this image contains text
da SHIT bs!
word nigr0e! haha
This month at deetre eight.
Weve sUPRISED all j00 m0mmys@!
by releasing on the 18th killah.. cuz here at d-3-ate were k-Wad. sho nuff.
Hmm well since blind sniper has left picture of him on the left, but he doesnt have his sombrero on..
the new leaders will be: madcap, ooze, neophyte.
and eye quote madcap - NeW LeaderS. NeW DirectioN.
-Oz NeW FueL heh i lubb the caps.
So well this has been a kinda muddled release cuz we
the leaders didnt really know what to do. but hopefully now that we or i :
have sorted out this orginisations shit and compiling the pack - we should be
running alot smoother. Nuff serious shit. check out the history file cuz it has
been UPDATED w00p. and.. check j00 horoscope after madcaps essay. -Ooze.
-- i wonder what that is.. hopefully not madcap :
MADCAPs life story in pheerfull purple too.
to the left youll see the terrible ansi Idid
.. well.. Inormally do stink ansis of other people so Id thought Id do a stink one for me also.. *:o .. hmmm ...
oh.. well.. for those who have been stalking me, yall
have noticed Ive been away for a wee while.. Igot back just earlier this month and well.. didnt have a lot of
time to do ansi.. so for me.. Idid stuff all..
. Ican pretty much say Ill do a lot more next month..
you wanna hear a story? no?..
. well... yeah.. Iremember all that time ago when I
first logged onto The Agency, Iwas programming a doorgame.. that reminds me.. dammit.. Istill havent done that game either..
but anyway.. Iwas in the middle of structuring a door game.. and well.. what
do BBSdoor games use? ansi of course.. so yeah... Ithought Id look around
for someone or some people to help with some ansi.. first day Istarted looking
Ifound someone.. so me and Blind Sniper talked a bit.. well.. actually I
reckon Iprobably talked too much.. and so Isorta thought about it and joined
this flash sounding new group called D38..woohoo.. at the time Ididnt really
consider myself an ansi artist.. do Inow? .. Ijoined it to be on the code
side of things.. strange how things work out ey?..
for those who are wondering.. Why have Ibeen away for.. three or so months?
welllll.. a few reasons.. one was because Iwas trying to figure out how to
make soundblaster sounds.. Iknow.. I suck at code.. blah blah.. and I
rather foolishly broke my HD into the consistency of a crumbly cookie..
another thing was that the monitor Iwas using.. well.. .. it dont work
anymore.. twas nice too.. 21 SVGA.. third reason.. .. .. Ive actually
got some.. ur.. friends.. ok.. dont believe me..
Anyway.. D38 started with Blind Sniper.. Ireckon he ranks up with the best.
maybe not the most hardworking.. but the man has got skills.. what will we do
without him?.. well.. as mr Sniper has pointed out himself.. more or less..
new things are what keep the scene growing and developing.. and Ifor one, Im
gonna support this group..
Adios, Madcap, of Department38 Forever.
Horoscopes!@ Yupp, just like in the womans weekly tm
Well this idea is taken straight off the friday night
allan www.95bfm.co.nz or 95fm if yew live in akl and
its on friday nights :.. but hell we are gonna do it
sagitarius: this month if you start sleepwalking to the
toilet repeatedly.. seek proffesional help. womans weekly
horoscope person
libra: although pouring yogurht on your dick is fun.. it
leaves a ghastly odour.
leo: your love life is on a high this month. all the cats in the
neighbourhood are after your ass.
gemini: this month like last month, and the month before, you will find
yourself being pheered. its natural to a gemini.. dont worry.
capricorn: money problems are up ahead and you may find yourself end up as a
hooker in new mexico.
areis: this month is a lucky month for you. play lots of lotto. ask the cat
nextdoor out on a date. join d38 :.
and i cant remember what the other star signs are.. so sho nuff.
Rippers star warts story.. yu might aswell skip this part
once upon a time... in a land far away... was a lady with muffins on the side
of her head. Her name, was Princess Poke.
*swoosh to funny planet*
URG URG mouthed luke, as he swung his rod around the room. Suddenly there was
a knock on the door. *KNOCK*. Luke hurridly put his rod away.
Luke dear, dinners ready
Ok mum.. just.... doing something.. ill be there....... in a minute.........
Well dont be too long, or itll get cold!
Dont worry its already cold replied luke. Another day, another
interruption.. he never seemed to be able to finish what he started.
*swoosh back to Princes Poke*
A man in a black suit approached the Princes, bearing lollies. Come on little
girl, get into the space ship
Only if you fuck me like an animal screeched i-poke
I only do lollies rebutted DrkVader
Then you die, you funny breathing small penised bad guy!
*zap zap* went the gun... blah blah ... crew takes 5.. back to action..
blind sniper kicks a few l33t people off his board... i scratch my arm pits..
why i dont know i just thought id scratch them.. i dont think ive ever
scratched my arm pits before....
Princess Poke dashed like a lumberjack with 3 testicles down the dark yet
somehow seedy corridors of the Rebel star cruiser. Close in pursuit, DrkVader,
with his Rod of light ... light yes, like she said it was small... shes
telepathic and stuff, k?
Ill get you yet BITCH!@@@@@@@@@@@@ DrkVader thought to himself...
NO YOU WONT!@@@@@@ Poke thought back..
*swoosh to green stinky swamp place*
*Squelch. Schlop. Squelch. SchSchlop. *
THAT STOP LUKE!!!! Dark side strong. Pull slower must, or be lost ever for
side dark to the!
Luke put the rope-for-pulling-on-that-makes-noises c 1997 down on the swampy
grassy shit and sighed a big moan type sigh.
But master Yoda-Pumpkin, if i pull SLOWER, then it wont FEEL as good.
exasperated Luke
FEEL BETTER IT DOES! Slower pull, softer hands on the. Also longer lasting.
Thats probably good advice....
Luke resumed his pulling.
*fade out*
*fade in*
*fade out*
*fade in*
*fade out... fade in....fade out... fade in....fade out... fade in....fade out
... fade in....fade out... fade in....fade out... fade in....fade out... fade
in....fade out... fade in....fade out... fade in....*
*dead lighting operator falls over*
*swoosh to big black thingy*
Eye pops uh cap in yo az foo, jus aks yo ded momma!
*swoosh to OTHER big black thing*
So THIS is the big star blower uppy thing then is it?
Yes it is Lord DrkVader...
Care... i just want my cigs. The feeble minded servant man handed DrkVader
a few cig butts and proceeded to explain to DrkVader the benefits of 0wn1ng a
star blowy uppy thing.
Well for one thing... we can blow things up with it... big things... like..
stars and stuff..
Um and we can also .. blow little things up?
DrkVader frowns. joo need a haircut niglet DrkVader proceeds to rip oOZES
testicles off with his back teeth.
*fade out screams...*
*3 minutes later, somewhere else...*
But BLINDSNIPER Sir, if we dont launch our attack NOW, the imperial force
will CRUSH US ALL!!!!
Captain Blindsniper put his rather ample penis back into his pants and zipped
up. I have a rather ample penis you know.
Yes sir, i noticed, it only just fit... Exclaimed the 11 year old catholic
school boy.
Ok, you can go now. The bleeding youth hobbled off into the darkness...
The science officer, Ronald Macdonaldo, entered the captains quarters.
Captain BS... ive managed to produce a new hybrid bread of very stupid, yet
... stupid... well theres nothing good about them, except for the fact we can
make alot of them... theyre rather tall.. have silly hair...we call them
Hm... very interesting.. yus yus.... well... make some then i think...heh...
Ok captain BS, i will, right away sir
the science officer scuttled off into some more blackness on the other side
of his office..
Hmmmm thought Capt BS... maybe.. i can drop a few billion of these
Negrophytes on top of the star blowy uppy thingy..
OH NO!!! screamed captain BS, WHATS HAPPENING!??!
to be continued next issue..
Word dOOWWNNN!@ -
Well first of all...
pROPZZ to Chainsaw of Opium Raiders for coding is a d38-app@! hopefullt the appwill be looking better next pack.. sighs at the d38 coders
And also props to Ripper - for the story see above
and to Wise-k - for the pack stats ascii
and to LwnMan - for the vga hes supposed to do
and to everyone who i was gonna prop but i forgot
..and.. to all the d38 members who did nothing this month - you doods rule inyour own special kinda way :
EoF d-38 outteee 10: up your bum with d38 and a burrito.
da SHIT bs!
word nigr0e! haha
This month at deetre eight.
Weve sUPRISED all j00 m0mmys@!
by releasing on the 18th killah.. cuz here at d-3-ate were k-Wad. sho nuff.
Hmm well since blind sniper has left picture of him on the left, but he doesnt have his sombrero on..
the new leaders will be: madcap, ooze, neophyte.
and eye quote madcap - NeW LeaderS. NeW DirectioN.
-Oz NeW FueL heh i lubb the caps.
So well this has been a kinda muddled release cuz we
the leaders didnt really know what to do. but hopefully now that we or i :
have sorted out this orginisations shit and compiling the pack - we should be
running alot smoother. Nuff serious shit. check out the history file cuz it has
been UPDATED w00p. and.. check j00 horoscope after madcaps essay. -Ooze.
-- i wonder what that is.. hopefully not madcap :
MADCAPs life story in pheerfull purple too.
to the left youll see the terrible ansi Idid
.. well.. Inormally do stink ansis of other people so Id thought Id do a stink one for me also.. *:o .. hmmm ...
oh.. well.. for those who have been stalking me, yall
have noticed Ive been away for a wee while.. Igot back just earlier this month and well.. didnt have a lot of
time to do ansi.. so for me.. Idid stuff all..
. Ican pretty much say Ill do a lot more next month..
you wanna hear a story? no?..
. well... yeah.. Iremember all that time ago when I
first logged onto The Agency, Iwas programming a doorgame.. that reminds me.. dammit.. Istill havent done that game either..
but anyway.. Iwas in the middle of structuring a door game.. and well.. what
do BBSdoor games use? ansi of course.. so yeah... Ithought Id look around
for someone or some people to help with some ansi.. first day Istarted looking
Ifound someone.. so me and Blind Sniper talked a bit.. well.. actually I
reckon Iprobably talked too much.. and so Isorta thought about it and joined
this flash sounding new group called D38..woohoo.. at the time Ididnt really
consider myself an ansi artist.. do Inow? .. Ijoined it to be on the code
side of things.. strange how things work out ey?..
for those who are wondering.. Why have Ibeen away for.. three or so months?
welllll.. a few reasons.. one was because Iwas trying to figure out how to
make soundblaster sounds.. Iknow.. I suck at code.. blah blah.. and I
rather foolishly broke my HD into the consistency of a crumbly cookie..
another thing was that the monitor Iwas using.. well.. .. it dont work
anymore.. twas nice too.. 21 SVGA.. third reason.. .. .. Ive actually
got some.. ur.. friends.. ok.. dont believe me..
Anyway.. D38 started with Blind Sniper.. Ireckon he ranks up with the best.
maybe not the most hardworking.. but the man has got skills.. what will we do
without him?.. well.. as mr Sniper has pointed out himself.. more or less..
new things are what keep the scene growing and developing.. and Ifor one, Im
gonna support this group..
Adios, Madcap, of Department38 Forever.
Horoscopes!@ Yupp, just like in the womans weekly tm
Well this idea is taken straight off the friday night
allan www.95bfm.co.nz or 95fm if yew live in akl and
its on friday nights :.. but hell we are gonna do it
sagitarius: this month if you start sleepwalking to the
toilet repeatedly.. seek proffesional help. womans weekly
horoscope person
libra: although pouring yogurht on your dick is fun.. it
leaves a ghastly odour.
leo: your love life is on a high this month. all the cats in the
neighbourhood are after your ass.
gemini: this month like last month, and the month before, you will find
yourself being pheered. its natural to a gemini.. dont worry.
capricorn: money problems are up ahead and you may find yourself end up as a
hooker in new mexico.
areis: this month is a lucky month for you. play lots of lotto. ask the cat
nextdoor out on a date. join d38 :.
and i cant remember what the other star signs are.. so sho nuff.
Rippers star warts story.. yu might aswell skip this part
once upon a time... in a land far away... was a lady with muffins on the side
of her head. Her name, was Princess Poke.
*swoosh to funny planet*
URG URG mouthed luke, as he swung his rod around the room. Suddenly there was
a knock on the door. *KNOCK*. Luke hurridly put his rod away.
Luke dear, dinners ready
Ok mum.. just.... doing something.. ill be there....... in a minute.........
Well dont be too long, or itll get cold!
Dont worry its already cold replied luke. Another day, another
interruption.. he never seemed to be able to finish what he started.
*swoosh back to Princes Poke*
A man in a black suit approached the Princes, bearing lollies. Come on little
girl, get into the space ship
Only if you fuck me like an animal screeched i-poke
I only do lollies rebutted DrkVader
Then you die, you funny breathing small penised bad guy!
*zap zap* went the gun... blah blah ... crew takes 5.. back to action..
blind sniper kicks a few l33t people off his board... i scratch my arm pits..
why i dont know i just thought id scratch them.. i dont think ive ever
scratched my arm pits before....
Princess Poke dashed like a lumberjack with 3 testicles down the dark yet
somehow seedy corridors of the Rebel star cruiser. Close in pursuit, DrkVader,
with his Rod of light ... light yes, like she said it was small... shes
telepathic and stuff, k?
Ill get you yet BITCH!@@@@@@@@@@@@ DrkVader thought to himself...
NO YOU WONT!@@@@@@ Poke thought back..
*swoosh to green stinky swamp place*
*Squelch. Schlop. Squelch. SchSchlop. *
THAT STOP LUKE!!!! Dark side strong. Pull slower must, or be lost ever for
side dark to the!
Luke put the rope-for-pulling-on-that-makes-noises c 1997 down on the swampy
grassy shit and sighed a big moan type sigh.
But master Yoda-Pumpkin, if i pull SLOWER, then it wont FEEL as good.
exasperated Luke
FEEL BETTER IT DOES! Slower pull, softer hands on the. Also longer lasting.
Thats probably good advice....
Luke resumed his pulling.
*fade out*
*fade in*
*fade out*
*fade in*
*fade out... fade in....fade out... fade in....fade out... fade in....fade out
... fade in....fade out... fade in....fade out... fade in....fade out... fade
in....fade out... fade in....fade out... fade in....*
*dead lighting operator falls over*
*swoosh to big black thingy*
Eye pops uh cap in yo az foo, jus aks yo ded momma!
*swoosh to OTHER big black thing*
So THIS is the big star blower uppy thing then is it?
Yes it is Lord DrkVader...
Care... i just want my cigs. The feeble minded servant man handed DrkVader
a few cig butts and proceeded to explain to DrkVader the benefits of 0wn1ng a
star blowy uppy thing.
Well for one thing... we can blow things up with it... big things... like..
stars and stuff..
Um and we can also .. blow little things up?
DrkVader frowns. joo need a haircut niglet DrkVader proceeds to rip oOZES
testicles off with his back teeth.
*fade out screams...*
*3 minutes later, somewhere else...*
But BLINDSNIPER Sir, if we dont launch our attack NOW, the imperial force
will CRUSH US ALL!!!!
Captain Blindsniper put his rather ample penis back into his pants and zipped
up. I have a rather ample penis you know.
Yes sir, i noticed, it only just fit... Exclaimed the 11 year old catholic
school boy.
Ok, you can go now. The bleeding youth hobbled off into the darkness...
The science officer, Ronald Macdonaldo, entered the captains quarters.
Captain BS... ive managed to produce a new hybrid bread of very stupid, yet
... stupid... well theres nothing good about them, except for the fact we can
make alot of them... theyre rather tall.. have silly hair...we call them
Hm... very interesting.. yus yus.... well... make some then i think...heh...
Ok captain BS, i will, right away sir
the science officer scuttled off into some more blackness on the other side
of his office..
Hmmmm thought Capt BS... maybe.. i can drop a few billion of these
Negrophytes on top of the star blowy uppy thingy..
OH NO!!! screamed captain BS, WHATS HAPPENING!??!
to be continued next issue..
Word dOOWWNNN!@ -
Well first of all...
pROPZZ to Chainsaw of Opium Raiders for coding is a d38-app@! hopefullt the appwill be looking better next pack.. sighs at the d38 coders
And also props to Ripper - for the story see above
and to Wise-k - for the pack stats ascii
and to LwnMan - for the vga hes supposed to do
and to everyone who i was gonna prop but i forgot
..and.. to all the d38 members who did nothing this month - you doods rule inyour own special kinda way :
EoF d-38 outteee 10: up your bum with d38 and a burrito.
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