this image contains text
Child, are you listening?
There comes a time in life where hearing isnt im
With much speculation and without further adue, Echo
arrives on time keeping
our fans on their toes. First off, apologies where theyr
e due Im aware of
the fact that there were several errors that remained
uncorrected in the
previous pack ECHO0197.ZIP and I personally say sorry,
we are only human.
Both positive and negative comments were fired towards E
cho, whichmeans we
are being recognized either way, which gives us all the m
orereason tocarry
on. And now we submit ourselves to you...
why we are here, and you a
re there ::
1. We try our best to succeed, defy all obstacles tha
t are placed in our
path, defeat the purpose of defeat and move on.
2. No matter how many downs are slammed in our face, we ov
ercome them
by erratically replacing them with ups, for we are not
swollen by
3. I did it before, Ill damn well do it again
- watOr
4. When I was with Dark we got slammed, we prospered, an
d well do it
again here if we have to
- 4th Disciple
5. What Id do for an internet account and a decent comp
- Hexus
6. I dont know what the hell watOr wants me to say here
- Black Jack
is Echo in the Darkc ? ::
No you bastards, for all your claffs out there that
think there is actually
something going on between these two groups, you are dee
ply mistaken. Both
groups are perfectly alright with each others presence,
and there is no war
between Dark and Echo.
Echo respects Dark to the fullest, and we are aware of
the fact that they
dominate the local area code. Why should we move their
spotlight just to
make our own? Duh.
Im sure Dark gives the same respect back.. perhaps just
a little less than
what we do *cough* Xypher. Heh, but nonetheless, the bott
om line is:
There is no war. If anything, its like mutual respect.
the army: wins loses ::
Over the past month prior to our premiere release
quite a bundle of people
have found themselves swept up by the current, yet remai
n standing. As the
group lives on, so do the many new members. In no pa
rticular order, we
present the dreaded fists of the northwest:
Ansi Division annoints ::
B Love ...............................................
. comes over from Unit
Burnt .................................................
comes over from Rile
Cholera ....................................... is resur
rected from the dead
Chronicc ..................................... comes over
from Fuel and Phat
faCeless ......................................comes ove
r from Blind andInk
Fyber Toon ............................................ co
mes over from Girl
Garroter ............................. after quitt
ing last month, he returns
Glaze .................................................
comes over from Fuel
Gloone ................................................
comes over from Fuel
Jeepee ....................................... comes over
from Grip and Fire
Julian ................................................. c
omes over from CIA
Lawngenie .................................... co
mes over from Odium and Mad
Mister Chalk ........................... returns to us,
formely was in Plain
Psychoholic .................................. comes over
from running Toxic
Putrid Carcass ..................................... comes
over from Twisted
The Thrasher ..........................................
comes over from Phat
Veediot ....................................... is resurre
cted from the dead
Whiteraven .................................... comes over
from Blade senior
Ascii Division annoints ::
Crystal Kid ..........................................
Groove ...............................................come
s over from aMBUSH
Mirror Man ...............................................
Coding Division annoints ::
Private Parts ............................ comes over
from Hype and Twilight
Communication annoints ::
Critical Illusion ................ returns from the de
ad to setup escapenet
final words and toughts ::
That basically sums up the month of February, if you
have come across errors
found in this pack, please write to: echo@globalserve.
net and voice opinions
there. Otherwise, feel free to contact me watOr, The 4t
h Disciple Black
Jack ... .
All respect goes towards: Dark, Twilight, Ice, Focus, Ode
lay, Fuel, Shade,
Rile, CIA, Fire and Twisted.
Happy Birthday to Dark Illustrated, youve overcom
e all odds and demanded
respect, and of course we respect you.
Information file composed by: watOrecho All r
ight reserved :: Echo 1997c
e d
There comes a time in life where hearing isnt im
With much speculation and without further adue, Echo
arrives on time keeping
our fans on their toes. First off, apologies where theyr
e due Im aware of
the fact that there were several errors that remained
uncorrected in the
previous pack ECHO0197.ZIP and I personally say sorry,
we are only human.
Both positive and negative comments were fired towards E
cho, whichmeans we
are being recognized either way, which gives us all the m
orereason tocarry
on. And now we submit ourselves to you...
why we are here, and you a
re there ::
1. We try our best to succeed, defy all obstacles tha
t are placed in our
path, defeat the purpose of defeat and move on.
2. No matter how many downs are slammed in our face, we ov
ercome them
by erratically replacing them with ups, for we are not
swollen by
3. I did it before, Ill damn well do it again
- watOr
4. When I was with Dark we got slammed, we prospered, an
d well do it
again here if we have to
- 4th Disciple
5. What Id do for an internet account and a decent comp
- Hexus
6. I dont know what the hell watOr wants me to say here
- Black Jack
is Echo in the Darkc ? ::
No you bastards, for all your claffs out there that
think there is actually
something going on between these two groups, you are dee
ply mistaken. Both
groups are perfectly alright with each others presence,
and there is no war
between Dark and Echo.
Echo respects Dark to the fullest, and we are aware of
the fact that they
dominate the local area code. Why should we move their
spotlight just to
make our own? Duh.
Im sure Dark gives the same respect back.. perhaps just
a little less than
what we do *cough* Xypher. Heh, but nonetheless, the bott
om line is:
There is no war. If anything, its like mutual respect.
the army: wins loses ::
Over the past month prior to our premiere release
quite a bundle of people
have found themselves swept up by the current, yet remai
n standing. As the
group lives on, so do the many new members. In no pa
rticular order, we
present the dreaded fists of the northwest:
Ansi Division annoints ::
B Love ...............................................
. comes over from Unit
Burnt .................................................
comes over from Rile
Cholera ....................................... is resur
rected from the dead
Chronicc ..................................... comes over
from Fuel and Phat
faCeless ......................................comes ove
r from Blind andInk
Fyber Toon ............................................ co
mes over from Girl
Garroter ............................. after quitt
ing last month, he returns
Glaze .................................................
comes over from Fuel
Gloone ................................................
comes over from Fuel
Jeepee ....................................... comes over
from Grip and Fire
Julian ................................................. c
omes over from CIA
Lawngenie .................................... co
mes over from Odium and Mad
Mister Chalk ........................... returns to us,
formely was in Plain
Psychoholic .................................. comes over
from running Toxic
Putrid Carcass ..................................... comes
over from Twisted
The Thrasher ..........................................
comes over from Phat
Veediot ....................................... is resurre
cted from the dead
Whiteraven .................................... comes over
from Blade senior
Ascii Division annoints ::
Crystal Kid ..........................................
Groove ...............................................come
s over from aMBUSH
Mirror Man ...............................................
Coding Division annoints ::
Private Parts ............................ comes over
from Hype and Twilight
Communication annoints ::
Critical Illusion ................ returns from the de
ad to setup escapenet
final words and toughts ::
That basically sums up the month of February, if you
have come across errors
found in this pack, please write to: echo@globalserve.
net and voice opinions
there. Otherwise, feel free to contact me watOr, The 4t
h Disciple Black
Jack ... .
All respect goes towards: Dark, Twilight, Ice, Focus, Ode
lay, Fuel, Shade,
Rile, CIA, Fire and Twisted.
Happy Birthday to Dark Illustrated, youve overcom
e all odds and demanded
respect, and of course we respect you.
Information file composed by: watOrecho All r
ight reserved :: Echo 1997c
e d
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