this image contains text
Well kiddies, you friendly neighborhoodlum her
e, and welcome to
obligatory Eden information file! clapping he
ard from the back
row Anywayz kiddies, last months pack was a t
otal flop. The HQ
went down and took all our stuff with it, it
took us awhile to
get back in touch with each other and to get t
he stuff in order.
In case you were sitting there wondering, yes
we haddecided it
would be wise to wait a month and release then
... so with that
out of the way, let me say that the new possi
bly temporary HQ
is Tartarus. Its run by Borys, and the is 5
89-7172. It looks
pretty spiffy so-far but were looking for more art
Well, next up kiddies is the group bullshit/et
c/etc/etc... Only
one member our first has been removed, Digit
al Remorse.. Its
been 6-7 months man, and still we havent hear
d ANYTHING from u.
Good luck in Blade I guess... Added this month
are a couple lit
guys. Flood, Kestral and Tom Servo... good luc
k in Eden! As
for sites/etc... look in the members list, Im
too lazy to type
them all out here...Also added is a good PP
E coder, The Mystic
Added this month is a telecom divison with th
e raddest telecom
guy in the universe, Kaos.... only now hes gr
ounded, so whenu
get ungrounded man, give us a call.. The
first female member
of Eden was added this month, Gypsy Rose, who
does outstanding
work, welcome to the group... and have fun.
Another rad telecom
guy we picked up is Invasion. Hopefully with o
ur telecom divson
well be able to courier our packs EVERYWHERE!
Lastly, we added
a great coded named X-Treme to the family this m
onth, hopefully
we see some nice shit from him soon... An ansi vie
wer maybe??
Lastly, lastly boy, this file does seem to gr
ow.... we gained
yet another coder, Narcissus. From the looks o
f his work, he is
VERY talented and will hopefully be with us fo
r awhile...Well,
we got another telecom guy, Dark Warrior... ho
pefully, well be
calling every board... IN STYLE! Alos, I forgot
to add a guy
by the name of Saint Sinner earlier.. hes a talent
ed artist in
Rancid... and now Eden.
Next up is promotions... we decided we were l
onely being the 1
un-lamer group out there, and have decided to
make some seniors.
These are Village Idiot, Borys and Crisis. Al
so, unbenownst to
him, Village Idiot is now the new ansi coordin
ator, Im retiring
that job to him. because, well, Im fucking laz
y... Crisis
have moved over to RIP coordinator, and Leper
Messiah has taken
over his job as Lit coordinator.
Well, I guess thats about it... let me leave
you all with this.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE call our new HQ and make
us some nice art/
lit/etc... so we can have a spammy little HQ l
ike other groups!
Eden -- No bullshit, no propaganda, no whiny
elitist lamers to
deal with, because well, we dont give a fuck
e, and welcome to
obligatory Eden information file! clapping he
ard from the back
row Anywayz kiddies, last months pack was a t
otal flop. The HQ
went down and took all our stuff with it, it
took us awhile to
get back in touch with each other and to get t
he stuff in order.
In case you were sitting there wondering, yes
we haddecided it
would be wise to wait a month and release then
... so with that
out of the way, let me say that the new possi
bly temporary HQ
is Tartarus. Its run by Borys, and the is 5
89-7172. It looks
pretty spiffy so-far but were looking for more art
Well, next up kiddies is the group bullshit/et
c/etc/etc... Only
one member our first has been removed, Digit
al Remorse.. Its
been 6-7 months man, and still we havent hear
d ANYTHING from u.
Good luck in Blade I guess... Added this month
are a couple lit
guys. Flood, Kestral and Tom Servo... good luc
k in Eden! As
for sites/etc... look in the members list, Im
too lazy to type
them all out here...Also added is a good PP
E coder, The Mystic
Added this month is a telecom divison with th
e raddest telecom
guy in the universe, Kaos.... only now hes gr
ounded, so whenu
get ungrounded man, give us a call.. The
first female member
of Eden was added this month, Gypsy Rose, who
does outstanding
work, welcome to the group... and have fun.
Another rad telecom
guy we picked up is Invasion. Hopefully with o
ur telecom divson
well be able to courier our packs EVERYWHERE!
Lastly, we added
a great coded named X-Treme to the family this m
onth, hopefully
we see some nice shit from him soon... An ansi vie
wer maybe??
Lastly, lastly boy, this file does seem to gr
ow.... we gained
yet another coder, Narcissus. From the looks o
f his work, he is
VERY talented and will hopefully be with us fo
r awhile...Well,
we got another telecom guy, Dark Warrior... ho
pefully, well be
calling every board... IN STYLE! Alos, I forgot
to add a guy
by the name of Saint Sinner earlier.. hes a talent
ed artist in
Rancid... and now Eden.
Next up is promotions... we decided we were l
onely being the 1
un-lamer group out there, and have decided to
make some seniors.
These are Village Idiot, Borys and Crisis. Al
so, unbenownst to
him, Village Idiot is now the new ansi coordin
ator, Im retiring
that job to him. because, well, Im fucking laz
y... Crisis
have moved over to RIP coordinator, and Leper
Messiah has taken
over his job as Lit coordinator.
Well, I guess thats about it... let me leave
you all with this.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE call our new HQ and make
us some nice art/
lit/etc... so we can have a spammy little HQ l
ike other groups!
Eden -- No bullshit, no propaganda, no whiny
elitist lamers to
deal with, because well, we dont give a fuck
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