this image contains text
This file belongs inside deeeeeez.zip and is
not supposed to be spread separately. Please
nuke this file spank the uploader. thanks!
amiga font required.
1500 lines. can your editor handle that? fuck ansi-draw!
. ..... o . / / / /. o ..... .
/ the weener takes it all yo.
the // . .
: L : E // A : C : Y :
. pOpstARz dEluX!@ :
LEGACY PRiDE!@ dance down the evil powers of the ans+ansi lameRz!
may the tyrantz burn! buurn in hell suckaz! suck my weEner!@
l .l.
l . ./ / / /./ / / // /
l / / / //. / / / /
// / /l / ./.
// /zNra!
bon, bon.. . .
cest le misieur, : : avec la ascii cliqque,
d e z i b e l ll a r c a d e
maybe one day i will make a seri0z colly for legacy. maybe one day i will
stop smoking ganja. maybne one day i will be able to put my leg behind
my head. maybe one day it will be peace on the entire earth. maybe one day
marijunana will be legalized in sweden. maybe one day ill get a pair of
1200s. maybe one day.. but today is damned sure not that day. beside, what
are you gonna dream about if you lived out allyour dreams? enjoy.
e n d t o e n d w e e n e r
o1 angels for la shawn
// write sum shit here.. a n g e l s .. .
o2 another life for freak
: l l l l l l l l l l l
/ . another
/ / / l/ /./ .life // dza!
l l l l
o3 bbses for revolution
. // dza! //
// // bbses..
o4 black hole caf for marlon brando
l ..:
: B L A C K H O L E C A F E
o5 black hole caf for marlon brando
dza! / /. / / // / B.LACK H.OLE C.AFE
... l/ ----- ----- ----- l/ . .. .....
.. l/ ----- ----- l/ .. l/ ------- .. l/ .
o6 brnnarburk for brane
l / l / / l l l l / /
// l/ ----- l/ l/
. l --
l / l l / / / /
// ------ l/ ------
dza! :
o7 digital blasphemy for straylight
/ ./ . : ./ . dza! .
-/-------------------------------- ---l-----------------------
. Di g i t al B la s phe m y . o . Operated by Straylight .
and the same logo in a little,
smaller version:
. / : / dza!
. Di g i t al B la s phe m y . o . Operated by Straylight .
o8 digital blasphemy for straylight
/ Digital blasphemy ..
/ // // / +o Straylight
: o / / / / // / /
o9 dipswitch for dipswitch
. : dza!
/ / / D i P 5 W i T C H . .
.l / / .
---- l .
. : A R C A D E
// / / / / 100 PERCENT
l / l/ l / / l / l :
/----- l---:- l / l------
1o dub for infect
. dza!
----. / /. . ------ -- dub ---/
/------ ll-----, . /. --- ----------
----l---- /
11 emok e-mail sig. for emok
::l l / /l l :
: ------/ l ------ :
:...: dza! :..................: emok@remorse.org :....:...: :
12 eternity for woober
/ / /. / dza!
/ / / . /----/ / /----- / / /l---- :
/--:-- / /----- e t e r n i t y
/ den norske hoegkvarter fr arcade ..
13 flatmaster for dwarf
l / / /
l/ / / / / :
dza! / / / / / /
// / // / / flatmaster
/----- / /--:---/ /l/
14 frostbyte for necrite
o // / // / // /
---- ------ ------- dza!
f r 0 s t / / / // / //
b y t e / / // /
15 goodbye 2 romance divider for mjolnir
Just another 14 logos. Mjolnir. / :
dza! :... .
/ /. / / ./ / . / / l ./
l l l l l l l l
. ..... l ----- l ----- l ----- l ..
dezibel reqd by dezibel : / / /
16 greetz for dwarf
dza! /
. // ./ I d l i k e t o
l // / G R E E T :
. l/ / :
./ this box aint big enuff for you?
then extend it, moron!
17 i still call australia home for dartagnan
/ // / l //:
/ / / / / l
/ / / / l // ----l/
/ / / l .. I Still Call
/----- -----l/ . Australia Home .. :
/ / ,, /----- / / l -----
-----, / ----l .
dza! :l:
18 mortimer twang as a gift to mt
l ll/ l ll l/ l/ l
. l/ l.// l/ ----- l//
. mortimer twang of low profile industries . dza!
o .
l // .// / . / / / //. /
l/ l./ l/ l l/ l
mgel as a gift to all the alien lifeforms
19 that lives and prospers in my hair.
- *-- / ./ / . / / l l /-----
. l l l / l -------l l
-------l l ------- -------
: m g e l
dza! * o
2o napalm for arcade
n a p a l m
21 nipple for tesko suicide
dza! / / / /
: . . ... ....nipple.
22 nwwa soul survivor 98 for flaze
/ / l / / / / / / / / / l / / // / / /
23 puma for mjolnir
: // // p u m a . .
: / dza!
24 punkass for sitesman
@ o @ :
/ Y . / /
./ / / / / // / dza!
P U N K A S S / / / / /
25 purple gangster for riven
--- / -dza!------- ---- l --- / ---
/ l
26 quantum for palmore
Q U / N T U M . .mASSIVe. . 1 9 9 9
l / l l l l l lQU/NTUM
/ . .cYBERIa. / :
/ :. / dza!
27 r3v for revolution
. R3V
: l / /
dza! .. viva la revolution
. R81 :
28 riven for riven
: :: / r i v e n
dza! :....: : / ------ -----
29 samurai wind for deviant
.s.a.m.u.r.a.i. .w.i.n.d. /:
/ dza!
// ----- l / / / /
3o server for brane
: dza! :
l l l l l /l l l
31 shockwave for dont remeber..
/l / l l / l/ l
--/ /------ ------ l//
dza! . .
l / l/ l l/ l /
/ .shOck.wAve.
32 sin 6k for sinister 6000
l l ll l . . / //. // :
o ----- -----
l l l l
dza! .: : : : : .: : :. : :.: :.: :.: :.:
: that snall dot font is more or less
stolen from hiro, spank me.
33 spinal core for abstrakt
. o . .
/ l/ o / /. / ./
l l - l / l l
--l------ --:--/--l------
: .. spinal core .
dza! /
34 style as a gift to the style members
--/--- StYlE ---- ---/-------------- ------
-- : .dza!.
.stezo.folar.boheme.zeus.. .
35 sysop for revolution
dza! . : / /. / //. / //./ / : :
. .......: :. . / / / ..: S Y S O P :.: .
36 the late night show for zaner
:. / l. / / / / /
:: ---- ---- ---- ------ / l
:::.. ThE LaTE NiGHT ShOW / ..:::
.::::::::: l l l l :::::::.
: l// l// l// l// l :
dza! l/ l/ l/ l//
37 tristar and red sector inc for zoltrix
/ / t ristar r ed
/ / / / / / // / / / / s ector i nc!
--------------- dza! ------------- // ----- - --/---
/ / / / / / / / // / o / / /
38 trsi diz for zoltrix
/ / / / dza! //
/ l / / /
l /-----l / / /
--- ------------- -----l /----/---
T.ristar R.ed S.ector I.nc / 1999
39 village for brane
. ...: .V.I.L.L.A.G.E. dza!
:: / / l .// .:
4o wayland for aeternam
Wayland +O Aeternam dza!
41 woober for woober
dza! : / , .
/---- /------ ---- / / /------ ------ /------ --- WOOBER ----
vi r som fglar, fglar som frgar
vi r som lar, lar som lar :
: vi r som fiskar, fiskar som viskar.
. fan vad jag hatar martin .
the football world cup im talking FOOTBALL here, the biggest sport of
the fucking WORLD!i dont mean that fukked up american sport that those
stoo0opid americans refer to as football!@ was CORRUPT@! in a deal with
the seven richest countries of the world, the G7 group, the
french would stop their nuclear teztings in exchange of the world cup title.
yes its true! we knew that the sports was all about money and corruption,
but we didnt know it had gone this far. holy fuck.
how else could the french of all people win the world cup?
i mean they really do suck.
....... .o
:.. / / / / / o
----------------- dza! -------- ....: wEEnEr!@
. your lips are red like the leafs of an opium poppy
im gonna fuck you in the ass, nuttin can stop me .
vol / / / /
/ .. dezibel@amigascne.org .. /
send me a couple of requests and ill shut up!
yeah. oh that feels soo go0oood. naughty giirl. oooh yeah b*tch
:...: : .... . the end.
in my last colly i wrote..
this is the worst shit released. EVER
shoot me.
well, this is even worse.
you should have shot me!!
This file belongs inside deeeeeez.zip and is
not supposed to be spread separately. Please
nuke this file spank the uploader. thanks!
amiga font required.
1500 lines. can your editor handle that? fuck ansi-draw!
. ..... o . / / / /. o ..... .
/ the weener takes it all yo.
the // . .
: L : E // A : C : Y :
. pOpstARz dEluX!@ :
LEGACY PRiDE!@ dance down the evil powers of the ans+ansi lameRz!
may the tyrantz burn! buurn in hell suckaz! suck my weEner!@
l .l.
l . ./ / / /./ / / // /
l / / / //. / / / /
// / /l / ./.
// /zNra!
bon, bon.. . .
cest le misieur, : : avec la ascii cliqque,
d e z i b e l ll a r c a d e
maybe one day i will make a seri0z colly for legacy. maybe one day i will
stop smoking ganja. maybne one day i will be able to put my leg behind
my head. maybe one day it will be peace on the entire earth. maybe one day
marijunana will be legalized in sweden. maybe one day ill get a pair of
1200s. maybe one day.. but today is damned sure not that day. beside, what
are you gonna dream about if you lived out allyour dreams? enjoy.
e n d t o e n d w e e n e r
o1 angels for la shawn
// write sum shit here.. a n g e l s .. .
o2 another life for freak
: l l l l l l l l l l l
/ . another
/ / / l/ /./ .life // dza!
l l l l
o3 bbses for revolution
. // dza! //
// // bbses..
o4 black hole caf for marlon brando
l ..:
: B L A C K H O L E C A F E
o5 black hole caf for marlon brando
dza! / /. / / // / B.LACK H.OLE C.AFE
... l/ ----- ----- ----- l/ . .. .....
.. l/ ----- ----- l/ .. l/ ------- .. l/ .
o6 brnnarburk for brane
l / l / / l l l l / /
// l/ ----- l/ l/
. l --
l / l l / / / /
// ------ l/ ------
dza! :
o7 digital blasphemy for straylight
/ ./ . : ./ . dza! .
-/-------------------------------- ---l-----------------------
. Di g i t al B la s phe m y . o . Operated by Straylight .
and the same logo in a little,
smaller version:
. / : / dza!
. Di g i t al B la s phe m y . o . Operated by Straylight .
o8 digital blasphemy for straylight
/ Digital blasphemy ..
/ // // / +o Straylight
: o / / / / // / /
o9 dipswitch for dipswitch
. : dza!
/ / / D i P 5 W i T C H . .
.l / / .
---- l .
. : A R C A D E
// / / / / 100 PERCENT
l / l/ l / / l / l :
/----- l---:- l / l------
1o dub for infect
. dza!
----. / /. . ------ -- dub ---/
/------ ll-----, . /. --- ----------
----l---- /
11 emok e-mail sig. for emok
::l l / /l l :
: ------/ l ------ :
:...: dza! :..................: emok@remorse.org :....:...: :
12 eternity for woober
/ / /. / dza!
/ / / . /----/ / /----- / / /l---- :
/--:-- / /----- e t e r n i t y
/ den norske hoegkvarter fr arcade ..
13 flatmaster for dwarf
l / / /
l/ / / / / :
dza! / / / / / /
// / // / / flatmaster
/----- / /--:---/ /l/
14 frostbyte for necrite
o // / // / // /
---- ------ ------- dza!
f r 0 s t / / / // / //
b y t e / / // /
15 goodbye 2 romance divider for mjolnir
Just another 14 logos. Mjolnir. / :
dza! :... .
/ /. / / ./ / . / / l ./
l l l l l l l l
. ..... l ----- l ----- l ----- l ..
dezibel reqd by dezibel : / / /
16 greetz for dwarf
dza! /
. // ./ I d l i k e t o
l // / G R E E T :
. l/ / :
./ this box aint big enuff for you?
then extend it, moron!
17 i still call australia home for dartagnan
/ // / l //:
/ / / / / l
/ / / / l // ----l/
/ / / l .. I Still Call
/----- -----l/ . Australia Home .. :
/ / ,, /----- / / l -----
-----, / ----l .
dza! :l:
18 mortimer twang as a gift to mt
l ll/ l ll l/ l/ l
. l/ l.// l/ ----- l//
. mortimer twang of low profile industries . dza!
o .
l // .// / . / / / //. /
l/ l./ l/ l l/ l
mgel as a gift to all the alien lifeforms
19 that lives and prospers in my hair.
- *-- / ./ / . / / l l /-----
. l l l / l -------l l
-------l l ------- -------
: m g e l
dza! * o
2o napalm for arcade
n a p a l m
21 nipple for tesko suicide
dza! / / / /
: . . ... ....nipple.
22 nwwa soul survivor 98 for flaze
/ / l / / / / / / / / / l / / // / / /
23 puma for mjolnir
: // // p u m a . .
: / dza!
24 punkass for sitesman
@ o @ :
/ Y . / /
./ / / / / // / dza!
P U N K A S S / / / / /
25 purple gangster for riven
--- / -dza!------- ---- l --- / ---
/ l
26 quantum for palmore
Q U / N T U M . .mASSIVe. . 1 9 9 9
l / l l l l l lQU/NTUM
/ . .cYBERIa. / :
/ :. / dza!
27 r3v for revolution
. R3V
: l / /
dza! .. viva la revolution
. R81 :
28 riven for riven
: :: / r i v e n
dza! :....: : / ------ -----
29 samurai wind for deviant
.s.a.m.u.r.a.i. .w.i.n.d. /:
/ dza!
// ----- l / / / /
3o server for brane
: dza! :
l l l l l /l l l
31 shockwave for dont remeber..
/l / l l / l/ l
--/ /------ ------ l//
dza! . .
l / l/ l l/ l /
/ .shOck.wAve.
32 sin 6k for sinister 6000
l l ll l . . / //. // :
o ----- -----
l l l l
dza! .: : : : : .: : :. : :.: :.: :.: :.:
: that snall dot font is more or less
stolen from hiro, spank me.
33 spinal core for abstrakt
. o . .
/ l/ o / /. / ./
l l - l / l l
--l------ --:--/--l------
: .. spinal core .
dza! /
34 style as a gift to the style members
--/--- StYlE ---- ---/-------------- ------
-- : .dza!.
.stezo.folar.boheme.zeus.. .
35 sysop for revolution
dza! . : / /. / //. / //./ / : :
. .......: :. . / / / ..: S Y S O P :.: .
36 the late night show for zaner
:. / l. / / / / /
:: ---- ---- ---- ------ / l
:::.. ThE LaTE NiGHT ShOW / ..:::
.::::::::: l l l l :::::::.
: l// l// l// l// l :
dza! l/ l/ l/ l//
37 tristar and red sector inc for zoltrix
/ / t ristar r ed
/ / / / / / // / / / / s ector i nc!
--------------- dza! ------------- // ----- - --/---
/ / / / / / / / // / o / / /
38 trsi diz for zoltrix
/ / / / dza! //
/ l / / /
l /-----l / / /
--- ------------- -----l /----/---
T.ristar R.ed S.ector I.nc / 1999
39 village for brane
. ...: .V.I.L.L.A.G.E. dza!
:: / / l .// .:
4o wayland for aeternam
Wayland +O Aeternam dza!
41 woober for woober
dza! : / , .
/---- /------ ---- / / /------ ------ /------ --- WOOBER ----
vi r som fglar, fglar som frgar
vi r som lar, lar som lar :
: vi r som fiskar, fiskar som viskar.
. fan vad jag hatar martin .
the football world cup im talking FOOTBALL here, the biggest sport of
the fucking WORLD!i dont mean that fukked up american sport that those
stoo0opid americans refer to as football!@ was CORRUPT@! in a deal with
the seven richest countries of the world, the G7 group, the
french would stop their nuclear teztings in exchange of the world cup title.
yes its true! we knew that the sports was all about money and corruption,
but we didnt know it had gone this far. holy fuck.
how else could the french of all people win the world cup?
i mean they really do suck.
....... .o
:.. / / / / / o
----------------- dza! -------- ....: wEEnEr!@
. your lips are red like the leafs of an opium poppy
im gonna fuck you in the ass, nuttin can stop me .
vol / / / /
/ .. dezibel@amigascne.org .. /
send me a couple of requests and ill shut up!
yeah. oh that feels soo go0oood. naughty giirl. oooh yeah b*tch
:...: : .... . the end.
in my last colly i wrote..
this is the worst shit released. EVER
shoot me.
well, this is even worse.
you should have shot me!!
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