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You aint no kin to me so how the fuck you inherit my style?
prOpane... opd by madball. word up...always keepin it hardcore...rival 1996dig the fuckin greyscale...
takin ya back to tha oldskool with this phont is kidkrylonofdcds!productions
the lOgo...
spinal gamma...
a joint logo by kid krylon of decades and eerie-kun of samsara.
s p i n a l g a m m a ky+33
6 i 3 . 7 4 4 . 2 7 6 5
r i v a l c h q
i n
o k
d !
s o l a c e
greets go out to...
defiant, rza, hannibal lecter, flame, stone amnesia, flipside, sMooth, numb,
mikedee, betrayer, raffaello, eerie, tna, fluor, neurosis, dieznyik, spear,
suicidal snowman, and all of the 9o9 artists trying to make a come-up.
You aint no kin to me so how the fuck you inherit my style?
prOpane... opd by madball. word up...always keepin it hardcore...rival 1996dig the fuckin greyscale...
takin ya back to tha oldskool with this phont is kidkrylonofdcds!productions
the lOgo...
spinal gamma...
a joint logo by kid krylon of decades and eerie-kun of samsara.
s p i n a l g a m m a ky+33
6 i 3 . 7 4 4 . 2 7 6 5
r i v a l c h q
i n
o k
d !
s o l a c e
greets go out to...
defiant, rza, hannibal lecter, flame, stone amnesia, flipside, sMooth, numb,
mikedee, betrayer, raffaello, eerie, tna, fluor, neurosis, dieznyik, spear,
suicidal snowman, and all of the 9o9 artists trying to make a come-up.
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