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CoolPHat Since Year 2000 The Art is our therapy and joy! Try or Die!
Release Name.: CoolPHat ArtPack 24
Release Date.: 7th-July-2011
Release Notes:
After almost 5 years, most of CPH CoolPHat members were inactive and the team
became a idling team. Among the reasons: studies, job changes, health issues
more other. Since day 1, most of the guys in coolphat were busy ones and the
art was a part in our lives. For some it was a major part, for other a small.
But as you know, life is dynamic, none of us could stop the changes in the team
or out of it.
Anyway: Greeting to the scenes, to EX-CoolPHat members and to the ones whom
still around.
you should know: CPH is a art team and the members do arts in their own free
leisure time.
on 08/08/2011 CoolPhat will celebrate its 11th birthday, WOW! Congratulations!
Contact Ways.: Efnet CPH , http://coolphat.box23.org/
CoolPHat Since Year 2000 The Art is our therapy and joy! Try or Die!
Release Name.: CoolPHat ArtPack 24
Release Date.: 7th-July-2011
Release Notes:
After almost 5 years, most of CPH CoolPHat members were inactive and the team
became a idling team. Among the reasons: studies, job changes, health issues
more other. Since day 1, most of the guys in coolphat were busy ones and the
art was a part in our lives. For some it was a major part, for other a small.
But as you know, life is dynamic, none of us could stop the changes in the team
or out of it.
Anyway: Greeting to the scenes, to EX-CoolPHat members and to the ones whom
still around.
you should know: CPH is a art team and the members do arts in their own free
leisure time.
on 08/08/2011 CoolPhat will celebrate its 11th birthday, WOW! Congratulations!
Contact Ways.: Efnet CPH , http://coolphat.box23.org/
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