this image contains text
ad88p. i spose this isnt real art
,ad7 t88a. it doesnt have nifty 16 color
,d87 tba codes.... it aint in high
,d8f .adY8888a, ascii.... but then again,
,d8f ,d8887 Yb, i spose it could be...
,d8P ,d88f7 Y8, the picture is ripped
,dP ,d8887 Yb. from a comic book!
,dP ,a8887 j8 ......
,df 88 a. .dP Then again,
.db 8. , 8, ,d8 .,od88888he,. the book is
fP ta 8a, 8 d8PiRANHA8P t888h, bone, not
Yb, , l8 a88f7 Y8, X-GENO-
Yb, 8a ,d88 88 IMAGE-
Y8b, 8. ,p ,dP RECTAL-
Yb, ,dP CREW or
Y8b, ,d8P anything like
,P ,ssa. ,d887 that...
,8P 8 .a8a. a .,d88P in other words..
.dP t. W88888b. .,d88887 this is oh so
,8P 8P t88P very lame....
,dP ,yP
,dP db ,8b
,dP 8b Yb,
dP d8 Yb
8b 88. Y9 Sys : Niasin
, No Nup No Ratio No Warez
d b : 616.381.3807
.d db Reality Member Board.
.da dP Reality Net
b dP FTi Distro
b.dP Creed Member Board
P .d .d
P ,a. d. d. ,a.
,a : Yb Yb :
a tP Y Y tP ,a
,b. .s Yb Yb .s a,aa ,a,
dP b. a Y, a, Y, a, a ,
dP P a , a,9 a,9 a ,@@.
dP tP , , , 7a4
. , . P S P S ,. , 6
, T E C H N O L O G Y ,
aaaa,, ,,,aa
pRcreed !
,ad7 t88a. it doesnt have nifty 16 color
,d87 tba codes.... it aint in high
,d8f .adY8888a, ascii.... but then again,
,d8f ,d8887 Yb, i spose it could be...
,d8P ,d88f7 Y8, the picture is ripped
,dP ,d8887 Yb. from a comic book!
,dP ,a8887 j8 ......
,df 88 a. .dP Then again,
.db 8. , 8, ,d8 .,od88888he,. the book is
fP ta 8a, 8 d8PiRANHA8P t888h, bone, not
Yb, , l8 a88f7 Y8, X-GENO-
Yb, 8a ,d88 88 IMAGE-
Y8b, 8. ,p ,dP RECTAL-
Yb, ,dP CREW or
Y8b, ,d8P anything like
,P ,ssa. ,d887 that...
,8P 8 .a8a. a .,d88P in other words..
.dP t. W88888b. .,d88887 this is oh so
,8P 8P t88P very lame....
,dP ,yP
,dP db ,8b
,dP 8b Yb,
dP d8 Yb
8b 88. Y9 Sys : Niasin
, No Nup No Ratio No Warez
d b : 616.381.3807
.d db Reality Member Board.
.da dP Reality Net
b dP FTi Distro
b.dP Creed Member Board
P .d .d
P ,a. d. d. ,a.
,a : Yb Yb :
a tP Y Y tP ,a
,b. .s Yb Yb .s a,aa ,a,
dP b. a Y, a, Y, a, a ,
dP P a , a,9 a,9 a ,@@.
dP tP , , , 7a4
. , . P S P S ,. , 6
, T E C H N O L O G Y ,
aaaa,, ,,,aa
pRcreed !
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