this image contains text
devotion records is a music label of devotion productions 1996
iMT! - D E V O T i O N ! - 1 9 9 6 - Information File 25/10/1996
Summary.....: 1 Release Informations
2 Introduction to Devotion
3 Devotion News
4 Devotion Official Members
5 Devotion Official Sites
6 Devotion on InterNet
7 Disclaimer - Copyright
8 How to Join Devotion
9 Devotion Greetings
X Devotion Short Releases List
------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 --
Our second art pack! Try it out...
------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 --
DEVOTiON is a new demo/art scene group started in Switzerland by
Synoptic. Our point is to create good quality demos/intros and art stuff!
We will mainly do things related with programming, like some bbstros,
intros, demos, and some other great things! Devotion is producing music
too, the music division is simply called: DEVOTiON Records. We will make
some kind of tekkno music. We will also release some art packs but not
regualry... containing vga,ansi,ascii,music. So be prepared and dont
forget to grab all our releases : We are always looking for more active
members coders, composers, graphists, couriers. We also need some more
headquarter boards... Feel free to apply and look at the section 7
How to join Devotion. And remember this is a serious offer.
------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 --
MALFUNCTiON was kicked out of Devotion due to loss of contact and
inactivity sorry but we only want active members!. But some good news
is that we have found an other courier: RADiO 24 who will trade our stuff
all around Switzerland! So RADiO 24 joined Devotion as official courier!
Please welcome him, and thanks for your great job!
MANGAFAN joined Devotion as Ansi Artist!
From today all DEVOTiON Records Releases will have a numeric format
for example DVTR-010.ZIP DVTR which means Devotion Records, and 010
which is the release number 10.
iMPACT ANSI Painter changed his handle to iMPULSE.
AURORA Coder has now some knowledge in C programming.
MANiAK left Crux to join DEVOTiON as ASCII Painter!
OXiDE was kicked due to inactivity and loss of contact.
We have now a Norwegian HQ: Spacebar, SysOp: Hybris.
CORONER left SBR and joined DEVOTiON as ANSI Painter.
COSMIC BBS changed name to THE EARLY BURP.
We have the pleasure to introduce you SPEED FREAK who just joined DEVOTiON
as COURiER! His board has now the Courier HQ for Devotion Devotion Rec.
DEVOTiON Records is under construction, as it will be THE music label of
Devotion Productions, thats why you dont see any releases yet! Btw: We
are looking for some composers!
------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 --
Handle Job Details Age Country
Synoptic Founder/PR/Coder TP/ASM 16 Switzerland
Edyx Coder ASM/C++ 19 France
Zax Coder TP/ASM/C 22 Switzerland
Aurora Coder/Composer TP/ASM/C 21 Germany
Koala Coder/Composer TP/ASM 27 Switzerland
Elizium Coder/Graphist 25 Switzerland
Cannon Composer 19 Switzerland
P-Tec Composer/Graphist 18 Sweden
Radio 24 Courier Internat. 24 Switzerland
Speed Freak Courier Internat. 17 Belgium
Asc ANSI Painter 18 Switzerland
Coroner ANSI Painter 18 Switzerland
Impulse ANSI Painter 12 Canada
MangaFan ANSI Painter 18 Switzerland
Maniak ASCII Painter 16 Switzerland
Kreetz Graphist 14 Switzerland
iCEMAN Mail Swapper Coordinator 18 Switzerland
------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 --
Board Name Status Phone Number Nodes SysOp
The UnderWorld BBS World HQ ++41-22-9600621 3 Synoptic
Genesis BBS European HQ ++32-22-453498 10 Darkness
Sacred Grounds Courier HQ ++32-11-273000 1 Speed Freak
Ace BBS French HQ ++33-1-45887548 8 Gandalf
The Lycaeum Swiss HQ ++41-41-4842989 2 Chicken
Spacebar Norwegian HQ ++47-64-933499 2 Hybris
X-Press German HQ ++49-30-40632377 3 Sinus
Impact BBS Member Board ++1-604-4777023 3 Impact
Jungle Land Member Board ++41-37-COMMING 2 Koala
The Early Burp Member Board ++41-52-2337737 1 Kreetz
The Pirate Member Board ++41-27-9451802 2 Radio 24
Maniaks Dream Member Board ++41-22-7575491 1 Maniak
Nocturnal Trip Member Board ++41-1-8402162 1 Coroner
------------------------------------------------------------------ 6 --
HomePage..: http://home.pages.de/devotion/
FTP Site..: ftp://sdc.wtm.tudelft.nl/pub/music/DEVOTION
E-Mail....: devotion@poboxes.com
------------------------------------------------------------------ 7 --
This material is not freeware. You are allowed to copy it without
restrictions for non-commercial use.
No payment of any kind may be charged for this product or any combination
of products or services including this product without Devotion authorization
and official written license.
Commercial use, especially the industrial manufacturing on any data
storage media and their distribution without the expressed permission of
Devotion, is strictly prohibited.
These files may not be altered or modified without the
permission of Devotion.
The Devotion Staff
------------------------------------------------------------------ 8 --
If you want to join Devotion you have 3 ways to do it :
By Modem............: The UnderWorld BBS Devotion WHQ ++41-22-9600621
By InterNet E-Mail..: synoptik@iprolink.ch - devotion@poboxes.com
By Snail Mail.......: Devotion Productions
9, chemin du Ruisseau
1295 Tannay
Just tell us who you are, what you would like to do for us, and so on...
And we will contact you back as soon as possible!
Thank you for your interest...
------------------------------------------------------------------ 9 --
Devotion would like to greet the following groups in no special order:
NoooN, Pulse, The Coexistence, Future Crew, Zuul Design, Imphobia,
Legend Design, Hyperopia, Camorra, E-Nergetic, RealTech, N-Factor,
Hard Behaviour Excitation, Fake That, Radical Rythms, Blacktron,
Brutal PPE Coders, Nonsense, Explizit, Aegis, Masque, The Natives,
Cubic Team, Acid, Kosmic Free Music Foundation, Reality, Antares,
Complex, Nemesis, Ice, Massive, Orange, Keen Like Frogs, Iguana,
Valhalla , Anarchy , Triloxy , Purge , Flower Corp, Cascada, Punc,
Symptom , Pain , Phat, Surprise!Productions, Extreme Terror Corps,
Nostalgia , Xtatic , Jamm, Electromotive Force, Plant, Resistance,
Blank , Impact Studios , Deus, Distorsion, Image, Arkham, Success,
Destiny , Acme , Fatal Justice , Yodel , Xography, Void, Capacala,
Jff , Majic 12, Eclipse, Gollum, Heretics, Sau, Hemoroids, Epical,
Pure , Tib , Dust, Triton, Logic Design, Sonic PC, Shock, Illicit,
Morbid Minds , Bonzai , Xtacy , Troopers , Traxx, Pure Resistance,
Coma , Halcyon , Advanced Rythms Technologies, Fobia Design, CNCD,
Sanction , Crux , Tiny Toons , Substance , Tpolm , Kloon , NDS,
DesirE , SkyJump Team , And all other great active Crews !
FileName Size Date Description
DVT-OBOE.ZIP 157kb 21/08/96 Intro Oboe Rulez for Bnzli2 party
DVT-A001.ZIP 1223kb 21/09/96 Devotion Art Pack oo1 - September 1996
DVT-A002.ZIP 329kb 17/11/96 Devotion Art Pack oo2 - November 1996
FileName Size Date Title Composer
DVT-CNL1.ZIP 522kb 28/09/96 Love Song Number 1 Cannon
DVTR-002.ZIP 238kb 06/10/96 Kiss Da Beat Cannon
Information File by Synoptic
. 1o1 Original... @@
d d d d d d d d d d d d
, ,., .o, , , , l d , , ,
S, ,S S, ,P S, ,S S, ,S S,.s , S, ,S ,S
thE ENdk
devotion records is a music label of devotion productions 1996
iMT! - D E V O T i O N ! - 1 9 9 6 - Information File 25/10/1996
Summary.....: 1 Release Informations
2 Introduction to Devotion
3 Devotion News
4 Devotion Official Members
5 Devotion Official Sites
6 Devotion on InterNet
7 Disclaimer - Copyright
8 How to Join Devotion
9 Devotion Greetings
X Devotion Short Releases List
------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 --
Our second art pack! Try it out...
------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 --
DEVOTiON is a new demo/art scene group started in Switzerland by
Synoptic. Our point is to create good quality demos/intros and art stuff!
We will mainly do things related with programming, like some bbstros,
intros, demos, and some other great things! Devotion is producing music
too, the music division is simply called: DEVOTiON Records. We will make
some kind of tekkno music. We will also release some art packs but not
regualry... containing vga,ansi,ascii,music. So be prepared and dont
forget to grab all our releases : We are always looking for more active
members coders, composers, graphists, couriers. We also need some more
headquarter boards... Feel free to apply and look at the section 7
How to join Devotion. And remember this is a serious offer.
------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 --
MALFUNCTiON was kicked out of Devotion due to loss of contact and
inactivity sorry but we only want active members!. But some good news
is that we have found an other courier: RADiO 24 who will trade our stuff
all around Switzerland! So RADiO 24 joined Devotion as official courier!
Please welcome him, and thanks for your great job!
MANGAFAN joined Devotion as Ansi Artist!
From today all DEVOTiON Records Releases will have a numeric format
for example DVTR-010.ZIP DVTR which means Devotion Records, and 010
which is the release number 10.
iMPACT ANSI Painter changed his handle to iMPULSE.
AURORA Coder has now some knowledge in C programming.
MANiAK left Crux to join DEVOTiON as ASCII Painter!
OXiDE was kicked due to inactivity and loss of contact.
We have now a Norwegian HQ: Spacebar, SysOp: Hybris.
CORONER left SBR and joined DEVOTiON as ANSI Painter.
COSMIC BBS changed name to THE EARLY BURP.
We have the pleasure to introduce you SPEED FREAK who just joined DEVOTiON
as COURiER! His board has now the Courier HQ for Devotion Devotion Rec.
DEVOTiON Records is under construction, as it will be THE music label of
Devotion Productions, thats why you dont see any releases yet! Btw: We
are looking for some composers!
------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 --
Handle Job Details Age Country
Synoptic Founder/PR/Coder TP/ASM 16 Switzerland
Edyx Coder ASM/C++ 19 France
Zax Coder TP/ASM/C 22 Switzerland
Aurora Coder/Composer TP/ASM/C 21 Germany
Koala Coder/Composer TP/ASM 27 Switzerland
Elizium Coder/Graphist 25 Switzerland
Cannon Composer 19 Switzerland
P-Tec Composer/Graphist 18 Sweden
Radio 24 Courier Internat. 24 Switzerland
Speed Freak Courier Internat. 17 Belgium
Asc ANSI Painter 18 Switzerland
Coroner ANSI Painter 18 Switzerland
Impulse ANSI Painter 12 Canada
MangaFan ANSI Painter 18 Switzerland
Maniak ASCII Painter 16 Switzerland
Kreetz Graphist 14 Switzerland
iCEMAN Mail Swapper Coordinator 18 Switzerland
------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 --
Board Name Status Phone Number Nodes SysOp
The UnderWorld BBS World HQ ++41-22-9600621 3 Synoptic
Genesis BBS European HQ ++32-22-453498 10 Darkness
Sacred Grounds Courier HQ ++32-11-273000 1 Speed Freak
Ace BBS French HQ ++33-1-45887548 8 Gandalf
The Lycaeum Swiss HQ ++41-41-4842989 2 Chicken
Spacebar Norwegian HQ ++47-64-933499 2 Hybris
X-Press German HQ ++49-30-40632377 3 Sinus
Impact BBS Member Board ++1-604-4777023 3 Impact
Jungle Land Member Board ++41-37-COMMING 2 Koala
The Early Burp Member Board ++41-52-2337737 1 Kreetz
The Pirate Member Board ++41-27-9451802 2 Radio 24
Maniaks Dream Member Board ++41-22-7575491 1 Maniak
Nocturnal Trip Member Board ++41-1-8402162 1 Coroner
------------------------------------------------------------------ 6 --
HomePage..: http://home.pages.de/devotion/
FTP Site..: ftp://sdc.wtm.tudelft.nl/pub/music/DEVOTION
E-Mail....: devotion@poboxes.com
------------------------------------------------------------------ 7 --
This material is not freeware. You are allowed to copy it without
restrictions for non-commercial use.
No payment of any kind may be charged for this product or any combination
of products or services including this product without Devotion authorization
and official written license.
Commercial use, especially the industrial manufacturing on any data
storage media and their distribution without the expressed permission of
Devotion, is strictly prohibited.
These files may not be altered or modified without the
permission of Devotion.
The Devotion Staff
------------------------------------------------------------------ 8 --
If you want to join Devotion you have 3 ways to do it :
By Modem............: The UnderWorld BBS Devotion WHQ ++41-22-9600621
By InterNet E-Mail..: synoptik@iprolink.ch - devotion@poboxes.com
By Snail Mail.......: Devotion Productions
9, chemin du Ruisseau
1295 Tannay
Just tell us who you are, what you would like to do for us, and so on...
And we will contact you back as soon as possible!
Thank you for your interest...
------------------------------------------------------------------ 9 --
Devotion would like to greet the following groups in no special order:
NoooN, Pulse, The Coexistence, Future Crew, Zuul Design, Imphobia,
Legend Design, Hyperopia, Camorra, E-Nergetic, RealTech, N-Factor,
Hard Behaviour Excitation, Fake That, Radical Rythms, Blacktron,
Brutal PPE Coders, Nonsense, Explizit, Aegis, Masque, The Natives,
Cubic Team, Acid, Kosmic Free Music Foundation, Reality, Antares,
Complex, Nemesis, Ice, Massive, Orange, Keen Like Frogs, Iguana,
Valhalla , Anarchy , Triloxy , Purge , Flower Corp, Cascada, Punc,
Symptom , Pain , Phat, Surprise!Productions, Extreme Terror Corps,
Nostalgia , Xtatic , Jamm, Electromotive Force, Plant, Resistance,
Blank , Impact Studios , Deus, Distorsion, Image, Arkham, Success,
Destiny , Acme , Fatal Justice , Yodel , Xography, Void, Capacala,
Jff , Majic 12, Eclipse, Gollum, Heretics, Sau, Hemoroids, Epical,
Pure , Tib , Dust, Triton, Logic Design, Sonic PC, Shock, Illicit,
Morbid Minds , Bonzai , Xtacy , Troopers , Traxx, Pure Resistance,
Coma , Halcyon , Advanced Rythms Technologies, Fobia Design, CNCD,
Sanction , Crux , Tiny Toons , Substance , Tpolm , Kloon , NDS,
DesirE , SkyJump Team , And all other great active Crews !
FileName Size Date Description
DVT-OBOE.ZIP 157kb 21/08/96 Intro Oboe Rulez for Bnzli2 party
DVT-A001.ZIP 1223kb 21/09/96 Devotion Art Pack oo1 - September 1996
DVT-A002.ZIP 329kb 17/11/96 Devotion Art Pack oo2 - November 1996
FileName Size Date Title Composer
DVT-CNL1.ZIP 522kb 28/09/96 Love Song Number 1 Cannon
DVTR-002.ZIP 238kb 06/10/96 Kiss Da Beat Cannon
Information File by Synoptic
. 1o1 Original... @@
d d d d d d d d d d d d
, ,., .o, , , , l d , , ,
S, ,S S, ,P S, ,S S, ,S S,.s , S, ,S ,S
thE ENdk
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