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Presenting: Our first release: ...and so this is x-mas...
Artists : Cyberkid with a gueststar, me 8
Put out on: 12-20-95, 11:45 AM This editors time
Foreword : Were going on hard from the start, with a medium sized
colly here around x-mas, ofcause just to enjoy all you
ascii fans in this happy time around x-mas ...
Candy and Cyberkid
We are looking for some more ascii artists, so if you feel like doing
some real art, call our hangout board on +45-75870055, and remember
to mention Ascii/Dezejn in your newuser-application. if he can get
his damn pcboard up running that is.
You could also reach us on the i-net, if I could remember Cybers
penet address, but well.. join irc, and well make a dezejn 8
We cant even spell it, so how would you expect us to have it?
Presenting: Our first release: ...and so this is x-mas...
Artists : Cyberkid with a gueststar, me 8
Put out on: 12-20-95, 11:45 AM This editors time
Foreword : Were going on hard from the start, with a medium sized
colly here around x-mas, ofcause just to enjoy all you
ascii fans in this happy time around x-mas ...
Candy and Cyberkid
We are looking for some more ascii artists, so if you feel like doing
some real art, call our hangout board on +45-75870055, and remember
to mention Ascii/Dezejn in your newuser-application. if he can get
his damn pcboard up running that is.
You could also reach us on the i-net, if I could remember Cybers
penet address, but well.. join irc, and well make a dezejn 8
We cant even spell it, so how would you expect us to have it?
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