this image contains text
The August 1996 Dark Illustrated Newsletter
Fifth Business - Definition
Those roles which, being neither those of Hero nor Heroine, Confidante nor
Villain, but which were nonetheless essential to bring about the Recognition
or the denouement, were called the Fifth Business in drama and opera companies
organized according to the old style the player who acted these parts was
often referred to as Fifth Business.
- Tho. Overskou, Den Danske Skueplads
As the remaining days of summer dwindle, we can only look back at the
glorious days we had partying, drinking, or even just time alone. It was a
summer to remember. Whether it was meeting strange people who shaved their
heads and dyed them blue, asking strangers for the time in thirty second
intervals, or stealing anothers personal belongings, it was certainly
Dark is, without a doubt, a Fifth Business. We fill a role that *isnt*
a role. Hated and adored. Its an odd place to stand. Its also very
difficult to get comfortable.
Its an interesting group, whether or not you choose to acknowledge its
existence. Each member bonds with it in a different way, and the degree of
what can only loosely be termed as loyalty, is layered. We share the credit and fame for work well done. Were forced to share the
blame as well, which can bring discomfort. This process, however, determines
the core of loyal members. Some willing to weather out the storms, and
others looking to jump ship at the earliest signs of trouble.
There are also conflicts. These must also be resolved, and can leave scars
and harsh feelings in their wakes. Weve suffered them before, and will no
doubt continue to suffer them yet we march on.
There are heroes, and there are villains. Dark is made up of both, but Dark
itself *is* neither.
Memberlisting Update
The flux of members has been pretty chaotic this month, and reasons vary.
Here are a few notable additions to the group:
Eiht Ball joins the Dark ANSI department.
The Dark Side, Primus, and Rubidium Bromide also join Dark, expanding the
VGA department even further.
Hannibal The Cannibal, a veteran of the early Dark years, returns, perhaps
as a nostalgic whim.
Master of Darkness, a local and rabid Dark supporter, joins the Members
department as an all-around helping hand. His tail still hasnt stopped
Death Karnage joined us last month, despite a lack of mention in the
A few changes worth mentionning:
The Dark Agressor and David Tym are now known as Shinya Sasa and Eternal
Vigilance, respectively.
Please forgive *and report* any omissions.
Internet News
Darks presence on the net continues to grow. A preview of the new Web
pages graphics have been included in this months pack Prison Breakers
VGA should give you a good idea of what to expect.
Dark releases artwork under filenames with 5 letter abbreviations of the
handle of the artist and, 2 numbers corresponding to the number of pieces
theyve released.
ARTST-01.DRK for ARTISTs firt piece.
Whafuck? tm
desalvos reviews scare me. -- Dieznyik
Backing things up is highly-overrated hey, mind sendin up that copy again?
I accidently deleted it. -- The Green Hornet
My last ANSI blinded a group of kindergarten students singlehanded. --
Essential Obscenity
Profanity is the crutch of the inarticulate, motherfucker! -- One of
Hannibal the Cannibals taglines.
Man, if I had a HD that big, Id just sit there, type chkdsk, and stare
at it for hours. -- The Green Hornet
Besides, she sings like a muzzled wendigo. -- Xypher Matryx
Rumor Mill
Someones been impersonating Black Widow, and releasing ANSIs to boot!
The projected release date of Carnifexs VGA - 2014. I worked on it for 5
hours today I think Ive got the left corneas shadow right!
Vortex the music disk may come out sometime before armageddon.
Forlorn Extender desalvo wasnt joking.
Darks Summer of Hate World Tour will end in a vendetta strike against an
iguana-butcher somewhere in the US. Biological weapons and telephone poles
have been listed in an arsenal request form, leaked to the press.
Fake to black...
Its no secret theres turmoil within the ranks. No sense hiding it.
However, of one you thing you can be sure: were here to stay. Expect some
big changes next month. See you then...
08/96 NFO compiled by Carnifex, The Green Hornet, and Xypher Matryx.
Also known as Blank, GQ, and Turbo.
Fifth Business - Definition
Those roles which, being neither those of Hero nor Heroine, Confidante nor
Villain, but which were nonetheless essential to bring about the Recognition
or the denouement, were called the Fifth Business in drama and opera companies
organized according to the old style the player who acted these parts was
often referred to as Fifth Business.
- Tho. Overskou, Den Danske Skueplads
As the remaining days of summer dwindle, we can only look back at the
glorious days we had partying, drinking, or even just time alone. It was a
summer to remember. Whether it was meeting strange people who shaved their
heads and dyed them blue, asking strangers for the time in thirty second
intervals, or stealing anothers personal belongings, it was certainly
Dark is, without a doubt, a Fifth Business. We fill a role that *isnt*
a role. Hated and adored. Its an odd place to stand. Its also very
difficult to get comfortable.
Its an interesting group, whether or not you choose to acknowledge its
existence. Each member bonds with it in a different way, and the degree of
what can only loosely be termed as loyalty, is layered. We share the credit and fame for work well done. Were forced to share the
blame as well, which can bring discomfort. This process, however, determines
the core of loyal members. Some willing to weather out the storms, and
others looking to jump ship at the earliest signs of trouble.
There are also conflicts. These must also be resolved, and can leave scars
and harsh feelings in their wakes. Weve suffered them before, and will no
doubt continue to suffer them yet we march on.
There are heroes, and there are villains. Dark is made up of both, but Dark
itself *is* neither.
Memberlisting Update
The flux of members has been pretty chaotic this month, and reasons vary.
Here are a few notable additions to the group:
Eiht Ball joins the Dark ANSI department.
The Dark Side, Primus, and Rubidium Bromide also join Dark, expanding the
VGA department even further.
Hannibal The Cannibal, a veteran of the early Dark years, returns, perhaps
as a nostalgic whim.
Master of Darkness, a local and rabid Dark supporter, joins the Members
department as an all-around helping hand. His tail still hasnt stopped
Death Karnage joined us last month, despite a lack of mention in the
A few changes worth mentionning:
The Dark Agressor and David Tym are now known as Shinya Sasa and Eternal
Vigilance, respectively.
Please forgive *and report* any omissions.
Internet News
Darks presence on the net continues to grow. A preview of the new Web
pages graphics have been included in this months pack Prison Breakers
VGA should give you a good idea of what to expect.
Dark releases artwork under filenames with 5 letter abbreviations of the
handle of the artist and, 2 numbers corresponding to the number of pieces
theyve released.
ARTST-01.DRK for ARTISTs firt piece.
Whafuck? tm
desalvos reviews scare me. -- Dieznyik
Backing things up is highly-overrated hey, mind sendin up that copy again?
I accidently deleted it. -- The Green Hornet
My last ANSI blinded a group of kindergarten students singlehanded. --
Essential Obscenity
Profanity is the crutch of the inarticulate, motherfucker! -- One of
Hannibal the Cannibals taglines.
Man, if I had a HD that big, Id just sit there, type chkdsk, and stare
at it for hours. -- The Green Hornet
Besides, she sings like a muzzled wendigo. -- Xypher Matryx
Rumor Mill
Someones been impersonating Black Widow, and releasing ANSIs to boot!
The projected release date of Carnifexs VGA - 2014. I worked on it for 5
hours today I think Ive got the left corneas shadow right!
Vortex the music disk may come out sometime before armageddon.
Forlorn Extender desalvo wasnt joking.
Darks Summer of Hate World Tour will end in a vendetta strike against an
iguana-butcher somewhere in the US. Biological weapons and telephone poles
have been listed in an arsenal request form, leaked to the press.
Fake to black...
Its no secret theres turmoil within the ranks. No sense hiding it.
However, of one you thing you can be sure: were here to stay. Expect some
big changes next month. See you then...
08/96 NFO compiled by Carnifex, The Green Hornet, and Xypher Matryx.
Also known as Blank, GQ, and Turbo.
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