this image contains text
DOA Application
Real Name:...............
Phone Number:xxx xxx-xxxx
Position Applying for:
ANSi Artist
VGA Artist
Coder/Musik Artist
Have you previously been in any other art groups? If so, which ones:......
How long have you been doing position applying for on the computer?:....
What is it that you hope to accomplish in DOA:............................
Briefly, state what you like to do outside of the computer world. This
section must be filled out:...............................................
Date: ../../.. Name:...............
Real Name:...............
Phone Number:xxx xxx-xxxx
Position Applying for:
ANSi Artist
VGA Artist
Coder/Musik Artist
Have you previously been in any other art groups? If so, which ones:......
How long have you been doing position applying for on the computer?:....
What is it that you hope to accomplish in DOA:............................
Briefly, state what you like to do outside of the computer world. This
section must be filled out:...............................................
Date: ../../.. Name:...............
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