this image contains text
d o g m a 1
table of contents:
1. letters to the editor - loopy
2. net abusers - mistawho
3. ihate.irc - stigmata
4. acro - stigmata
5. monthly interview - loopy
6. irc polls - loopy
7. stupid shit on irc - loopy
8. next issue - loopy
9. goodbye - loopy
1. letters to the editor
yo sup guys loOpy here bringing you dogma issue number one. where are
my letters youre all supposed to write me so i have something to put in this
section here??@?@
enough with the bitching and ill get on with this phat little zine. this
section entitled letters to the editor is for variuos questions you may have
about irc, the net, or anything dealing with the net in general..like say you
want to know how to set up youre own kr4d 0-d4y@ ftp site, or how to convert
y0ur3 favorite pictures from alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.* ,i can answer yur
question here so write to us. we need yore comments, suggestions, flames,
mailbombs and questions so we have something to fill up this elite area. the
dogma letters to the editor and anyone else email is: pdauria@pb.net
-loOpydogma editor
2. net abusers
READ ALL ABOUT IT. The commercial industry has yet found another way
to annoy the hell out of everybody, and this time they are taking it to a
much higher leve, and annoying.
The WWW, world wide web. Something at first used for small little
pages for an individual or a few people that form a company, now, everybody
from your favorite cars, to your favorite breakfast time cereal, have a web
page and are showing them off to you.
You ever watch TV lately? Watch, almost HALF of the commercials you
will see on TV now will have a web address at the bottom of it. Why are they
gaining so much popularity? Simple, it all started the day I started getting
into the webs, well, not really, but I am a great deal of it and you should
keep that in mind while you read this article.
At first most companies would not touch what they still naively said
was the information superhighway. Now it seems that everyone has acquired
knowledge, and that nobody should be illiterate towards a home computer any-
more, and more importantly, anything to do with the internet. Although their
knowledge is limited, it is far more grasped by millions then it was by the
thousands years ago when features like Internet Relay Chat was just the new-
est little fad around from what started as a small government network.
I for one am against it. While everybody and their moms company has
an account, they will destroy what the net originally was, damn well and ever
so welcoming confusing. Now with Bill the Gates, IBMs OS/2, and other such
GUI based operating systems, people can double click like a mad man, when they
do not even know what is going on in the background, which is a full fledged
shell. You can literally and I have seen this recently have almost NO
idea of what a computer is, and still go online now. The companies think that
if they will follow the future consumer with a piece of toilet paper ready to
wipe the consumers ass, they just scored another few bucks. I know that it
is not a bad thing to expand your horizons, but when it comes to something
like the net, it should be left alone, and only to those who know what the
hell Linux is.
It seems almost not too long ago, only a few thousand people were
using the internet, because only a few people could understand how to handle
a unix based shell. Now if you got a mouse, you have your ass PADDED along
the goddamn way, and everybody will be there to help you through. Lets put
this to the test.
AOHell, er, AOL. I called them up, I dont keep their disks when they
send me a disk a week they want to brag that mistawho graced them :. I
re-installed AOHell, er, AOL, sorry, again and started to double click like a
mad man. I couldnt stand it, I deleted windows and re-installed my old Pro
Comm Plus for DOS, very old, eh? I got an account on netcum, called long
distance and everything. All I wanted to do is check out a web page, and for
my example, it was www.zipnet.com. I mailed the system adminstrators, and I
literally had my ass helped through everything. Fuck actually acquiring and
learning everything on your own, NO WAY, if someone else can pat you on the
ass and tell you commands you dont even know the meaning to, then what is the
meaning? Throw away your Ethernet cards, take down those ISDN lines, it is
not worth it anymore if non-domestic cars can be on OUR goddamn net.
Call me insane, but this really does make sense.
3. ihate.irc
things that annoy me on the net!@
wh0rd, nIGGUH aRE yOU zICK oF lAMUHZ tYPIN lIKE dIZ? well i am for sure.
bah dont get me wrong, its not that bad *once in a while* but every minute of
the day can really piss off a irc user. i mean its not like these people
that are typing like morons are black! most of them are 13 year old wannabes
who listen to dr dre and snoop doggy dog. yay how cute the little surburban
white boy wants to talk like a black gangstah rapper.
argh, even while im writing this im tempted to spell shit wrong, yas know
whats eyem sayin. after seeing this form of writing you kind of pick it
up and then one day notice yourself using it, ironic isnt it. here i am
mocking it and im tempted to do it myself. oh well. but on with my article.
another thing that totally pisses me off, is fucking horny pre-pubescent 12-
14 year old who whack off to gifs and cyber sex. you cant enter any channel
without some little prick messaging you: m/f? wanna hot chat? are you horny?
you got big tits? are you wet? this is when i get mad crazy loco and fucking
start killing these little perves off the net. 1- im not a girl so, i dont
know about you with the exception of TheGuardian i dont like it when little
boys or *ANY* guys try to have cyber sex with me. im not a bitch so so whack
off to a victorias secret catalog you little pervert!
bah channel takeovers suck as well. fucking one second you are having a
cool, important conversation with a fellow ircer and the next second:
* You have been kicked off bah by IAMLEET * eye rewl * *
bah i hate takeovers. i mean damn go play with yourself you bored looser.
dont try to fuck up another persons good time if you want to call it that.
hah. irc a good time, that a hoot :
the last thing i hate is people who think they own the channel they have ops
in, when they dont even know the first thing about what the channel is about.
and if they dont like you, or you say something they ban you bah! whats up
with that shit. wake up mr power hungry looser, its on a @ it doesnt give
you god-like privledges... or maybe it does hmm. while on the subject of ops!
what about the fucking op beggars. here are a few of my favorite beg lines:
1. pass me some ops
2. y0 nIG wHERE mUH +0
3 op me damnit!
4. im leet, dont worry i wont take over
5. op me or ill takeover!@ phear me
bah fuck you loosers, go choke on your own jizm. heh. oh wells im tired im
outtie. if you agree with what i say email me at stig@sectless.liii.com, if
you disagree you eat moose dingle berries :
4. acro
Whats the latest irc game!? acro bi0tch!
bah is irc the same ol fun it used to be? if sitting idle in lame-ass
channels and watching lamers flood seems like fun to you, then boy does big
daddy stig got a game for you. whats that you ask? you mean i can take the
finger out my ass and actually do something on internet besides cyber-sex and
downloading warez!@ hook me up! well there tuff-guy alls you got to do is
/server neato.org then once connected /j acro and BAMN!
acro, what the fuck is that!? well ill tell you! its a neat little game
in which: an acronym is given, then you msg acrobot the game host what you
think the acronym stands for but you only got 60 seconds!, then the channel
votes on which they think is best, and the winner gets points. pretty leet
eh? you bet your boots!@
heh anyways, there are other ways to get points also. there is a thing
called a speed bonus, in other words if you answer first you get 2 extra
points. but if you are as leet as me, you know other ways to get points.
CHEATING!@ thats right, and im going to let you cyber loosers in on some of
the methods that me, big daddy stig uses.
one way is to just grab the speed bonus. ie acrobot says the acronym is:
ABC, you would just as quick as possible type: /m acrobot a b c and woop!
an automatic 2 points! another method is while voting, when the voting round
comes you have to vote for the acronym you think is best. but what if it is
not yours? what to do? fucking vote for yourself biotch, thats what! BUT
it just aint that simple. theres a trick to it. you must change you nick
to vote for yourself, because acrobot dont allow shiznit like that so change
your nick without being suspicious and vote for yourself, and keep changing
your nick, and vote for yourself again. you can rack up *major* points this
way trust me. i once came into a game in the last round with a total of 0
points and i ended up winning, tee hee :
anyways i hope you nigs check out this leet new game because its a lot of
fun, not to mention better then slapping your ass with a wet noodle!
im outtie2000,
email at: stig@sectless.liii.com
5. interview
this months dogma interview was with subzero. although he hasnt been
on the net for too long, he is one of the most knowledge-able guys on irc.
check this out. definately something to read.
loOpy : how long have you been on irc in decades ?
loOpy : er years
subzero For about a year now
subzero in decades well none :
loOpy : What was the first channel you joined when you came on irc for the
first time?
subzero warez5 of course first one i ever heard about :
loOpy : you mean you never tried out those sex channels first? heheh my
first was wetsex
subzero haha nah i am against netsex i think its humanly incorrect :
loOpy : ahahah. so you were that guy protesting netsex
subzero damm straight :
loOpy : who was the first person you really started to hang out with on irc?
subzero well it would have to be my good friend named totem he would give me
the odd sites helped me get going in the warez scene etc etc
subzero i still talk to him to this day he is a really cool guy.
loOpy : yah ive got a few friends like that still..
subzero its good to have old friend on irc as well as new friend cause each
helps and can help in a different way when your in need :
loOpy : do you remember youre first collide?
subzero my first collide hmm no i dont remember it i remember my first
channel takeover tho :
loOpy : heheh what was that channel? :
subzero warez6 i took it over and held it and to this day its still run
by some of my former ops :
loOpy : ahahah so you basically redid warez6
loOpy : changed it for eternity
subzero basically ya it was the first channel i ever took and held :
loOpy : i think the first channel i ever took was teenchat or teentalk or
something like that with the mafia
subzero it was quite a rush messing up people and a channel then
prevailing as the winner :
*** Signoff: subzero Killed irc.cris.com irc.uiuc.edu -
loOpy : speaking of getting a rush :
:::note that from here subzero changed his nick to sz as someone collided
:::him and kept his nick.
*** sz subzero@ has joined iv
sz arent colliders great :
sz the collider was asmodean@bigdog.fred.net
loOpy : ironic eh? :
sz that is prolly a result of my lice takeover :
sz *** subzero is shelley4@netcom11.netcom.com yGpd
sz *** on irc via server anarchy.tamu.edu Da Maroon Puddle of
loOpy : heheh as you can see, subzero is one tough guy when it comes to the
sz ooo another one :
sz i will have to fuck them up after hehehe
sz ya that was ironic :
loOpy : what was youre first script that you really stuck with for a while?
sz well thats easy it was called subzero.irc and eventually evolved into
subkicks.irc and was used by every warez5 op hehe :
sz basically it was as you might have guessed a kick script
loOpy : yeap ive got a copy of subkicks.irc
sz werd thats old skewl code mannn :
loOpy : yea i know, sometimes i print it out, and then take a shit and read it
just to try and get more oldskewl :
sz by the way while were at it whats the name of yer mag?
loOpy : oh its called dogma
sz cool
loOpy : i forgot what it means :
*** HIDOGMA hello@dogma has joined iv
*** Signoff: HIDOGMA Leaving
loOpy : ahahahah
loOpy : just another example of how leet this guy is
loOpy : who was the first person you ever taught youre code to?
sz hmm well i dont really teach people how to code just give them
information :
sz you are prolly the first person i evr really helped out
loOpy : woah heh i guess nobody else knows how good at ircii scripting you
are. well after this i guess they will :
sz hehe i guess ya :
loOpy : so did you write anything other than subkicks.irc ?
sz yep many things since that
sz as my talents grew i started moddin other scripts
sz then eventually writing my own from a oper script to a full script
for ctoolz
sz and prolly my bestscript ever was my auto collide script
sz i wrote while the irc mafia was around.
sz of which i still have and is greatly improved :
loOpy : was the auto collid ethe one in dstrukt, or something better?
sz lo0py yes auto collides were originally in dstrukt
sz then what had happened ws i improved the code greatly and never
released it in later versions
sz and to this day only one person has my latest auto collide script
loOpy : would that one person be you?
sz i mean one person as in one other person sorry :
loOpy : oh ok heh
loOpy : so what do you want to be when you grow up?
sz well i want to basically work at an ISP then move up high
sz and eventually start my own ISP/computer store.
loOpy : what would you call youre isp, and would you hire me? :
sz hehe well i would call my ISP one of two things but i would rather
not say in case someone goes and regs them :
sz cause i like the two names alot hehehe so no comment
loOpy : i understand :
loOpy : subzero.com
sz haha subzero.com nah :
sz i remember the day i saw someone on from subzero.winternet.com
sz was kinda nifty i felt honoured hahaha :
loOpy : yeap when i saw that for the first time i was like woah subzero
loOpy : you know whos a real dick?
sz who?
loOpy : reptile!root@reptile.port.net
sz yep he is an ass :
loOpy : he always took my nick
sz Connected to reptile.port.net.
sz :
loOpy : heheheh
sz 220-reptile.port.net Sendmail 8.6.9/8.6.9 ready at Mon, 11 Dec 1995
23:46:32 -0500
sz bah too easy :
loOpy : ahahahah
loOpy : so who started the irc mafia?
loOpy : when they were areound that is
sz well that would be me :
sz then we eventually dispersed due to lamers
sz - *mykroft* why you tellin people you hacked dissident when in
reailty you narqed it?
sz *Mykroft* I didnt tell people I hacked it... I told them I took it
down... and I explained HOW I took it down...
sz - *Mykroft* yes you took it down by NARQING it
sz *Mykroft* Nice talking to you too..
sz notice how he doesnt deny it
sz what a tool
loOpy : hahahahahah
loOpy : so when was the first time you had an Oline?
sz well i sorta had one
sz it was on irc.ilstu.edu but due to abuse to one of their opers
sz it was taken away security measures or some crap
sz but thats a long story and a lame one :
loOpy : ok heh
loOpy : yea i notice youre ususally on that server
loOpy : wow. i just saw some gay ibm aptiva commercial
sz hehehe
loOpy : what do you think about these stupid everyone can use a computer
sz well to put it simply
sz they are dumb :
sz cause look at irc as a prime example
sz you get so many clueless twits on it :
loOpy : yeap :
loOpy : so about the irc mafia...tell us about it?
sz well the irc mafia started out as a good idea
sz a bunch of us got together set it up
sz basically went around taking channels fucking up anyone who fucked
with us
sz hehe i guess people pheared us cause one group mentioned us in their
.nfo about us so :
sz from there things kinda got lame
sz too many members so one day me and the people who formed it
sz simply said fuck it and discontinued it
sz by the way the irc mafia was started on a att conf :
loOpy : hahahhaahh
loOpy : confs are always fun...
loOpy : shit this is getting long. :
sz yep
loOpy : well in one final note, what is one thing you want in the readers
minds about you and the irc scene in general?
sz well i will go out on this note/quote :
sz TpcT subz and sheiky yewz have to help me with this.. my sex life
is goin down the drain..
sz i wub how people mis phrase things on irc :
loOpy : so folks
loOpy : if you need sex advice
loOpy : email subzero
loOpy : whats youre email btw? :
loOpy : thanks alot dude..youre going to be remmbered always i think :
sz hehe sure anyways i got some channels to take so i can make this irc
session a little more fun :
sz ttyl man :
thats it for the interview with subzero...hope you liked it and learned
something from it at the same time
-loOpydogma editor
6. irc polls
779 total ircII script users polled on 8:36 pm 12/1/95 eastern time.
490 PhoEniX
150 LiCe
44 TextBox
20 dEsPiTe
13 splitsURfer
10 DJiNN
10 SkulD
9 FausT
8 K-Line
7 PurePak
7 Night
6 y0h0h0
5 iRCUZi
margin of error: roughly 1
note: this poll only counts SCRIPTS, not clients like mIRC or ircII. In
acutality, i versioned with the polling script i wrote, about 2,000
users, yet most were using ircII unix, mIRC windows, or ircle
-loOpydogma editor
7. stupid shit to type on irc
what would an irc/net zine be without stupid shit?!@? stupid of course.
so right here is little one line annoyance things to do on irc.send y0r little
one line annoyance things in, so you can share it with the rest of us. you must
be on unix, and have an ircii client to do this shit. i offer no support at all
for mirc, wsirc or any other of those stupid windows clients. if i see you with
a windows client i just might have to get mideval on youre sorry ass.
/on -public *//say 0 1-
when someone types shit, it repeats it back to the whole channel.
!annOyance factOr! 90
/on -public *//nick toupperN//nick tolowerN
when someone types shit, you automatically change youre nick to all caps
then all lowercase
!annOyance factOr! 70
/on -join */msg C yo 0
when someone joins the channel it autogreets them
!annOyance factOr! 40
8. whats planned for next month
There are a vast number of new things planned for next month. along with
more articles, more writers and more ascii, here is whats coming at you:
- an interview with either: DrD coder of FausT
asmodean coder of skuld and dEsPiTe
SrFrog you know who he is :
prym coder of night, desynk, and volt
MayTrickZ desynk president
DRiZ ircuzi president
also note that i havent asked any of these people for an interview yet :
- an explaination of what a desynch is on irc.
- letters to the editor
- more articles.
- top 10 lists
- pamela anderson/lee whatever nude on youre bed
- more stuff in general
- overview of all the irc groups
- irc quotes
- we hope to get an official dogma ftp site soon..
9. goodbye
dogma ishoo number has now left the building. dogma has left the
building. remember to wipe front to back and email us at pduaria.pb.net
-dogma 1 95
dP db
dP db
dP db.
.dP db.
.dP 8b
.88 88b.
.d888. 888db.
d88888O. . O8888dP.
.C8888888O. . O8888888D.
.d888888888O. : O88888888b
d88888888888O. Y .88888888888bb
88888888888888O. .T. .O888888888888Y8
8Y88888888888888Oo .H. oO88888888888888D8
PT8888888888888888Oo. .db. .oO8888888888888888TP
d8888888888OO88888888o. .sD Ds. .o88888888OO888888888ddP
P88888888OO888888888888dlP lb888888888888OO8888888ddP
db8888888OO888888888888dP Pb888888888888OOO888888dP
db888888888888888888dS Sb888888888888888888db
9b8888888888dbP db8888888888dP
woah...arent you glad you looked down here. -dogma 95
d o g m a 1
table of contents:
1. letters to the editor - loopy
2. net abusers - mistawho
3. ihate.irc - stigmata
4. acro - stigmata
5. monthly interview - loopy
6. irc polls - loopy
7. stupid shit on irc - loopy
8. next issue - loopy
9. goodbye - loopy
1. letters to the editor
yo sup guys loOpy here bringing you dogma issue number one. where are
my letters youre all supposed to write me so i have something to put in this
section here??@?@
enough with the bitching and ill get on with this phat little zine. this
section entitled letters to the editor is for variuos questions you may have
about irc, the net, or anything dealing with the net in general..like say you
want to know how to set up youre own kr4d 0-d4y@ ftp site, or how to convert
y0ur3 favorite pictures from alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.* ,i can answer yur
question here so write to us. we need yore comments, suggestions, flames,
mailbombs and questions so we have something to fill up this elite area. the
dogma letters to the editor and anyone else email is: pdauria@pb.net
-loOpydogma editor
2. net abusers
READ ALL ABOUT IT. The commercial industry has yet found another way
to annoy the hell out of everybody, and this time they are taking it to a
much higher leve, and annoying.
The WWW, world wide web. Something at first used for small little
pages for an individual or a few people that form a company, now, everybody
from your favorite cars, to your favorite breakfast time cereal, have a web
page and are showing them off to you.
You ever watch TV lately? Watch, almost HALF of the commercials you
will see on TV now will have a web address at the bottom of it. Why are they
gaining so much popularity? Simple, it all started the day I started getting
into the webs, well, not really, but I am a great deal of it and you should
keep that in mind while you read this article.
At first most companies would not touch what they still naively said
was the information superhighway. Now it seems that everyone has acquired
knowledge, and that nobody should be illiterate towards a home computer any-
more, and more importantly, anything to do with the internet. Although their
knowledge is limited, it is far more grasped by millions then it was by the
thousands years ago when features like Internet Relay Chat was just the new-
est little fad around from what started as a small government network.
I for one am against it. While everybody and their moms company has
an account, they will destroy what the net originally was, damn well and ever
so welcoming confusing. Now with Bill the Gates, IBMs OS/2, and other such
GUI based operating systems, people can double click like a mad man, when they
do not even know what is going on in the background, which is a full fledged
shell. You can literally and I have seen this recently have almost NO
idea of what a computer is, and still go online now. The companies think that
if they will follow the future consumer with a piece of toilet paper ready to
wipe the consumers ass, they just scored another few bucks. I know that it
is not a bad thing to expand your horizons, but when it comes to something
like the net, it should be left alone, and only to those who know what the
hell Linux is.
It seems almost not too long ago, only a few thousand people were
using the internet, because only a few people could understand how to handle
a unix based shell. Now if you got a mouse, you have your ass PADDED along
the goddamn way, and everybody will be there to help you through. Lets put
this to the test.
AOHell, er, AOL. I called them up, I dont keep their disks when they
send me a disk a week they want to brag that mistawho graced them :. I
re-installed AOHell, er, AOL, sorry, again and started to double click like a
mad man. I couldnt stand it, I deleted windows and re-installed my old Pro
Comm Plus for DOS, very old, eh? I got an account on netcum, called long
distance and everything. All I wanted to do is check out a web page, and for
my example, it was www.zipnet.com. I mailed the system adminstrators, and I
literally had my ass helped through everything. Fuck actually acquiring and
learning everything on your own, NO WAY, if someone else can pat you on the
ass and tell you commands you dont even know the meaning to, then what is the
meaning? Throw away your Ethernet cards, take down those ISDN lines, it is
not worth it anymore if non-domestic cars can be on OUR goddamn net.
Call me insane, but this really does make sense.
3. ihate.irc
things that annoy me on the net!@
wh0rd, nIGGUH aRE yOU zICK oF lAMUHZ tYPIN lIKE dIZ? well i am for sure.
bah dont get me wrong, its not that bad *once in a while* but every minute of
the day can really piss off a irc user. i mean its not like these people
that are typing like morons are black! most of them are 13 year old wannabes
who listen to dr dre and snoop doggy dog. yay how cute the little surburban
white boy wants to talk like a black gangstah rapper.
argh, even while im writing this im tempted to spell shit wrong, yas know
whats eyem sayin. after seeing this form of writing you kind of pick it
up and then one day notice yourself using it, ironic isnt it. here i am
mocking it and im tempted to do it myself. oh well. but on with my article.
another thing that totally pisses me off, is fucking horny pre-pubescent 12-
14 year old who whack off to gifs and cyber sex. you cant enter any channel
without some little prick messaging you: m/f? wanna hot chat? are you horny?
you got big tits? are you wet? this is when i get mad crazy loco and fucking
start killing these little perves off the net. 1- im not a girl so, i dont
know about you with the exception of TheGuardian i dont like it when little
boys or *ANY* guys try to have cyber sex with me. im not a bitch so so whack
off to a victorias secret catalog you little pervert!
bah channel takeovers suck as well. fucking one second you are having a
cool, important conversation with a fellow ircer and the next second:
* You have been kicked off bah by IAMLEET * eye rewl * *
bah i hate takeovers. i mean damn go play with yourself you bored looser.
dont try to fuck up another persons good time if you want to call it that.
hah. irc a good time, that a hoot :
the last thing i hate is people who think they own the channel they have ops
in, when they dont even know the first thing about what the channel is about.
and if they dont like you, or you say something they ban you bah! whats up
with that shit. wake up mr power hungry looser, its on a @ it doesnt give
you god-like privledges... or maybe it does hmm. while on the subject of ops!
what about the fucking op beggars. here are a few of my favorite beg lines:
1. pass me some ops
2. y0 nIG wHERE mUH +0
3 op me damnit!
4. im leet, dont worry i wont take over
5. op me or ill takeover!@ phear me
bah fuck you loosers, go choke on your own jizm. heh. oh wells im tired im
outtie. if you agree with what i say email me at stig@sectless.liii.com, if
you disagree you eat moose dingle berries :
4. acro
Whats the latest irc game!? acro bi0tch!
bah is irc the same ol fun it used to be? if sitting idle in lame-ass
channels and watching lamers flood seems like fun to you, then boy does big
daddy stig got a game for you. whats that you ask? you mean i can take the
finger out my ass and actually do something on internet besides cyber-sex and
downloading warez!@ hook me up! well there tuff-guy alls you got to do is
/server neato.org then once connected /j acro and BAMN!
acro, what the fuck is that!? well ill tell you! its a neat little game
in which: an acronym is given, then you msg acrobot the game host what you
think the acronym stands for but you only got 60 seconds!, then the channel
votes on which they think is best, and the winner gets points. pretty leet
eh? you bet your boots!@
heh anyways, there are other ways to get points also. there is a thing
called a speed bonus, in other words if you answer first you get 2 extra
points. but if you are as leet as me, you know other ways to get points.
CHEATING!@ thats right, and im going to let you cyber loosers in on some of
the methods that me, big daddy stig uses.
one way is to just grab the speed bonus. ie acrobot says the acronym is:
ABC, you would just as quick as possible type: /m acrobot a b c and woop!
an automatic 2 points! another method is while voting, when the voting round
comes you have to vote for the acronym you think is best. but what if it is
not yours? what to do? fucking vote for yourself biotch, thats what! BUT
it just aint that simple. theres a trick to it. you must change you nick
to vote for yourself, because acrobot dont allow shiznit like that so change
your nick without being suspicious and vote for yourself, and keep changing
your nick, and vote for yourself again. you can rack up *major* points this
way trust me. i once came into a game in the last round with a total of 0
points and i ended up winning, tee hee :
anyways i hope you nigs check out this leet new game because its a lot of
fun, not to mention better then slapping your ass with a wet noodle!
im outtie2000,
email at: stig@sectless.liii.com
5. interview
this months dogma interview was with subzero. although he hasnt been
on the net for too long, he is one of the most knowledge-able guys on irc.
check this out. definately something to read.
loOpy : how long have you been on irc in decades ?
loOpy : er years
subzero For about a year now
subzero in decades well none :
loOpy : What was the first channel you joined when you came on irc for the
first time?
subzero warez5 of course first one i ever heard about :
loOpy : you mean you never tried out those sex channels first? heheh my
first was wetsex
subzero haha nah i am against netsex i think its humanly incorrect :
loOpy : ahahah. so you were that guy protesting netsex
subzero damm straight :
loOpy : who was the first person you really started to hang out with on irc?
subzero well it would have to be my good friend named totem he would give me
the odd sites helped me get going in the warez scene etc etc
subzero i still talk to him to this day he is a really cool guy.
loOpy : yah ive got a few friends like that still..
subzero its good to have old friend on irc as well as new friend cause each
helps and can help in a different way when your in need :
loOpy : do you remember youre first collide?
subzero my first collide hmm no i dont remember it i remember my first
channel takeover tho :
loOpy : heheh what was that channel? :
subzero warez6 i took it over and held it and to this day its still run
by some of my former ops :
loOpy : ahahah so you basically redid warez6
loOpy : changed it for eternity
subzero basically ya it was the first channel i ever took and held :
loOpy : i think the first channel i ever took was teenchat or teentalk or
something like that with the mafia
subzero it was quite a rush messing up people and a channel then
prevailing as the winner :
*** Signoff: subzero Killed irc.cris.com irc.uiuc.edu -
loOpy : speaking of getting a rush :
:::note that from here subzero changed his nick to sz as someone collided
:::him and kept his nick.
*** sz subzero@ has joined iv
sz arent colliders great :
sz the collider was asmodean@bigdog.fred.net
loOpy : ironic eh? :
sz that is prolly a result of my lice takeover :
sz *** subzero is shelley4@netcom11.netcom.com yGpd
sz *** on irc via server anarchy.tamu.edu Da Maroon Puddle of
loOpy : heheh as you can see, subzero is one tough guy when it comes to the
sz ooo another one :
sz i will have to fuck them up after hehehe
sz ya that was ironic :
loOpy : what was youre first script that you really stuck with for a while?
sz well thats easy it was called subzero.irc and eventually evolved into
subkicks.irc and was used by every warez5 op hehe :
sz basically it was as you might have guessed a kick script
loOpy : yeap ive got a copy of subkicks.irc
sz werd thats old skewl code mannn :
loOpy : yea i know, sometimes i print it out, and then take a shit and read it
just to try and get more oldskewl :
sz by the way while were at it whats the name of yer mag?
loOpy : oh its called dogma
sz cool
loOpy : i forgot what it means :
*** HIDOGMA hello@dogma has joined iv
*** Signoff: HIDOGMA Leaving
loOpy : ahahahah
loOpy : just another example of how leet this guy is
loOpy : who was the first person you ever taught youre code to?
sz hmm well i dont really teach people how to code just give them
information :
sz you are prolly the first person i evr really helped out
loOpy : woah heh i guess nobody else knows how good at ircii scripting you
are. well after this i guess they will :
sz hehe i guess ya :
loOpy : so did you write anything other than subkicks.irc ?
sz yep many things since that
sz as my talents grew i started moddin other scripts
sz then eventually writing my own from a oper script to a full script
for ctoolz
sz and prolly my bestscript ever was my auto collide script
sz i wrote while the irc mafia was around.
sz of which i still have and is greatly improved :
loOpy : was the auto collid ethe one in dstrukt, or something better?
sz lo0py yes auto collides were originally in dstrukt
sz then what had happened ws i improved the code greatly and never
released it in later versions
sz and to this day only one person has my latest auto collide script
loOpy : would that one person be you?
sz i mean one person as in one other person sorry :
loOpy : oh ok heh
loOpy : so what do you want to be when you grow up?
sz well i want to basically work at an ISP then move up high
sz and eventually start my own ISP/computer store.
loOpy : what would you call youre isp, and would you hire me? :
sz hehe well i would call my ISP one of two things but i would rather
not say in case someone goes and regs them :
sz cause i like the two names alot hehehe so no comment
loOpy : i understand :
loOpy : subzero.com
sz haha subzero.com nah :
sz i remember the day i saw someone on from subzero.winternet.com
sz was kinda nifty i felt honoured hahaha :
loOpy : yeap when i saw that for the first time i was like woah subzero
loOpy : you know whos a real dick?
sz who?
loOpy : reptile!root@reptile.port.net
sz yep he is an ass :
loOpy : he always took my nick
sz Connected to reptile.port.net.
sz :
loOpy : heheheh
sz 220-reptile.port.net Sendmail 8.6.9/8.6.9 ready at Mon, 11 Dec 1995
23:46:32 -0500
sz bah too easy :
loOpy : ahahahah
loOpy : so who started the irc mafia?
loOpy : when they were areound that is
sz well that would be me :
sz then we eventually dispersed due to lamers
sz - *mykroft* why you tellin people you hacked dissident when in
reailty you narqed it?
sz *Mykroft* I didnt tell people I hacked it... I told them I took it
down... and I explained HOW I took it down...
sz - *Mykroft* yes you took it down by NARQING it
sz *Mykroft* Nice talking to you too..
sz notice how he doesnt deny it
sz what a tool
loOpy : hahahahahah
loOpy : so when was the first time you had an Oline?
sz well i sorta had one
sz it was on irc.ilstu.edu but due to abuse to one of their opers
sz it was taken away security measures or some crap
sz but thats a long story and a lame one :
loOpy : ok heh
loOpy : yea i notice youre ususally on that server
loOpy : wow. i just saw some gay ibm aptiva commercial
sz hehehe
loOpy : what do you think about these stupid everyone can use a computer
sz well to put it simply
sz they are dumb :
sz cause look at irc as a prime example
sz you get so many clueless twits on it :
loOpy : yeap :
loOpy : so about the irc mafia...tell us about it?
sz well the irc mafia started out as a good idea
sz a bunch of us got together set it up
sz basically went around taking channels fucking up anyone who fucked
with us
sz hehe i guess people pheared us cause one group mentioned us in their
.nfo about us so :
sz from there things kinda got lame
sz too many members so one day me and the people who formed it
sz simply said fuck it and discontinued it
sz by the way the irc mafia was started on a att conf :
loOpy : hahahhaahh
loOpy : confs are always fun...
loOpy : shit this is getting long. :
sz yep
loOpy : well in one final note, what is one thing you want in the readers
minds about you and the irc scene in general?
sz well i will go out on this note/quote :
sz TpcT subz and sheiky yewz have to help me with this.. my sex life
is goin down the drain..
sz i wub how people mis phrase things on irc :
loOpy : so folks
loOpy : if you need sex advice
loOpy : email subzero
loOpy : whats youre email btw? :
loOpy : thanks alot dude..youre going to be remmbered always i think :
sz hehe sure anyways i got some channels to take so i can make this irc
session a little more fun :
sz ttyl man :
thats it for the interview with subzero...hope you liked it and learned
something from it at the same time
-loOpydogma editor
6. irc polls
779 total ircII script users polled on 8:36 pm 12/1/95 eastern time.
490 PhoEniX
150 LiCe
44 TextBox
20 dEsPiTe
13 splitsURfer
10 DJiNN
10 SkulD
9 FausT
8 K-Line
7 PurePak
7 Night
6 y0h0h0
5 iRCUZi
margin of error: roughly 1
note: this poll only counts SCRIPTS, not clients like mIRC or ircII. In
acutality, i versioned with the polling script i wrote, about 2,000
users, yet most were using ircII unix, mIRC windows, or ircle
-loOpydogma editor
7. stupid shit to type on irc
what would an irc/net zine be without stupid shit?!@? stupid of course.
so right here is little one line annoyance things to do on irc.send y0r little
one line annoyance things in, so you can share it with the rest of us. you must
be on unix, and have an ircii client to do this shit. i offer no support at all
for mirc, wsirc or any other of those stupid windows clients. if i see you with
a windows client i just might have to get mideval on youre sorry ass.
/on -public *//say 0 1-
when someone types shit, it repeats it back to the whole channel.
!annOyance factOr! 90
/on -public *//nick toupperN//nick tolowerN
when someone types shit, you automatically change youre nick to all caps
then all lowercase
!annOyance factOr! 70
/on -join */msg C yo 0
when someone joins the channel it autogreets them
!annOyance factOr! 40
8. whats planned for next month
There are a vast number of new things planned for next month. along with
more articles, more writers and more ascii, here is whats coming at you:
- an interview with either: DrD coder of FausT
asmodean coder of skuld and dEsPiTe
SrFrog you know who he is :
prym coder of night, desynk, and volt
MayTrickZ desynk president
DRiZ ircuzi president
also note that i havent asked any of these people for an interview yet :
- an explaination of what a desynch is on irc.
- letters to the editor
- more articles.
- top 10 lists
- pamela anderson/lee whatever nude on youre bed
- more stuff in general
- overview of all the irc groups
- irc quotes
- we hope to get an official dogma ftp site soon..
9. goodbye
dogma ishoo number has now left the building. dogma has left the
building. remember to wipe front to back and email us at pduaria.pb.net
-dogma 1 95
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woah...arent you glad you looked down here. -dogma 95
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