in terms of mmbers, yet we plan to produce
quality, ORIGINAL artwork for the masses. Remember its quality not quantity!
In case you are not familiar with CANCER Ill take a moment to explain...
the group. If u know some of our policies u can skip this part. CANCER
is yet another ART group like so many before yet we are somewhat different.
The Key term when discussing CANCER is ART Not REPLICA...U will never
see a CANCER ansi from an IMAGE comic, or any other comic for that matter.
We release ART Portfolios, not comic books which groups like UNiON tm seem
to produce. WE strive for ORIGINALITY, and we absolutely dont do SPAWN tm,
WILDCATS tm, CYBERFOREtm, ar anything from any other cheesy comic book.
Personally I do not enjoy seeing the same picture in ANSI format that I have
previously seen in the comic book store, or 10 different versions of the same
comic character. It gets old, and it is all fake...monkey see monkey do..
Therefore CANCER artists are real artists not people who can forge Jim Lees
comics to perfection. I know that Im probably pissing into someones pond
but that is how I feel about what is happening in the scene. So each month
u the viewers can open a doorway into a fresh new reality. U will actually
see work that has never been done before...WHoa theres a first...
Secondly CANCER does not deal with the bullshit politics that seem to
encircle each major art group. For instance Im not going to sit around
and tell u who joined this month, who quit and who changed his/her handle,
and who pissed on whoses dog. I dont think that internal affairs is what u
want to read about. We also dont do the petty squabbles that seem to be going
off and on...I dont care who is the best group, and who has better coders etc,
I just care about sharing my artwork, and pleasing the audience with the
results of my effort...the Cancer monthly pack.
Third due to the fact that we produce ORIGINAL work yes that would be the
the stuff from your own head... we avoid most of the crap that many groups
have to put up with. Like the incident with that loozer from UNiON tm
who copied that iCE tm ansi and then had to go on and explain that he
didnt..preaty pathetic eh?..I shit u not...he even went as far as to scan
the original comic. In CANCER that would never happen for comic books are
not allowed. CANCER work takes talent..ITS all hard work. I dont feel sorry
for idiots like that, because if they did something original for a change
they wouldnt have to put up with shit like that. Sorry that Im kinda going
off an a tangent but I had to get that out. And we dont pull shit like
MIIS does...U will never see a CANCER member rip anything and if he does
and I have missed it and it ended up in the pack..and later I learn about it,
He IS HISTORY..No apoligoes, no speeches, no bullshit...just GONE!
Fourth CANCER has an open ended design..Members can do what they please,
and they can switch fields. For example ansi artists can do music, or vga or
code or whatever. This allows each person to explore his/her many potentials,
and makes the work a little less boring.
Lastly CANCER is foremost an ART group dedicated to producing quality
ORIGINAL work. Were just a bunch of guys and gals who like to show the
world what they can accomplish, a bunch of furry little friends who wanna
reach out and touch someone. Were demolishing the competition, and we plan
to stay at the top. I hope I dont sound too arrogant or egoistical..that
is not my intention. If I did then I apologise. I have no desire to sound like
some stuck up asshole,...
Thank u for your time.....
Inside the pack there is an ansi by HANZO the Fiend called HTF-CODR.
I advise that if u plan to view it in vga u use the Newest version
of ACiDVIEW tm. The ansi is like 1300+ lines completely original, and
around 250+k. The only program it will run on in 320x200 vga mode or higher is
ACiDVIEW and only on the new one. On everything else it chokes...so we
didnt even bother to iclude our cheesy viewer. yes its cheesy we still
lack the coders to create a masterpiece.
Welp thats about it...oh one other thing...If U are an artist, and u feel
that your current situation is a little watered down...then I advise that
you give us a try. If you feel like u can do original work, and you
enjoy what you do then I urge you to fill out an application and join
today. Fill out an app and send it to Powerslave 2, or Castle OF darkness..
Log on under cancer, password cancer, DOB: 00/00/00.
If you have any comments, complaints, or just want to say hello..drop by
Castle Of Darkness and leave me some email. I am a bit hard to find... IF I
offended anyone in any way and you want to lynch me take a number chummer :.
Sincerely Dr. Jekyll Dj of CANCER INC. CNC INC.
CORPSE ARTIST, ARIES co founder...
That remainds me if ure into the DEMO scene join ARIES a rising force
in music and code founded
by Blonde Hak Her
Leave email to BLONDE on any quality board in 909...
Greets go out to:
LORD JAZZ: will miss u Chris, Ill have to drop by and say hellooo in
San Diego...Im still trying to get Sandra Bullock to jump out
of the cake for u when u leave but its not easy.: .
REAPER WILDWOOD: HOw u hanging my friend...yeah yeah I know my modem bloes
LORD KRAVEN: Thanx for all the help: Its good to know that there are
still really cool people out there, and Im glad to be
friends with them...
SHIZNIT: Awesome work this month my friend...u have a sweet style
Blonde Hak Her: Shit dude, I still want Kelly and am still waiting for u
to bring her over. Whats going on?..she should be here giving
me bloe jobs by now..ure not doing your duty..if not for me
do it for your country,,,..hahaha yeah right.,,
SOUNDWAVE of APEX REv..: dude I saw your STAR Brigade mod..that is sweet. I
just wanted to let u know that its awesome...
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