this image contains text
censorship c cake of dask //
* i n d e x t a b l e * /
0x01 Darkland // closed
0x02 Hellgate // still going strong
0x03 2nd2none // closed
0x04 Planet Groove // closed
0x05 Devotional // closed
0x06 Digital Desire // closed
0x07 Planet Love // closed
0x08 Comicon // closed
0x09 Stairway to heaven // closed
0x0A Underworld // still going strong
0x0B Northern Palace // still going strong
0x0C Sky Tower // still going strong
0x0D Mapfumo // still going strong
0x0E Cosmic Girl // recently reopened
0x0F Temptation // closed
0x10 Dominia // still going strong
This collection is a tribute to what used to be the danish modem scene,
which doesnt exists anymore. Most of the mentioned boards are closed, due
to either the internet or personal matters. My respect goes to the respective
owners. May their memories rest in peace.
If any requests should appear while reading theese asciis, feel free to
email me at macaw@hotmail.com or cake@get2net.dk hotmail is prefered.
// censorship c 1998
cake! // logo: Darkland
* darkland *
/ cke
// censorship c 1998
cake! // logo: Hellgate
// //cke
/ * hellgate * /
// censorship c 1998
cake! // logo: 2nd2none
// //cke
* 2nd2none *
// censorship c 1998
cake! // logo: Planet Groove
* planet groove * cke
// censorship c 1998
cake! // logo: Devotional
// censorship c 1998
cake! // logo: Digital Desire
// cke /
// censorship c 1998
cake! // logo: Planet Love
.------------- the only one who loves you !! ----------------.
/ / cke
p l a n e t . . l o v e
// censorship c 1998
cake! // logo: Comicon
/ // / //cke
simplicity at its best
// censorship c 1998
cake! // logo: Stairway to heaven
stairway to heaven
// censorship c 1998
cake! // logo: Underworld
cke /
/ // underworld
// censorship c 1998
cake! // logo: Northern Palace
northern palace
// censorship c 1998
cake! // logo: Sky Tower
sky tower
// censorship c 1998
cake! // logo: Mapfumo
mapfumo cke
// censorship c 1998
cake! // logo: Cosmic Girl
* cosmic girl *
// censorship c 1998
cake! // logo: Temptation
/ / /cke
// censorship c 1998
cake! // logo: Temptation
dominia /
// censorship c 1998
cake! // the end!
It was another glorius day at the DASK ranch in Hadsten. Evertything was
nice. The sun was shining, it was summer and the nice shemales outside
were all dressed in tiny bikinies. And for the first time in many months
none of the DASK gangsters were having hangovers. Everyone had been awake
since sunrise. This was not only caused by brilliant weather and the hot
shemales outside, no, this was caused by the exitement everyone had about
the big DASK WHQ party that were to be held the same night. This would be
the first time where the ever toasted DASK people met with the evil beer-
monkies of KLAN for many months last meeting ended up in drugs and sex-
The famous DASK WHQ party were to be held at Baloos place, so everyone
was seeking high and low to find his appartment. After a couple of hours
of intensive searching Flower suddently pointed his clumsy fingers at an
old and rotten cottage and said hhhey, mm, look its the partey place!.
And Spice1 one pushed the car to its maximum.
At the party place Baloo stood with a sly grin on his face. hehe, come
closer my dear friends he wispered. eww, something is wrong Cake said
in a desperate tone to the rest of the gang, hes usually never kind to
our kind he continued. Do not worry dear friends, we have plenty of weed
and glue inside, and as a special treatment, i have ordered some *fresh*
party-girls Baloo said with a convincing voice, you like them eh?.
What could they do else than get out of the car, and run like hell into
the old cottage. Oh, by the way, do not shut the..argh! was all that
Baloo had time to say before the old cottage front crashed down on the
poor DASK people. Ouch! Shit what a rotten cottage!! Flower said, oh
no, and now i coursed!. Hmm, who gives a jack-ass about Baloos house
anyways Spice1 one said and took the shiny bag of glue out from his dusty
It is p-a-r-t-y time! Spice1 said while shaking the halfopened bag of
glue. Nice move, but where the heck are those KLAN peeps? Cake said, and
grabbed after Spice1s glue-bag.
Some minutes parses
w00t w00t - im Thomas the Tankengine Flower says while crawling around
on the yellow grass. Heh, sure you are Spice1 replied and climbed on top
of Flower, who had started to drive in the ruins of Baloos cottage.
What has happend here?! - It was a strange voice that shouted towards
the playing DASK gangsters. Ow fuck, its the KLAN posse! Cake said, and
ran for shelter behind Flower/Spice1s tankengine.
No worry, we dont want to shoot you Gdd said with a convincing voice,
but we would really appreciate it if you left atonce! it was Mr.Mox who
had jumped of his motorbike, and was now standing on the ground holding a
big shotgun, which was pointed at the tankengine. Guess it is time for
us to find another rail-way Spice1 said, and drove the Flower-tankengine
away from Baloos party place.
Dont worry guys Cake said as he crawled down the dusty road to Hadsten
centrum, well just grab a slice of pizza before we head towards Vejle.
You dont suppose they still have that pizza with the horns still??
Flower said with a sly smile on his face.
** This was the very end of this nice story and ascii collections. If you
** should be in need of a nice header or logo drawn in the oldschool
** fashion, then do not hesitate, email me atonce : macaw@hotmail.com
o o
01 dsk-01 .zip cake first official dask rel.
02 dsk-13 .zip flower 13
03 dsk-64b .zip flower 64b intro for the party 97
04 dsk-abe .zip spice1 abekat
05 dsk-alta.txt flower alternative ascii
06 dsk-bbs ,zip garflozzy bbs
07 dsk-befe.txt flower before the exams
08 dsk-cen .zip cake censorship
09 dsk-faq .zip cake frequently asked questions
0A dsk-gubo.zip spice1 give us back our sixpack!
0B dsk-had .zip cake the hateridge
0C dsk-lnc .txt cake lazy and crazy
0D dsk-lohp.zip flower land of happy people
0E dsk-news.zip cake news
0F dsk-sf .txt cake summer feeling
10 dsk-skod.txt cake skod.
11 dsk-tmlv.zip flower ting man kan lave i vejle
12 dsk-vodk.zip cake vodka - cant live without it
13 dsk-what.zip garflozzy whatever
14 dsk-youc.txt flower you see?
15 dsk-zar .zip cake zar
16 dskgfnod.zip garflozzy nothing darling
17 dsksuper.txt cake/baloo super
18 dskwords.zip flower words
19 ee970004.zip cake/flower elite encounter 1997 demo contribution
Which gives a total of 19h releases 25.
- Note, these are in alphabetic order!
censorship ascii
cake / dask
25th release from the / dask posse!
censorship c cake of dask //
* i n d e x t a b l e * /
0x01 Darkland // closed
0x02 Hellgate // still going strong
0x03 2nd2none // closed
0x04 Planet Groove // closed
0x05 Devotional // closed
0x06 Digital Desire // closed
0x07 Planet Love // closed
0x08 Comicon // closed
0x09 Stairway to heaven // closed
0x0A Underworld // still going strong
0x0B Northern Palace // still going strong
0x0C Sky Tower // still going strong
0x0D Mapfumo // still going strong
0x0E Cosmic Girl // recently reopened
0x0F Temptation // closed
0x10 Dominia // still going strong
This collection is a tribute to what used to be the danish modem scene,
which doesnt exists anymore. Most of the mentioned boards are closed, due
to either the internet or personal matters. My respect goes to the respective
owners. May their memories rest in peace.
If any requests should appear while reading theese asciis, feel free to
email me at macaw@hotmail.com or cake@get2net.dk hotmail is prefered.
// censorship c 1998
cake! // logo: Darkland
* darkland *
/ cke
// censorship c 1998
cake! // logo: Hellgate
// //cke
/ * hellgate * /
// censorship c 1998
cake! // logo: 2nd2none
// //cke
* 2nd2none *
// censorship c 1998
cake! // logo: Planet Groove
* planet groove * cke
// censorship c 1998
cake! // logo: Devotional
// censorship c 1998
cake! // logo: Digital Desire
// cke /
// censorship c 1998
cake! // logo: Planet Love
.------------- the only one who loves you !! ----------------.
/ / cke
p l a n e t . . l o v e
// censorship c 1998
cake! // logo: Comicon
/ // / //cke
simplicity at its best
// censorship c 1998
cake! // logo: Stairway to heaven
stairway to heaven
// censorship c 1998
cake! // logo: Underworld
cke /
/ // underworld
// censorship c 1998
cake! // logo: Northern Palace
northern palace
// censorship c 1998
cake! // logo: Sky Tower
sky tower
// censorship c 1998
cake! // logo: Mapfumo
mapfumo cke
// censorship c 1998
cake! // logo: Cosmic Girl
* cosmic girl *
// censorship c 1998
cake! // logo: Temptation
/ / /cke
// censorship c 1998
cake! // logo: Temptation
dominia /
// censorship c 1998
cake! // the end!
It was another glorius day at the DASK ranch in Hadsten. Evertything was
nice. The sun was shining, it was summer and the nice shemales outside
were all dressed in tiny bikinies. And for the first time in many months
none of the DASK gangsters were having hangovers. Everyone had been awake
since sunrise. This was not only caused by brilliant weather and the hot
shemales outside, no, this was caused by the exitement everyone had about
the big DASK WHQ party that were to be held the same night. This would be
the first time where the ever toasted DASK people met with the evil beer-
monkies of KLAN for many months last meeting ended up in drugs and sex-
The famous DASK WHQ party were to be held at Baloos place, so everyone
was seeking high and low to find his appartment. After a couple of hours
of intensive searching Flower suddently pointed his clumsy fingers at an
old and rotten cottage and said hhhey, mm, look its the partey place!.
And Spice1 one pushed the car to its maximum.
At the party place Baloo stood with a sly grin on his face. hehe, come
closer my dear friends he wispered. eww, something is wrong Cake said
in a desperate tone to the rest of the gang, hes usually never kind to
our kind he continued. Do not worry dear friends, we have plenty of weed
and glue inside, and as a special treatment, i have ordered some *fresh*
party-girls Baloo said with a convincing voice, you like them eh?.
What could they do else than get out of the car, and run like hell into
the old cottage. Oh, by the way, do not shut the..argh! was all that
Baloo had time to say before the old cottage front crashed down on the
poor DASK people. Ouch! Shit what a rotten cottage!! Flower said, oh
no, and now i coursed!. Hmm, who gives a jack-ass about Baloos house
anyways Spice1 one said and took the shiny bag of glue out from his dusty
It is p-a-r-t-y time! Spice1 said while shaking the halfopened bag of
glue. Nice move, but where the heck are those KLAN peeps? Cake said, and
grabbed after Spice1s glue-bag.
Some minutes parses
w00t w00t - im Thomas the Tankengine Flower says while crawling around
on the yellow grass. Heh, sure you are Spice1 replied and climbed on top
of Flower, who had started to drive in the ruins of Baloos cottage.
What has happend here?! - It was a strange voice that shouted towards
the playing DASK gangsters. Ow fuck, its the KLAN posse! Cake said, and
ran for shelter behind Flower/Spice1s tankengine.
No worry, we dont want to shoot you Gdd said with a convincing voice,
but we would really appreciate it if you left atonce! it was Mr.Mox who
had jumped of his motorbike, and was now standing on the ground holding a
big shotgun, which was pointed at the tankengine. Guess it is time for
us to find another rail-way Spice1 said, and drove the Flower-tankengine
away from Baloos party place.
Dont worry guys Cake said as he crawled down the dusty road to Hadsten
centrum, well just grab a slice of pizza before we head towards Vejle.
You dont suppose they still have that pizza with the horns still??
Flower said with a sly smile on his face.
** This was the very end of this nice story and ascii collections. If you
** should be in need of a nice header or logo drawn in the oldschool
** fashion, then do not hesitate, email me atonce : macaw@hotmail.com
o o
01 dsk-01 .zip cake first official dask rel.
02 dsk-13 .zip flower 13
03 dsk-64b .zip flower 64b intro for the party 97
04 dsk-abe .zip spice1 abekat
05 dsk-alta.txt flower alternative ascii
06 dsk-bbs ,zip garflozzy bbs
07 dsk-befe.txt flower before the exams
08 dsk-cen .zip cake censorship
09 dsk-faq .zip cake frequently asked questions
0A dsk-gubo.zip spice1 give us back our sixpack!
0B dsk-had .zip cake the hateridge
0C dsk-lnc .txt cake lazy and crazy
0D dsk-lohp.zip flower land of happy people
0E dsk-news.zip cake news
0F dsk-sf .txt cake summer feeling
10 dsk-skod.txt cake skod.
11 dsk-tmlv.zip flower ting man kan lave i vejle
12 dsk-vodk.zip cake vodka - cant live without it
13 dsk-what.zip garflozzy whatever
14 dsk-youc.txt flower you see?
15 dsk-zar .zip cake zar
16 dskgfnod.zip garflozzy nothing darling
17 dsksuper.txt cake/baloo super
18 dskwords.zip flower words
19 ee970004.zip cake/flower elite encounter 1997 demo contribution
Which gives a total of 19h releases 25.
- Note, these are in alphabetic order!
censorship ascii
cake / dask
25th release from the / dask posse!
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