this image contains text
----the awesome prophileage on spd-------------------------------------------
we have decided to make member prophileages. here they are
handle........................: spd
real name.....................: andreas gabestad
email.........................: gabestad@powertech.no
snalemale.....................: some kind of a green one
makes.........................: ansiascii
how good?.....................: god is with us, lets say..10,2/2
really?.......................: god said so man...
hobbies.......................: smashing ma brain
fav group.....................: no.code..:--
fav artist....................: picasso
fav board.....................: bored? hm...tT?
fav sysop.....................: ma?
fav number....................: in the morning..not!
fav friend....................: too many
fav game......................: digdug
fav souncard..................: gus mmm-m-m.mmmaaX!
fav magazine..................: mag? huh..penny?
fav newspaper.................: SA...eh eh
fav movie.....................: pulp f/trainspotting/a clockwork orange..!!
fav food......................: some mongolian stuff
fav drink.....................: coke
fav beer......................: carlsberg pilsner, iiice...whatever
fav song......................: now: mr jones
fav music group...............: to many..: counting crows/pearl jam/portishead/
fav music group..cont.......: whee /morcheeba/rem/ratm/doors/ash/goa trance+++
fav music group..cont.......: gee, its too much music out there...
fav album.....................: the best of alternative/grunge ballads..
fav female actor..............:
fav male actor................: kramer dunno his real name thu
fav model.....................: tha girl in my class
fav tv channel................: that muuuus be NRK!
fav show......................: the 9th class reunion 20 years ahead
fav sentence..................: roen litt a
fav qoute.....................: yop
fav poster....................: huge weirdo trance posters with stuff on them
fav rave......................: tha strip
fav word......................: hm..da mus be yop i guess
fav black sabbath vocalist....: solveig
fav demo......................: control
fav intro.....................: dunno
fav animation.................: mbbs press enter prompts...:
fav picture...................: one bloddi pic of my cat...
fav orange tro/demo...........: dunno
fav hotkey....................: alt-j
we have decided to make member prophileages. here they are
handle........................: spd
real name.....................: andreas gabestad
email.........................: gabestad@powertech.no
snalemale.....................: some kind of a green one
makes.........................: ansiascii
how good?.....................: god is with us, lets say..10,2/2
really?.......................: god said so man...
hobbies.......................: smashing ma brain
fav group.....................: no.code..:--
fav artist....................: picasso
fav board.....................: bored? hm...tT?
fav sysop.....................: ma?
fav number....................: in the morning..not!
fav friend....................: too many
fav game......................: digdug
fav souncard..................: gus mmm-m-m.mmmaaX!
fav magazine..................: mag? huh..penny?
fav newspaper.................: SA...eh eh
fav movie.....................: pulp f/trainspotting/a clockwork orange..!!
fav food......................: some mongolian stuff
fav drink.....................: coke
fav beer......................: carlsberg pilsner, iiice...whatever
fav song......................: now: mr jones
fav music group...............: to many..: counting crows/pearl jam/portishead/
fav music group..cont.......: whee /morcheeba/rem/ratm/doors/ash/goa trance+++
fav music group..cont.......: gee, its too much music out there...
fav album.....................: the best of alternative/grunge ballads..
fav female actor..............:
fav male actor................: kramer dunno his real name thu
fav model.....................: tha girl in my class
fav tv channel................: that muuuus be NRK!
fav show......................: the 9th class reunion 20 years ahead
fav sentence..................: roen litt a
fav qoute.....................: yop
fav poster....................: huge weirdo trance posters with stuff on them
fav rave......................: tha strip
fav word......................: hm..da mus be yop i guess
fav black sabbath vocalist....: solveig
fav demo......................: control
fav intro.....................: dunno
fav animation.................: mbbs press enter prompts...:
fav picture...................: one bloddi pic of my cat...
fav orange tro/demo...........: dunno
fav hotkey....................: alt-j
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