this image contains text
Ascii .- Ansi .- Gfx .- Music .- WebDesign
P A C K A G E - V O L . 08 / 2000
since: 1998
born: 07.01.98
c h e m i c a l r e a c t i o n
RELEASED: 08/01/00 - ANS xASC xVGA
SUPPLiER: chemical clan MP3 X FLASH .
SiZE: 4859750 bytes LANGUAGE: Os : dos.w9x.linux RATiNG:
REQUiREMENTS: xxxx/xx xxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx x.x
WEBPAGE: www.chemical-reaction.de www.chiptunes.de
fTPSiTE: - ch/chemical-reaction.de
eMAiL: info@chemical-reaction.de
iRC: cro .efnet
r e l e a s e n o t e s
chemical reaction proudly presents scene-artpack
no. 2000/8. install: do pkunzip cro*.zip to any drive
dir and start with eh ?
If you ever have a problem with a cro artpack,
email us info@chemical-reaction.de, or again, drop by cro
and we assist you with your problem.
news information
welcome to
chemical reaction pack 08/00
weve been around for about one and two years
and were finally becoming stable. As Mentioned
above, this pack is our 4 release since our birth.
A stunning combo of Hand-drawn, Rendered and freestyle VGA
with amazing ascii ansi paintings mixed with ear
tickling module music and nice xyz. This is what we
mean by Chemical Reaction. We have all a common goal to set a
new standard on art sector. To reach our goal sucssesful
we need reliable brothers who are able to invest time
and try to give their best for tha common baby.
t e a m c h e m i c a l
radiators. creepah. sort8. phazor.
liquid. masn. targon. zeneth. paledeth.
bate. tiger. wayout
vacation: jovi. mtc. socko. djax. aylien.
trails: cabelgod . izm.
t e a m boardssites
c h e m i c a l r e a c t i o n
EHQ Site - position open - T3 - 35gb
USHQ Site - position open - T3 - 35gb
BBS Telnet - position open - 10 - 20gb
not listed guys and systems are not in cro
l a s t w o r d s
- We have some positions open -
1 shell supplier - shell box only on t1+
site operator with T3 or higher bandwidth
2 coders who have a fair understanding of what
the hell they are coding delphi, c++, asm.
3 hirez artist: ps, 3max, 3ds, we dont know
maybe you ? - mail: info@chemical-reaction.de
g r e e t z
Rebels Core Backlash
Dynasty Paradox Oddity The Silents
nfO UPd.ATED ON: 07/31/00
c C.R.O. 1 9 9 8
P A C K A G E - V O L . 08 / 2000
since: 1998
born: 07.01.98
c h e m i c a l r e a c t i o n
RELEASED: 08/01/00 - ANS xASC xVGA
SUPPLiER: chemical clan MP3 X FLASH .
SiZE: 4859750 bytes LANGUAGE: Os : dos.w9x.linux RATiNG:
REQUiREMENTS: xxxx/xx xxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx x.x
WEBPAGE: www.chemical-reaction.de www.chiptunes.de
fTPSiTE: - ch/chemical-reaction.de
eMAiL: info@chemical-reaction.de
iRC: cro .efnet
r e l e a s e n o t e s
chemical reaction proudly presents scene-artpack
no. 2000/8. install: do pkunzip cro*.zip to any drive
dir and start with eh ?
If you ever have a problem with a cro artpack,
email us info@chemical-reaction.de, or again, drop by cro
and we assist you with your problem.
news information
welcome to
chemical reaction pack 08/00
weve been around for about one and two years
and were finally becoming stable. As Mentioned
above, this pack is our 4 release since our birth.
A stunning combo of Hand-drawn, Rendered and freestyle VGA
with amazing ascii ansi paintings mixed with ear
tickling module music and nice xyz. This is what we
mean by Chemical Reaction. We have all a common goal to set a
new standard on art sector. To reach our goal sucssesful
we need reliable brothers who are able to invest time
and try to give their best for tha common baby.
t e a m c h e m i c a l
radiators. creepah. sort8. phazor.
liquid. masn. targon. zeneth. paledeth.
bate. tiger. wayout
vacation: jovi. mtc. socko. djax. aylien.
trails: cabelgod . izm.
t e a m boardssites
c h e m i c a l r e a c t i o n
EHQ Site - position open - T3 - 35gb
USHQ Site - position open - T3 - 35gb
BBS Telnet - position open - 10 - 20gb
not listed guys and systems are not in cro
l a s t w o r d s
- We have some positions open -
1 shell supplier - shell box only on t1+
site operator with T3 or higher bandwidth
2 coders who have a fair understanding of what
the hell they are coding delphi, c++, asm.
3 hirez artist: ps, 3max, 3ds, we dont know
maybe you ? - mail: info@chemical-reaction.de
g r e e t z
Rebels Core Backlash
Dynasty Paradox Oddity The Silents
nfO UPd.ATED ON: 07/31/00
c C.R.O. 1 9 9 8
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