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--ch-masct.ans----------------------------------- ---------- ---- --
Look at me... im the dezign mascot!!! h0h0h0h0h0h0....
--cut here------------------------------------------- ------- ------- ---
more greetz: .* . . .. . . ..since i have a whole bunch of extra assaylant! .. * . room, im gunna fill it out with a
obsidbitz , b . . shitload of greetz... to the old-
rzadisco b.*. . school of ascii... kTs... namely,
sabby . .,. . . . tinyz and posk... to whodini who
loOpy . ,b b thinks he taught me everything i
mistajew .,. . . b d . . know... to trank... namely hiro,
RaStA . . , * kaleidas, omicron where are you
maytrickz . . , an ,. all the other cool
ippy ,.. !, ,! . ppl *. who have just kanjiman . come : . e z i g n into our
pinguino , . happy : ., --------- family..
fucking *. . I want .* to send greetz out
everyone else . . . to all . the ppl in my AC whove
on the whole .. , been w/ me along the way... ewheat...
god damned .,. . ,* . spook... vibe... gub... a bunch of ppl
irc!!! .. . . who wont see this... hahahahah... its
ahah . . . . . a good waste of space, tho... and it
btw, ., . . . . . takes care of the fact that i will
this . , ., *. . . never again have to list out all
is , . . , . . . the greetz i owe out to ppl who
me . , , . know me and dig mah work... ah
--, . . . . well... tis the end... bye!!!!
Look at me... im the dezign mascot!!! h0h0h0h0h0h0....
--cut here------------------------------------------- ------- ------- ---
more greetz: .* . . .. . . ..since i have a whole bunch of extra assaylant! .. * . room, im gunna fill it out with a
obsidbitz , b . . shitload of greetz... to the old-
rzadisco b.*. . school of ascii... kTs... namely,
sabby . .,. . . . tinyz and posk... to whodini who
loOpy . ,b b thinks he taught me everything i
mistajew .,. . . b d . . know... to trank... namely hiro,
RaStA . . , * kaleidas, omicron where are you
maytrickz . . , an ,. all the other cool
ippy ,.. !, ,! . ppl *. who have just kanjiman . come : . e z i g n into our
pinguino , . happy : ., --------- family..
fucking *. . I want .* to send greetz out
everyone else . . . to all . the ppl in my AC whove
on the whole .. , been w/ me along the way... ewheat...
god damned .,. . ,* . spook... vibe... gub... a bunch of ppl
irc!!! .. . . who wont see this... hahahahah... its
ahah . . . . . a good waste of space, tho... and it
btw, ., . . . . . takes care of the fact that i will
this . , ., *. . . never again have to list out all
is , . . , . . . the greetz i owe out to ppl who
me . , , . know me and dig mah work... ah
--, . . . . well... tis the end... bye!!!!
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