![remorse ascii by pariah](/pack/ecl-10/x1/PAR-RMRS.ASC.png)
this image contains text
Dear mother, yesterday i killed a man. First death in the family? Dead Cities.
They should raze this fucking place to the ground -- Future Sound of London
* this is extracted from fsols new release Dead Cities.. get it now bitch *
ascii - pariahECLIPSE .g@3g3WW3g33@g. -. ascii - pariahECLIPSE .,@3yy,7@g,
. ,PgP,yyggg.7gggP.gyuuyg.7@,@, .
/ ,@dW,7ug,72@,7P,@P,ugW.,Wk
,g@2@g.g@W. 7@.7,,,@P, W@g. g@3@g.
WIl: I W @*g, .,d,,g@P W I lIW
WIl: ll 3@g, .gg@W@yg, ,2l lIW
WIL:.7W 3@3W3@ggu@3 P.lIWW
lWIL:. , WWWWl ..:lIWWl
7Il:,,. ,7W,g@WWgWP, .,:lIWWP
yyyyyyyyyggg7Il:,,. @ggy@,7WP,ygg@3 .,,:lIygggggyyyyy33Il:.. WW@g@WW ..:lI33IIlP , WWWWP7WWWW , ..:lIIIP.g@3 WWP,g@33@ggWWWl 3@g. 7g4IP,@3WW lWW g3g IWW WW3@.7II dWWW@,7WW, ggy33ggyg33gg lWWP,@WWWh.Il lWWIl,7W@,7P,@WWP,IlWWWl IIl WWIl.7W3@ggggggu3WWP.lIWWW IIl WWWWIll..7@ggylgg@P .lIlWWWWW II WWIl. . 7WgggggWWP. .llWWW ggyIl WggIll.. . - . . . .lIggW 7Il lWWIIl.. . : llWWW ggy 7Il WWWWIIIl. . . . .:IlWWWWW P: 7Il WWWWWWWWIIl:. . . . IlWWWWW P
, 7 WWW gggyy* * - . , 3 - * *yyggg WWWW P : . lWW 33 gg* *@P 7,., 33 WWl P .
7W 33 I gg l I h 33 WP
7W ggy l 7 I l ,l ggy P
l l ,g@P
P g* y 7
.g@, .@g. W W
,7P , ,7P
2@gg P, : 3@yg
lP ,g@22@g, lP
, 7WWWP guest appearance P
, 7P .
l all requests/comments goto nrlc@clark.net
, greets to DISCYPLE, haji, necromancer,
. fring3, watOr, and garroter.
They should raze this fucking place to the ground -- Future Sound of London
* this is extracted from fsols new release Dead Cities.. get it now bitch *
ascii - pariahECLIPSE .g@3g3WW3g33@g. -. ascii - pariahECLIPSE .,@3yy,7@g,
. ,PgP,yyggg.7gggP.gyuuyg.7@,@, .
/ ,@dW,7ug,72@,7P,@P,ugW.,Wk
,g@2@g.g@W. 7@.7,,,@P, W@g. g@3@g.
WIl: I W @*g, .,d,,g@P W I lIW
WIl: ll 3@g, .gg@W@yg, ,2l lIW
WIL:.7W 3@3W3@ggu@3 P.lIWW
lWIL:. , WWWWl ..:lIWWl
7Il:,,. ,7W,g@WWgWP, .,:lIWWP
yyyyyyyyyggg7Il:,,. @ggy@,7WP,ygg@3 .,,:lIygggggyyyyy33Il:.. WW@g@WW ..:lI33IIlP , WWWWP7WWWW , ..:lIIIP.g@3 WWP,g@33@ggWWWl 3@g. 7g4IP,@3WW lWW g3g IWW WW3@.7II dWWW@,7WW, ggy33ggyg33gg lWWP,@WWWh.Il lWWIl,7W@,7P,@WWP,IlWWWl IIl WWIl.7W3@ggggggu3WWP.lIWWW IIl WWWWIll..7@ggylgg@P .lIlWWWWW II WWIl. . 7WgggggWWP. .llWWW ggyIl WggIll.. . - . . . .lIggW 7Il lWWIIl.. . : llWWW ggy 7Il WWWWIIIl. . . . .:IlWWWWW P: 7Il WWWWWWWWIIl:. . . . IlWWWWW P
, 7 WWW gggyy* * - . , 3 - * *yyggg WWWW P : . lWW 33 gg* *@P 7,., 33 WWl P .
7W 33 I gg l I h 33 WP
7W ggy l 7 I l ,l ggy P
l l ,g@P
P g* y 7
.g@, .@g. W W
,7P , ,7P
2@gg P, : 3@yg
lP ,g@22@g, lP
, 7WWWP guest appearance P
, 7P .
l all requests/comments goto nrlc@clark.net
, greets to DISCYPLE, haji, necromancer,
. fring3, watOr, and garroter.
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