this image contains text
introduction and like stuff ack
welcome to demonic productionz fourth pack, 07/97, a pretty
eventful two months i must say, alot has happened in the bbsing
scene, and and alot of strange things have gone on.. but look.. we
released.. the usual pack chock full of badass mods, doors, and
source code...
wow, we were alittle late again this month, we missed it by a good
2 weeks.. and its acutally august now.. but it couldnt really be
helped this time.. lemme explain...
we were going to release at mid month like usual, but i took an
extra week to gather work.. big deal.. i was putting the pack
together last week, and was just about to finish it up.. i took
some time out to play some doom against the locals.. after the
battle we were talking on the phone, when i heard what sounded like
fireworks going off.. i turned around to see smoke pouring out of
my power supply.. it had blown up.. i was thinking that maybe my
harddrive got fried, and i lost all the work.. eh.. horrible
thought.. anyways.. i was feeling down, and a few days later came
my birthday, i got a bunch of money from relatives, so i went out
an bought a new power supply and wired it up.. and were back in
action. thankfully my worst fears the hd being dead werent ever
you might see another dem-0797.zip floating around, its not us,
i was pretty fucking shocked when i saw it.. its an art mag
called demesne, and its really cool.. i had a word with the editor
and hes agreed to release on opposite months as us..
our seperate release policy is still, as always in effect, seperate
releases too big to but in the pack bbs softs, misc programs, bbs
setups, ect are availible from our dist sites and our ftp...
ill make this part nice and short, the orgin of demonic. being
genuinly fed up with modding after the deaths of just about all my
old affils tric, fsw, px, ts, sin, ta i decided to take up my
own group well, it was a nifty idea at the time so i decided to
draft some of my friends from previous groups, i mean, people i
knew farily well and liked the work of. at first i didnt get much
support, but eventually ie: after the death of most of their
groups and having nothing better to do we all got together, the
final step in my grand scheme was to actually set a release date
and then pester the hell out of them for their work this worked
fairly well in most cases a few odd members joined i dont know
where they came from but im not complaining and here we are.
that wasnt short damnit...
member info and other equally unimportant news
senior members... iceman man666son on irc joined demonic, and
after releasing 3 things in 3 days asked if he might be considered
for the poisition of coding head, hell.. why not.. hes been on
vacation for awhile now, but hes back.... all other senior member
re-assignments are noted in the members list.
work this month... well, for some odd reason work this month
consists of mostly utils, even some bbs unreleated code.. check
out icemans en/derypter, and really really really check out
natedoggs xtreme doorkit.. its a pascal unit for making doors,
very much like edoor, except it contains a few more features, and
even better, full turbo pascal source code.. check pack.lst for
more release info...
new members.. lemme see here, narcissus joins are illusion modding
division.. boy its getting big purpin joins iniquity and coding
divisions, ice man joins are coding division and now leads it..
jandor joins a few modding divisions, and needo joins us for
instinct and illusion... and thats all i can remember for now..
leaving members.. as far as i can remember, noone dropped out
and told me about it... we had a few near quittings, but they
are pretty much resolved...
guests and stuff.. special thanks to max headroom tric for hangin
with us, running the bots, and entertaining us... also thanks to
impulse who did us a badass diz, and mhz for this pack.lst ascii
i used last month..
joining. to apply simply fill out the enclosed dem-app.exe and
send us yourinitials-app.txt and some work. we ARE currently
excepting applications for distros and couriers. though i am
starting to lose track of them if you would like to guest with us
simply contact me on irc.
random shit and now a word from your vice president
well, these two months have been really strange for me. i didnt
get very much work done for a lot of reasons. for one, i moved
to minnesota, and was without a computer for a real long time. i
also had to format my hard drive when i installed os/2 so i lost
my iniquity setup and some of my mods. i have it all on zipdisk,
but havent had the time to copy it back to my hard drive. i
apollogize for my lazy ass. i could go on and on ...
so, whats new in the bbs scene? the iniquity source code was
sold to a guy named michael pike for 300. he seems to be happy
with iniquity just as it is and is making no changes except full
internet connectivity. if you ask me, he has other things that
he could work on first. i probably will not do any more iniquity
mods/utils/addons ever again.
illusion v2.00 was recently released also. it finally got out of
the d read v1.99beta versions : raw toxics old group, fsw has
i did however find time to do SOME work for the pack. in fact, i
did an entire doorkit in pascal. its called the xtreme doorkit
also called xdoor for short. its very nice. so please take a
look at that if youre a door developer comes with full source.
this took a LOT of time to do, and should count for at least 5 or
6 mods :
look for vivid bbs software in the not-so-far-away future.
natedogg nd@kracked.com, demonic vice president
how to contact us me
jack phlashs email address.................jp@washington.xtn.net
offical demonic ftp site...............ftp to demonic.kracked.com
offical demonic irc channel..................demonic on us efnet
offical demonic whq board..............distortion, currently down
offical demonic home page..........http://www.demonic.kracked.com
misc greets and stuff
a special thanks to all the mod groups ive hung wish the past few
months, especially tric and woe for for putting up with our angst
little asses...
also greets to all muh boys in bbswarez and cia...
oh yeah, and check out ick!mag.exe for other bbs scene news..
end of file this means you
introduction and like stuff ack
welcome to demonic productionz fourth pack, 07/97, a pretty
eventful two months i must say, alot has happened in the bbsing
scene, and and alot of strange things have gone on.. but look.. we
released.. the usual pack chock full of badass mods, doors, and
source code...
wow, we were alittle late again this month, we missed it by a good
2 weeks.. and its acutally august now.. but it couldnt really be
helped this time.. lemme explain...
we were going to release at mid month like usual, but i took an
extra week to gather work.. big deal.. i was putting the pack
together last week, and was just about to finish it up.. i took
some time out to play some doom against the locals.. after the
battle we were talking on the phone, when i heard what sounded like
fireworks going off.. i turned around to see smoke pouring out of
my power supply.. it had blown up.. i was thinking that maybe my
harddrive got fried, and i lost all the work.. eh.. horrible
thought.. anyways.. i was feeling down, and a few days later came
my birthday, i got a bunch of money from relatives, so i went out
an bought a new power supply and wired it up.. and were back in
action. thankfully my worst fears the hd being dead werent ever
you might see another dem-0797.zip floating around, its not us,
i was pretty fucking shocked when i saw it.. its an art mag
called demesne, and its really cool.. i had a word with the editor
and hes agreed to release on opposite months as us..
our seperate release policy is still, as always in effect, seperate
releases too big to but in the pack bbs softs, misc programs, bbs
setups, ect are availible from our dist sites and our ftp...
ill make this part nice and short, the orgin of demonic. being
genuinly fed up with modding after the deaths of just about all my
old affils tric, fsw, px, ts, sin, ta i decided to take up my
own group well, it was a nifty idea at the time so i decided to
draft some of my friends from previous groups, i mean, people i
knew farily well and liked the work of. at first i didnt get much
support, but eventually ie: after the death of most of their
groups and having nothing better to do we all got together, the
final step in my grand scheme was to actually set a release date
and then pester the hell out of them for their work this worked
fairly well in most cases a few odd members joined i dont know
where they came from but im not complaining and here we are.
that wasnt short damnit...
member info and other equally unimportant news
senior members... iceman man666son on irc joined demonic, and
after releasing 3 things in 3 days asked if he might be considered
for the poisition of coding head, hell.. why not.. hes been on
vacation for awhile now, but hes back.... all other senior member
re-assignments are noted in the members list.
work this month... well, for some odd reason work this month
consists of mostly utils, even some bbs unreleated code.. check
out icemans en/derypter, and really really really check out
natedoggs xtreme doorkit.. its a pascal unit for making doors,
very much like edoor, except it contains a few more features, and
even better, full turbo pascal source code.. check pack.lst for
more release info...
new members.. lemme see here, narcissus joins are illusion modding
division.. boy its getting big purpin joins iniquity and coding
divisions, ice man joins are coding division and now leads it..
jandor joins a few modding divisions, and needo joins us for
instinct and illusion... and thats all i can remember for now..
leaving members.. as far as i can remember, noone dropped out
and told me about it... we had a few near quittings, but they
are pretty much resolved...
guests and stuff.. special thanks to max headroom tric for hangin
with us, running the bots, and entertaining us... also thanks to
impulse who did us a badass diz, and mhz for this pack.lst ascii
i used last month..
joining. to apply simply fill out the enclosed dem-app.exe and
send us yourinitials-app.txt and some work. we ARE currently
excepting applications for distros and couriers. though i am
starting to lose track of them if you would like to guest with us
simply contact me on irc.
random shit and now a word from your vice president
well, these two months have been really strange for me. i didnt
get very much work done for a lot of reasons. for one, i moved
to minnesota, and was without a computer for a real long time. i
also had to format my hard drive when i installed os/2 so i lost
my iniquity setup and some of my mods. i have it all on zipdisk,
but havent had the time to copy it back to my hard drive. i
apollogize for my lazy ass. i could go on and on ...
so, whats new in the bbs scene? the iniquity source code was
sold to a guy named michael pike for 300. he seems to be happy
with iniquity just as it is and is making no changes except full
internet connectivity. if you ask me, he has other things that
he could work on first. i probably will not do any more iniquity
mods/utils/addons ever again.
illusion v2.00 was recently released also. it finally got out of
the d read v1.99beta versions : raw toxics old group, fsw has
i did however find time to do SOME work for the pack. in fact, i
did an entire doorkit in pascal. its called the xtreme doorkit
also called xdoor for short. its very nice. so please take a
look at that if youre a door developer comes with full source.
this took a LOT of time to do, and should count for at least 5 or
6 mods :
look for vivid bbs software in the not-so-far-away future.
natedogg nd@kracked.com, demonic vice president
how to contact us me
jack phlashs email address.................jp@washington.xtn.net
offical demonic ftp site...............ftp to demonic.kracked.com
offical demonic irc channel..................demonic on us efnet
offical demonic whq board..............distortion, currently down
offical demonic home page..........http://www.demonic.kracked.com
misc greets and stuff
a special thanks to all the mod groups ive hung wish the past few
months, especially tric and woe for for putting up with our angst
little asses...
also greets to all muh boys in bbswarez and cia...
oh yeah, and check out ick!mag.exe for other bbs scene news..
end of file this means you
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