this image contains text
ck ascii through 3 years.
selected asciis from selected packs.
1 - from my very first ascii collection/compilation. an AP logo, which
have been present in almost every collection ever since. much love
to motion man, who got me started doing collies.
/ / W / I /
/ . / / . // / ! // //. / I //
// / // // / // // / I //
// i i i i !
I // I I I // // / //
//I //I // //II // // //
L/ L / L/ / /
/ . I // I / /
// / ! // / I //. // //
/ // // i // / // / //
// // I // // // //
/ / / L/ / / /CK!
2 - my first tribute to the katharsis packs. actually without knowing of
it, i did the header for the glorious thenme.txt.
4 - my fourth collection. i still think this one was my best ever, even
though it was never published. true kts-dope spirit through the whole
:. this should be meant as the conclusion for this askii collection. . :
: we hope that people will respect our demand for pot, and pay our fair :
: prices for some good quality askii. we would also appreciate if future .
. askii demanding people would PAY IN ADVANCE!:
.-----------p-r-i-c-e-l-i-s-t------------- - / :
. 1 x askii ............... 1 kilo pot oO //
10 x askiis ............ 8 kilo pot -// //
100 x askiis ......... 110 kilo pot
1 signed askii ........ 1.5 kilo pot pot-
10 signed askiis ...... 13 kilo pot / box!
. --------- prices valid: 1.1.95-1.1.99 -- . . .
:.. send the pot to: . ::. .:
ck!::. the kts!asc crew. . :. . . :::
. cannabis street 123 .::. . .:
:. 1000 katharsis :
. grassland .
6 - ck-col6.txt was made after i met MM in real life, and he inspired me
to make him this logo :
/ .::ck!:..
o o
9 - almost posk-stylah this one. dont remember why i picked this logo, but
prolly to praise my hero.
/ /. Oo / ./ . /.
----- / /ck! / /
- climb the stairs -
10 - fatfuck was my 10th colly, full of small logos without any specific
style. i liked this one, even though tinyz later commented on the
this one rules with no it doesnt ck. oh fuck :
end of time 1 -----.
this one rules..
fatfuck! / .
. ./ //ck! .
. .:. . e n d o f t i m e ..:.
12 - from my nevermind collection. seemed people did mind though, since
the pornographic pics caused lots of riots.. naw, but some people
actually did request more porno in my collies. this one was for
my friends in the army with whom i wasted a whole year watching
/ @@ / oo:::::
o porno / :: / / / ::: /
: show / / :://.. / / ../ / /
:tonight / / : // .. // / /
/ / ck!
14 - did my first dottie acsii which says ascii btw. the 14th colly
was also my last anti-army colly.
Ask yourself... Could you live without it?
:... .:::::.:. ...... .:::::::.:: ::.::::::.. .::.::. ..:.::. .ck!
Humm... Were talking about dope right?
17 - in dope day i did some of my first iff2ascii works. not very neat
though. wasnt really an amy wizard at that time.
, ,m . l . o . s . t . . p . a . r . a . d . i . s . e .
qKN . /.
K0 / / . /
K --- / /---/ /--------------
MPJ .:.
J , 7 :
** P L ..:::: :
JL 0 @ F .::::::: :::. ::: ::
JQ L ..:::. ::: :::.:::: ::::::.::
JQ MK 0 K 1 ... ::: ::: ::: :::. ::: :: ::: : .::::.::::::
m* Q .:::::::. : ::: ::: :::.:::: :: :::.:: ::: ::.:: ::
0Q M@5F ck! :::: :::::. ::: ::: ..: ::: :: :::.:: ::: :::::
7 ::::: ::::.:::: ::: ::: ::: :: :::.::: ::::::.:: ...
m JNFJL :::::::::.: ::: ::: ::: ::: :: :::.:::. :::.:: ::::
JF JF ::::: .:: ::: ::: ::: ::: :: :::.::::.: :::.:: :::
JL JF --:::::-:::-:::-:::--:::-:::-::::::.:::-::::::.:::::--
, JF ::: :::
1 JF ::::. :::::
Q arch angel blah! like i care!
jointventure - developped an alien-style for this colly. liked that style
very much, and even had it on my board for a while. public
didnt seem to like it though.
: //------------/ck! :
wsna - did some few newschool logos for the rmrs-13. skipped the newschool
though, since i diss newschool :. naw, might make some more when
i get in the mood someday.
,d , ,
,gS P,d b, b,
,gS P ,d , b, b,
S ,d ,P .,gS lb, ckkts lb,
l ,d .,gSl b, b
ld.,gSSl l , b, lb,
,b, SS l l b, b, .,gS l
b. S,g l S* 7 .,g
bl ,gS l l .,gSb, *S l
l .,S jb,S l
l l gS,gj, b,S
l , , j,g, b, l
l * .l j,g, b,l
l .,gSS l j ,
l.,gSS lj,S l
lS 7
lohp - land of happy people was my first colly for the danish ascii-crew
DASK. my first colly in danish-language too. much work was put
in this one, since i wanted to develop a new style, and shape
up my asciimen skills.
/ / / / o .
landofhappypeople daskktsck
/------- / : REMORSE1981: TIL HIRO OG WHOD.
------------- : JEDIARTS: TIL DINO OG WISE-K.
dzn - just after i finished my army-duties, me and a friend formed dezejn-
ascii. we made one coop colly, and closed it down. oh, wth.
: the temptation .. . ... .: .. .. .
// get ready for the OO :::
/ / / / bee eye gee / ::
. temptation stats: /
: gods: ice-q / // /
. faxe / / . / / /
wares: ibm o-7days // // //
nodes: 3 ck!
. isdn/28k8 :
. numbers and nup: .
. comeon baby get .
: serious...
jf - while playing on my amy i discovered a style which looked good on the
amy. unfortunately it turned out almost unreadable on the pc. liked
those logos much though. very easy done :
:::: :::: ::::::::..:::: :::: :::: r o c k e r
. / / . d r i v e - b y
/ o o
The almost complete, almost chronogical list of ck productions ever.
Filename Name Size
o1. ck!-col1.txt 1st large ascii collection. 129,335
o2. ck!-col2.txt xmas ascii colly. 42,172
o3. ck!-col3.txt small ascii colly. 55,222
o4. ck!-col4.txt why we should get free pot for asciis. 44,780
o5. ck!-col5.txt the end. 56,344
o6. ck!-col6.txt who really cares? 15,998
o7. ck!-col7.txt another day, another weekend. 23,296
o8. ck!-col8.txt any idea? 22,348
o9. ck!-col9.txt we brake for nobody. 36,085
1o. ck!col10.txt fatfuck. 62,437
11. ck!col11.txt life is a bitch and then you die. 19,691
12. ck!col12.txt nevermind. 31,671
13. ck!col13.txt i hate the army. 13,858
14. ck!col14.txt i hate the army 2. 35,958
15. kts-woml.txt world of mary long. 81,159
16. dzn-astx.txt ..and so this is x-mas. 40,491
17. ck!col17.txt dope day. 70,152
18. ck-jntv.txt the joint venture. 37,134
19. ckttmarp.txt tribute to mindfucked ascii-riddling people. 10,074
2o. kts-smlr.txt small respects. 29,307
21. kts-ful.txt lass uns froh und lustig sein. 42,352
22. r-future.txt the future joint with hiro. 129,488
23. dsk-lohp.txt land of happy people. 40,000
24. dsk-youc.txt you see? 21,195
25. kts-jf.txt jubii, ferie. 43,233
26. ck-wnsa.asc wicked newschool attempts for rmrs-13. 16,688
27. dskwords.txt words 59,766
email me for a complete signed pack of my works if you care.
selected asciis from selected packs.
1 - from my very first ascii collection/compilation. an AP logo, which
have been present in almost every collection ever since. much love
to motion man, who got me started doing collies.
/ / W / I /
/ . / / . // / ! // //. / I //
// / // // / // // / I //
// i i i i !
I // I I I // // / //
//I //I // //II // // //
L/ L / L/ / /
/ . I // I / /
// / ! // / I //. // //
/ // // i // / // / //
// // I // // // //
/ / / L/ / / /CK!
2 - my first tribute to the katharsis packs. actually without knowing of
it, i did the header for the glorious thenme.txt.
4 - my fourth collection. i still think this one was my best ever, even
though it was never published. true kts-dope spirit through the whole
:. this should be meant as the conclusion for this askii collection. . :
: we hope that people will respect our demand for pot, and pay our fair :
: prices for some good quality askii. we would also appreciate if future .
. askii demanding people would PAY IN ADVANCE!:
.-----------p-r-i-c-e-l-i-s-t------------- - / :
. 1 x askii ............... 1 kilo pot oO //
10 x askiis ............ 8 kilo pot -// //
100 x askiis ......... 110 kilo pot
1 signed askii ........ 1.5 kilo pot pot-
10 signed askiis ...... 13 kilo pot / box!
. --------- prices valid: 1.1.95-1.1.99 -- . . .
:.. send the pot to: . ::. .:
ck!::. the kts!asc crew. . :. . . :::
. cannabis street 123 .::. . .:
:. 1000 katharsis :
. grassland .
6 - ck-col6.txt was made after i met MM in real life, and he inspired me
to make him this logo :
/ .::ck!:..
o o
9 - almost posk-stylah this one. dont remember why i picked this logo, but
prolly to praise my hero.
/ /. Oo / ./ . /.
----- / /ck! / /
- climb the stairs -
10 - fatfuck was my 10th colly, full of small logos without any specific
style. i liked this one, even though tinyz later commented on the
this one rules with no it doesnt ck. oh fuck :
end of time 1 -----.
this one rules..
fatfuck! / .
. ./ //ck! .
. .:. . e n d o f t i m e ..:.
12 - from my nevermind collection. seemed people did mind though, since
the pornographic pics caused lots of riots.. naw, but some people
actually did request more porno in my collies. this one was for
my friends in the army with whom i wasted a whole year watching
/ @@ / oo:::::
o porno / :: / / / ::: /
: show / / :://.. / / ../ / /
:tonight / / : // .. // / /
/ / ck!
14 - did my first dottie acsii which says ascii btw. the 14th colly
was also my last anti-army colly.
Ask yourself... Could you live without it?
:... .:::::.:. ...... .:::::::.:: ::.::::::.. .::.::. ..:.::. .ck!
Humm... Were talking about dope right?
17 - in dope day i did some of my first iff2ascii works. not very neat
though. wasnt really an amy wizard at that time.
, ,m . l . o . s . t . . p . a . r . a . d . i . s . e .
qKN . /.
K0 / / . /
K --- / /---/ /--------------
MPJ .:.
J , 7 :
** P L ..:::: :
JL 0 @ F .::::::: :::. ::: ::
JQ L ..:::. ::: :::.:::: ::::::.::
JQ MK 0 K 1 ... ::: ::: ::: :::. ::: :: ::: : .::::.::::::
m* Q .:::::::. : ::: ::: :::.:::: :: :::.:: ::: ::.:: ::
0Q M@5F ck! :::: :::::. ::: ::: ..: ::: :: :::.:: ::: :::::
7 ::::: ::::.:::: ::: ::: ::: :: :::.::: ::::::.:: ...
m JNFJL :::::::::.: ::: ::: ::: ::: :: :::.:::. :::.:: ::::
JF JF ::::: .:: ::: ::: ::: ::: :: :::.::::.: :::.:: :::
JL JF --:::::-:::-:::-:::--:::-:::-::::::.:::-::::::.:::::--
, JF ::: :::
1 JF ::::. :::::
Q arch angel blah! like i care!
jointventure - developped an alien-style for this colly. liked that style
very much, and even had it on my board for a while. public
didnt seem to like it though.
: //------------/ck! :
wsna - did some few newschool logos for the rmrs-13. skipped the newschool
though, since i diss newschool :. naw, might make some more when
i get in the mood someday.
,d , ,
,gS P,d b, b,
,gS P ,d , b, b,
S ,d ,P .,gS lb, ckkts lb,
l ,d .,gSl b, b
ld.,gSSl l , b, lb,
,b, SS l l b, b, .,gS l
b. S,g l S* 7 .,g
bl ,gS l l .,gSb, *S l
l .,S jb,S l
l l gS,gj, b,S
l , , j,g, b, l
l * .l j,g, b,l
l .,gSS l j ,
l.,gSS lj,S l
lS 7
lohp - land of happy people was my first colly for the danish ascii-crew
DASK. my first colly in danish-language too. much work was put
in this one, since i wanted to develop a new style, and shape
up my asciimen skills.
/ / / / o .
landofhappypeople daskktsck
/------- / : REMORSE1981: TIL HIRO OG WHOD.
------------- : JEDIARTS: TIL DINO OG WISE-K.
dzn - just after i finished my army-duties, me and a friend formed dezejn-
ascii. we made one coop colly, and closed it down. oh, wth.
: the temptation .. . ... .: .. .. .
// get ready for the OO :::
/ / / / bee eye gee / ::
. temptation stats: /
: gods: ice-q / // /
. faxe / / . / / /
wares: ibm o-7days // // //
nodes: 3 ck!
. isdn/28k8 :
. numbers and nup: .
. comeon baby get .
: serious...
jf - while playing on my amy i discovered a style which looked good on the
amy. unfortunately it turned out almost unreadable on the pc. liked
those logos much though. very easy done :
:::: :::: ::::::::..:::: :::: :::: r o c k e r
. / / . d r i v e - b y
/ o o
The almost complete, almost chronogical list of ck productions ever.
Filename Name Size
o1. ck!-col1.txt 1st large ascii collection. 129,335
o2. ck!-col2.txt xmas ascii colly. 42,172
o3. ck!-col3.txt small ascii colly. 55,222
o4. ck!-col4.txt why we should get free pot for asciis. 44,780
o5. ck!-col5.txt the end. 56,344
o6. ck!-col6.txt who really cares? 15,998
o7. ck!-col7.txt another day, another weekend. 23,296
o8. ck!-col8.txt any idea? 22,348
o9. ck!-col9.txt we brake for nobody. 36,085
1o. ck!col10.txt fatfuck. 62,437
11. ck!col11.txt life is a bitch and then you die. 19,691
12. ck!col12.txt nevermind. 31,671
13. ck!col13.txt i hate the army. 13,858
14. ck!col14.txt i hate the army 2. 35,958
15. kts-woml.txt world of mary long. 81,159
16. dzn-astx.txt ..and so this is x-mas. 40,491
17. ck!col17.txt dope day. 70,152
18. ck-jntv.txt the joint venture. 37,134
19. ckttmarp.txt tribute to mindfucked ascii-riddling people. 10,074
2o. kts-smlr.txt small respects. 29,307
21. kts-ful.txt lass uns froh und lustig sein. 42,352
22. r-future.txt the future joint with hiro. 129,488
23. dsk-lohp.txt land of happy people. 40,000
24. dsk-youc.txt you see? 21,195
25. kts-jf.txt jubii, ferie. 43,233
26. ck-wnsa.asc wicked newschool attempts for rmrs-13. 16,688
27. dskwords.txt words 59,766
email me for a complete signed pack of my works if you care.
log in to add a comment.