this image contains text
S@s,?HaRD,ZZZZ,s. ,+ . :ZZZZZZ,ZZzZ?,s@S
:iiZZZS ,,ZZ . ZZZZ,, SZZZii
:iiZZZS ,Z,ZZb ?. : perience ZZZZ,Z, SZZZii
S* .J,ZZ,,ZZZ j? L ZZZ,,ZZ,L. *S
.,s,ZZ,Z,ZZ ,P +,. ZZ,Z,ZZ,s,.
Darkland Crew presents first artpack - Xperience
Hello to peoples at demoscene of the world.
We with pride present ours 1st artpack and we hope that it is pleasant to you.
The authors contributed own work in this artpack: HaRD, Headcrasher, Lod
And now word is transferred to authors contribute own works in this artpack:
Lod: Large thank to IronLung, for him I is obliged let small,
let insignificant ascii artist career, but just he was my
Also big thanx to all dLc members, that we were united, have
begin to do already something of seriously, let not
absolutely professionally, but with soul...
And then agree, for beginning quite not bad...
And at last i want to express personal gratitude to Chris
Rea, for that he so pleases me by the music, in it I scoop
the inspiration, and also to Baltic brewery, that it so
pleases me by the good beer..
HaRD: The summer comes to an end... I sould go to school
But I hope that I shall not cease to draw....
I create some works in the summer heat, when from heat
brains melt as asphalt on roads, when after half-hour stay
under sun, on a body will be formed crunch crust.
But i hope that the works will like you.
Greets fly to: of coz to all dLc members and
personally to IronLung.
I conside that he very much original person and he is my
favorite ASKii artist, at his worx i learn.
Headcrasher: Some greets fly out to groups Universe, Toxic
No personal greets...
S@s,?HaRD,ZZZZ,s. ,+ . :ZZZZZZ,ZZzZ?,s@S
:iiZZZS ,,ZZ . ZZZZ,, SZZZii
:iiZZZS ,Z,ZZb ?. : perience ZZZZ,Z, SZZZii
S* .J,ZZ,,ZZZ j? L ZZZ,,ZZ,L. *S
.,s,ZZ,Z,ZZ ,P +,. ZZ,Z,ZZ,s,.
Darkland Crew presents first artpack - Xperience
Hello to peoples at demoscene of the world.
We with pride present ours 1st artpack and we hope that it is pleasant to you.
The authors contributed own work in this artpack: HaRD, Headcrasher, Lod
And now word is transferred to authors contribute own works in this artpack:
Lod: Large thank to IronLung, for him I is obliged let small,
let insignificant ascii artist career, but just he was my
Also big thanx to all dLc members, that we were united, have
begin to do already something of seriously, let not
absolutely professionally, but with soul...
And then agree, for beginning quite not bad...
And at last i want to express personal gratitude to Chris
Rea, for that he so pleases me by the music, in it I scoop
the inspiration, and also to Baltic brewery, that it so
pleases me by the good beer..
HaRD: The summer comes to an end... I sould go to school
But I hope that I shall not cease to draw....
I create some works in the summer heat, when from heat
brains melt as asphalt on roads, when after half-hour stay
under sun, on a body will be formed crunch crust.
But i hope that the works will like you.
Greets fly to: of coz to all dLc members and
personally to IronLung.
I conside that he very much original person and he is my
favorite ASKii artist, at his worx i learn.
Headcrasher: Some greets fly out to groups Universe, Toxic
No personal greets...
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