this image contains text
... ... .... ... ..... ... hc
... People of Earth! Today is a great day... Today we start a
new life. Today we leave the Industrial Age and today we are
going back to the Golden Age! Today our problems end. Today
we start our voyage...
Our life, as it has been, is over. Today we celebrate the
coming of a new era. All preparations are over now... Yes.
The time has finally come. We are ready.
The Virtual Voyage... For the next 10,000 years...
Yo! Nothing to be said here... Our 6th pack finally released!
We attack the Internet, so now you can contact us from every
corner of the world... And now, relax and view the artwork
included in this pack, read the strings by authors...
Well, enjoy the pack!
i ,.
, Hi every1..
., , After the fucking big time delay, we are
, , releasing our next package of computer art.
, :ll In this pack youre able to see some ascii
,:: ii works by me our new member - Evil Lex
bla, bla, bla.... yeah! Astral Projection
:: rules! And psy mushrooms are - really! -
good things..... no more words....
, Hi, maan. Im glad to see U watching this nfo
,:: ii,
, :ll, I do not want to speak bout what we had
, , what well have to do in future, but,
., , as I can see, dLc wave a great potential,
s, which will be realized in the near future.
i Seek for our new releases!
Catch you later...
... People of Earth! Today is a great day... Today we start a
new life. Today we leave the Industrial Age and today we are
going back to the Golden Age! Today our problems end. Today
we start our voyage...
Our life, as it has been, is over. Today we celebrate the
coming of a new era. All preparations are over now... Yes.
The time has finally come. We are ready.
The Virtual Voyage... For the next 10,000 years...
Yo! Nothing to be said here... Our 6th pack finally released!
We attack the Internet, so now you can contact us from every
corner of the world... And now, relax and view the artwork
included in this pack, read the strings by authors...
Well, enjoy the pack!
i ,.
, Hi every1..
., , After the fucking big time delay, we are
, , releasing our next package of computer art.
, :ll In this pack youre able to see some ascii
,:: ii works by me our new member - Evil Lex
bla, bla, bla.... yeah! Astral Projection
:: rules! And psy mushrooms are - really! -
good things..... no more words....
, Hi, maan. Im glad to see U watching this nfo
,:: ii,
, :ll, I do not want to speak bout what we had
, , what well have to do in future, but,
., , as I can see, dLc wave a great potential,
s, which will be realized in the near future.
i Seek for our new releases!
Catch you later...
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