this image contains text
dementia !
yup, dementias back. vertigo requested this dementia logo, and a file id whichyoull find if you press page down . you may think i was to lazy to draw morethan just this logo and a screwy file id in a whole month, but im going toguest in distant if im correct, and i had to do the memberlist logo. okay, itsstill not much, but i promise some more work for next months 10th ! pack.
ta! okay, let me just do some
quick greets for a change.
muchos respectos flies
out 2 : night stalker,
deceased skwerl, fat
pacifist, image, rzicus
sephiroth, rebal, toxic,
silence and ofcourse all
dementia proudly presents ... ecolove members.yall keep
it real now ya hear?
- b back next month.
q p
bsd d e m e n t i a 1 9 9 8 ! bsd
dementia !
yup, dementias back. vertigo requested this dementia logo, and a file id whichyoull find if you press page down . you may think i was to lazy to draw morethan just this logo and a screwy file id in a whole month, but im going toguest in distant if im correct, and i had to do the memberlist logo. okay, itsstill not much, but i promise some more work for next months 10th ! pack.
ta! okay, let me just do some
quick greets for a change.
muchos respectos flies
out 2 : night stalker,
deceased skwerl, fat
pacifist, image, rzicus
sephiroth, rebal, toxic,
silence and ofcourse all
dementia proudly presents ... ecolove members.yall keep
it real now ya hear?
- b back next month.
q p
bsd d e m e n t i a 1 9 9 8 ! bsd
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