this image contains text
centers of attention ----------------------
coa and the members by nosferatu coa founder
the reason behind coa is the simple fact too many art groups
nowadays run like corperations and people seem to take it way
too serious. with all that shit out of the way get on with the
pack, before i bring my gimp to your house for a little sm with
the family dog. one last note. anyone interested in joining coa
contact me at n0sferatu.wizy.uit.net or fill the damn app out included
in the pack! also no bbs sites are currently being accepted.
so dont bug me about lemme be a elite distro,ect or ill beat
your nutsac with a monkey wrench and shit down your throat, we are
looking for a few *INTERNET* sites tho, so if ya have any web space,
ftp space open and wouldnt mind a bunch of psychotic crack addicted
buttwhores using it for their art group, contact us! thanks..
we have some real talented artist joining up,first up,
the founders, menosferatu i suck. phlux, a great logo artist
whos recently started working on pics as well. grymmjack, a local guy
here thats talented in every fuckin thing related to the art scene.
now for the ansi pimps. Savage Dragon, a great pic/logo artist.
Criminal Enigma, joins us from force,a great pic/logo artist as well.
Discyple, he rocks! tho the past few weeks hes gotten a life and hasnt
been around as much. Impulse, new to the scene but a great logo artist.
welcome our superfly courier dalamar, old school niggha from my area
code. WE have a great coder by the name of the emperor whos curntly
on the Pimp of the nation projectpimpview,shh! our krad elite haxor
telcome ninja, ringy has been pretty inactive as of late. dp has
also joined up as a tree hugger, er coon hunter, er.. well, hes gay,
but he left cia and joined with us because we all have conf sex nightly. last but not least, proxy.. the krad bot guy!
here is a little info from phlux. co founder .
alright.. here goes.. nos pretty much said it all concerning the
way the group will be run/etc. Its pretty laid back.. basically
a group he started just for the hell of it so him and all his nigs
could do some art and release it.. if you are interesting in
applying for coa ANSI, heres the information you need.
use the appgen.
send a ZIP containing 5 of your works to phluxxx@wilmington.net
I will send you email concerning your application within 5 days
from when it is recieved.
ok. well. now that the bullshit is taken care of. ive been around
for a while doing ansi.. just finally actually producing stuff
worth looking at recently. and thats about all im gonna say
about that....
now a word about irc. if you ever get on irc and join coa, chances
are youll think like were total idiots, or racist scum. Here is
an example.. and I quote
phlux- yer momma bitch
::: dp was kicked by phlux- yer moms fat..and black..
n0sferatu dont kick him buttwhore, hes cute
grymmjack im gonna go masturbate now!
phlux- woo!..
the funny thing is, that its true.. we are absolutely total idiots.
im done. more from me next pack. wasnt that great?
some complete nonsense by grymmjack. co founder .
hey! yo.. uhh.. this is my part, so i get to put whatever i want
in here.. welp, this is the first coa pack, but definatley will
NOT be the last.. we have some good shit up in here, and unless
your a facist-no-brained-pig-fucker, youll agree. i think this
pack is a good start, but we can do a hell of alot better. just
give us some time and shit.. i really didnt do much work for the
group in the beginning, but i cranked out some decent shit towards
the end of the month. ill have more next month..
anyways, at this point, id like to say that its been a blast
working with all the guys in the group. our packs will only
improve. i plan on devoting time and effort into coa, and i know
that the other members will too. so watch out for us, cuz were
fixin to bust some ansi ass here in a few..
here is a little info from anonymous race releations
n0sferatu well, here is another coa pack. and, just in case you were about
to ask, yes i am an african american. this may distress some of you, yet,
my basketball skills are superior, and my jheri curl requires constant
afro-sheen spray attention. i understand some of you may have significant
difficulty coping with my skin pigmentation, and may have already dismissed the
validity of the artwork in this pack, simply because i arose, veiled in
smoke, from the
African mothership. This prejudice saddens me greatly, but by the same token,
fuels my negroid mind to planet plethora. erstwhile, i break the seal off
an amphora of malt liquor, and begin the task of drawing compelling ethnic
ansi. i decide to start with the group, nay NEgroups name, and develop a
succint acronym: COA. Culture of africa, the first truly ethnic art group,
created and staffed by highly intelligent members of the negroid race, and
numerous deserving minority races...
centers of attention ----------------------
coa and the members by nosferatu coa founder
the reason behind coa is the simple fact too many art groups
nowadays run like corperations and people seem to take it way
too serious. with all that shit out of the way get on with the
pack, before i bring my gimp to your house for a little sm with
the family dog. one last note. anyone interested in joining coa
contact me at n0sferatu.wizy.uit.net or fill the damn app out included
in the pack! also no bbs sites are currently being accepted.
so dont bug me about lemme be a elite distro,ect or ill beat
your nutsac with a monkey wrench and shit down your throat, we are
looking for a few *INTERNET* sites tho, so if ya have any web space,
ftp space open and wouldnt mind a bunch of psychotic crack addicted
buttwhores using it for their art group, contact us! thanks..
we have some real talented artist joining up,first up,
the founders, menosferatu i suck. phlux, a great logo artist
whos recently started working on pics as well. grymmjack, a local guy
here thats talented in every fuckin thing related to the art scene.
now for the ansi pimps. Savage Dragon, a great pic/logo artist.
Criminal Enigma, joins us from force,a great pic/logo artist as well.
Discyple, he rocks! tho the past few weeks hes gotten a life and hasnt
been around as much. Impulse, new to the scene but a great logo artist.
welcome our superfly courier dalamar, old school niggha from my area
code. WE have a great coder by the name of the emperor whos curntly
on the Pimp of the nation projectpimpview,shh! our krad elite haxor
telcome ninja, ringy has been pretty inactive as of late. dp has
also joined up as a tree hugger, er coon hunter, er.. well, hes gay,
but he left cia and joined with us because we all have conf sex nightly. last but not least, proxy.. the krad bot guy!
here is a little info from phlux. co founder .
alright.. here goes.. nos pretty much said it all concerning the
way the group will be run/etc. Its pretty laid back.. basically
a group he started just for the hell of it so him and all his nigs
could do some art and release it.. if you are interesting in
applying for coa ANSI, heres the information you need.
use the appgen.
send a ZIP containing 5 of your works to phluxxx@wilmington.net
I will send you email concerning your application within 5 days
from when it is recieved.
ok. well. now that the bullshit is taken care of. ive been around
for a while doing ansi.. just finally actually producing stuff
worth looking at recently. and thats about all im gonna say
about that....
now a word about irc. if you ever get on irc and join coa, chances
are youll think like were total idiots, or racist scum. Here is
an example.. and I quote
phlux- yer momma bitch
::: dp was kicked by phlux- yer moms fat..and black..
n0sferatu dont kick him buttwhore, hes cute
grymmjack im gonna go masturbate now!
phlux- woo!..
the funny thing is, that its true.. we are absolutely total idiots.
im done. more from me next pack. wasnt that great?
some complete nonsense by grymmjack. co founder .
hey! yo.. uhh.. this is my part, so i get to put whatever i want
in here.. welp, this is the first coa pack, but definatley will
NOT be the last.. we have some good shit up in here, and unless
your a facist-no-brained-pig-fucker, youll agree. i think this
pack is a good start, but we can do a hell of alot better. just
give us some time and shit.. i really didnt do much work for the
group in the beginning, but i cranked out some decent shit towards
the end of the month. ill have more next month..
anyways, at this point, id like to say that its been a blast
working with all the guys in the group. our packs will only
improve. i plan on devoting time and effort into coa, and i know
that the other members will too. so watch out for us, cuz were
fixin to bust some ansi ass here in a few..
here is a little info from anonymous race releations
n0sferatu well, here is another coa pack. and, just in case you were about
to ask, yes i am an african american. this may distress some of you, yet,
my basketball skills are superior, and my jheri curl requires constant
afro-sheen spray attention. i understand some of you may have significant
difficulty coping with my skin pigmentation, and may have already dismissed the
validity of the artwork in this pack, simply because i arose, veiled in
smoke, from the
African mothership. This prejudice saddens me greatly, but by the same token,
fuels my negroid mind to planet plethora. erstwhile, i break the seal off
an amphora of malt liquor, and begin the task of drawing compelling ethnic
ansi. i decide to start with the group, nay NEgroups name, and develop a
succint acronym: COA. Culture of africa, the first truly ethnic art group,
created and staffed by highly intelligent members of the negroid race, and
numerous deserving minority races...
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