this image contains text
what are YOU looking at..
this ansi has recieved
the UGA seal of approvial..
The UnderGrond Asylum SysOps EXelsior local wat the fuck is
MrOremote wth this red stuff?
fone number 4i2-2KR-AD4U NUP :???????????? if you call UGA
: then youll be
: did you see how /-radly i spelled 412??? cool i promise..
um i did this ansi in 5 colors.. i think that makes me a /-Rad ANSi d00d.. :
or something.. anyway ask around 412 for the number/NUP cuz the board kicks
ass hell yea im a sysop : its the most modified /-Raddest rene 5-31
board around. and remember.. UGA is punk as fuck. ask EXcelsior
PARLiAMENT member board Deleria member board as /-Spi as RSGNet is, we
dont subscribe. damn. in fact we have no lame nets. damn again. tons
of HPAC files and utils, 150+ virii, ansi packs, renegayde utils,
gaymes, lyrics, no ratio for cool people, and your teenage idol EXcelsior
as seen in Teen and YM magazine oh yea and 15 minute WaReZ damn were rad
greets n shit: EXcelsior: i did you this ansi. its punk as fuck. really.
Bossanova: have fun in college. i dont believe a word of
your beer story : oh yea and tnx for the CMU
Rollins: Prettu is sleeping!!!
Infiniti: hey im /-rad. let me in your group. hehee
Bean: one day ill be as cool as you i know it
Kid Frost: join Deleria : hey school sucks huh..
The Monad: hi.
Scarlett: give me back my sweatshirt dammit
hunchback: hi youre the shit. : 08-94 fucking ruled
Luc: bye.. too bad i couldnt email you.. i hate WWIVNet
Anarchangel: get me a TiDE pack i wanna see it man
Liquid Vision RELiC??: join Deleria..
Outlaw: did you guys ever merge?? hehe do you have a viewer
everyone else who is all /-Rad and ELiTE and shit: get the
NUP and and call UGA so you can be as fucking cool as the
rest of us ::
everyone who has read this far: WHY??
oh yea and UGA is soon to be the WHQ of whatever-we-decide
to-name-it ansi.. EX and i will be seniors and um it will
probably suck. : it will be so like we can put out all the
shit EX does since hes not in LiTHiUM anymore and all the
shit i do that doesnt make the AiM packs : hehee
vampires are cool and if you read this whole ansi so are you. bye. MrODel
this ansi has recieved
the UGA seal of approvial..
The UnderGrond Asylum SysOps EXelsior local wat the fuck is
MrOremote wth this red stuff?
fone number 4i2-2KR-AD4U NUP :???????????? if you call UGA
: then youll be
: did you see how /-radly i spelled 412??? cool i promise..
um i did this ansi in 5 colors.. i think that makes me a /-Rad ANSi d00d.. :
or something.. anyway ask around 412 for the number/NUP cuz the board kicks
ass hell yea im a sysop : its the most modified /-Raddest rene 5-31
board around. and remember.. UGA is punk as fuck. ask EXcelsior
PARLiAMENT member board Deleria member board as /-Spi as RSGNet is, we
dont subscribe. damn. in fact we have no lame nets. damn again. tons
of HPAC files and utils, 150+ virii, ansi packs, renegayde utils,
gaymes, lyrics, no ratio for cool people, and your teenage idol EXcelsior
as seen in Teen and YM magazine oh yea and 15 minute WaReZ damn were rad
greets n shit: EXcelsior: i did you this ansi. its punk as fuck. really.
Bossanova: have fun in college. i dont believe a word of
your beer story : oh yea and tnx for the CMU
Rollins: Prettu is sleeping!!!
Infiniti: hey im /-rad. let me in your group. hehee
Bean: one day ill be as cool as you i know it
Kid Frost: join Deleria : hey school sucks huh..
The Monad: hi.
Scarlett: give me back my sweatshirt dammit
hunchback: hi youre the shit. : 08-94 fucking ruled
Luc: bye.. too bad i couldnt email you.. i hate WWIVNet
Anarchangel: get me a TiDE pack i wanna see it man
Liquid Vision RELiC??: join Deleria..
Outlaw: did you guys ever merge?? hehe do you have a viewer
everyone else who is all /-Rad and ELiTE and shit: get the
NUP and and call UGA so you can be as fucking cool as the
rest of us ::
everyone who has read this far: WHY??
oh yea and UGA is soon to be the WHQ of whatever-we-decide
to-name-it ansi.. EX and i will be seniors and um it will
probably suck. : it will be so like we can put out all the
shit EX does since hes not in LiTHiUM anymore and all the
shit i do that doesnt make the AiM packs : hehee
vampires are cool and if you read this whole ansi so are you. bye. MrODel
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