this image contains text
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S 4P S . .
4 4 , P
P i.
i ,+, , +
. c o d i n e Pdb
Codine Info File December 1, 1996 10:49pm
Well here we are.. December of 1996, Pack 6.. Alot of people said Codine
wouldnt make it past the first pack, but it looks like we did. Not much
really happened this month. Ummm, lets see. I got me a new girlfriend. Let
me ask you something. I always find myself thinking about her, and when Im
with her I dont even think of getting a blow job. Am I in love, or is it
just that Im a homosexual? Ah well, I shall find out in due time. Well that
is why this nfo file sucks. Im on the phone with her so Im only half paying
attention to this. Talk to ya later.
Member News:
We used to have a guy here by the name of Raider. He didnt like his handle,
so he changed it to Raidr. It used to be pronounced Ray-der, and now it is
pronounced Ray-der. I say its a change for the better. We picked up some
new people this month. Pellon comes to us out of my own area code, 718. I
enjoy reading his work, and I feel that you will become a fan of his too.
Mind Bender was with us way back when in April of 96, and he has missed us so
much so he has decided to rejoin us. Another member who used to be with us,
than disappeared, than reappeared is good old Jandor. Hes a jolly old lad
and hes come back to the land of the addictive pain killer.
New Policy:
If you are inactive for two packs, you are removed from the memberlist. So
please hand in work every month, or at least once every other month.
My Email:
If you had sent me shit for this pack the last couple days to my email, I am
sorry that its not in the pack. I have not been able to connect and get my
email for the past couple of days
If you want to apply, send me mail at lscodine@juno.com and well talk.
Ripping through his skin like a knife
The pain was unbearable
He wished to god for it to stop
But god merely looked down upon him and laughed
He would receive no support
He must conquer this pain alone
But the load is unbearable
He must find an easy solution to numb the pain
And the addiction begins
-luke skywalker
.,s ,s s,ss. .,ds s
i y
: . mSd
dP.,ssP 4Sss,..ssSss.s i
P , 4iP . .
i,d. s, .b,i . ..
: i :
b,. ,, .,d .
iP,dP4P4i .
4P,ss.P ..
SiS. .
S 4P S . .
4 4 , P
P i.
i ,+, , +
. c o d i n e Pdb
Codine Info File December 1, 1996 10:49pm
Well here we are.. December of 1996, Pack 6.. Alot of people said Codine
wouldnt make it past the first pack, but it looks like we did. Not much
really happened this month. Ummm, lets see. I got me a new girlfriend. Let
me ask you something. I always find myself thinking about her, and when Im
with her I dont even think of getting a blow job. Am I in love, or is it
just that Im a homosexual? Ah well, I shall find out in due time. Well that
is why this nfo file sucks. Im on the phone with her so Im only half paying
attention to this. Talk to ya later.
Member News:
We used to have a guy here by the name of Raider. He didnt like his handle,
so he changed it to Raidr. It used to be pronounced Ray-der, and now it is
pronounced Ray-der. I say its a change for the better. We picked up some
new people this month. Pellon comes to us out of my own area code, 718. I
enjoy reading his work, and I feel that you will become a fan of his too.
Mind Bender was with us way back when in April of 96, and he has missed us so
much so he has decided to rejoin us. Another member who used to be with us,
than disappeared, than reappeared is good old Jandor. Hes a jolly old lad
and hes come back to the land of the addictive pain killer.
New Policy:
If you are inactive for two packs, you are removed from the memberlist. So
please hand in work every month, or at least once every other month.
My Email:
If you had sent me shit for this pack the last couple days to my email, I am
sorry that its not in the pack. I have not been able to connect and get my
email for the past couple of days
If you want to apply, send me mail at lscodine@juno.com and well talk.
Ripping through his skin like a knife
The pain was unbearable
He wished to god for it to stop
But god merely looked down upon him and laughed
He would receive no support
He must conquer this pain alone
But the load is unbearable
He must find an easy solution to numb the pain
And the addiction begins
-luke skywalker
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